Divers look for answers beneath Fallen Leaf Lake


By Chris Constantine, California Diver

At 6,300 feet in elevation, Fallen Leaf Lake was carved out of granite by two massive glaciers that traveled northward down the Glen Alpine Valley, leaving behind a lake that is now 3 miles long, just under a mile wide, and 410 feet deep at its deepest point.

Protected from runoff and commercial development, its clear, cold water is home to dozens of ancient trees, many still standing upright. There are 96 trees found so far, standing up to 77 feet tall, with some fallen trees measuring over 100 feet in length. Carbon dating tests have shown that some of these trees lived between the 9th and 12th centuries, and at least three older trees have been dated to between 18 and 35 centuries ago. Like nearby Lake Tahoe, much of the deep lake bed still remains unseen by any humans.

In 1997, some researchers who studied the trees came to the conclusion that the submerged ancient mature conifer trees grew during a medieval megadrought that lasted 150-200 years. Once the drought was over, the lake level quickly rose 150-200 feet, they theorized, quickly submerged the trees and preserved them in the frigid water that hovers just above freezing.

That theory doesn’t seem right according to some, including Tom Loomis, a third-generation resident and avid outdoorsman. Based on evidence seen in the local terrain and found underwater during hundreds of dives on the ancient trees, he believes there’s a completely different answer. Loomis is out to prove what he believes really happened, with the help of citizen scientists and the Undersea Voyager Project, a nonprofit organization located in Napa.

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Comments (8)
  1. Robin Smith says - Posted: July 6, 2016

    medevil megadrought that lasted 150-200 years!

    Can’t wait to hear this guys theory…

    Predict or anticipate, which ever, a 150-200 year meagdrought people…good luck with that.

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 7, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    Were you ever a teacher? I’ve asked you on several occasions if you’ve ever been an “educator” but you’ve failed to ever respond.

  3. Robin Smith says - Posted: July 7, 2016

    This is not a facebook page

  4. Ridiculousness says - Posted: July 7, 2016

    “As you know I am a Special Education teacher/analyst and therefore do not personally take offense at anything said on this post”

    “Let’s be perfectly clear on this. I’ve never said I worked here as a LTUSD teacher. NEVER said anything like that.
    What I did say was that my credentials are in Special Education, which they are.”

  5. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 7, 2016

    Robin Smith:

    What does that mean?

    The reason I asked the question was that I thought you’d posted on several occasions a while back that you had taught. If replying is something over which you are uncomfortable it is your prerogative not to respond, and I’ll assume that it was not you who was an educator.

  6. Dale says - Posted: July 7, 2016

    Good God, back to bickering again. I thought the new format was going to curtail it

  7. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 7, 2016


    I don’t know what bickering you’re referring to. I asked Robin Smith a question; she declined to answer my question and replied that this was not a facebook page; I questioned her what that meant since I don’t use facebook; and then I stated that it was her prerogative not to respond.

    For the record, the post by Ridiculousness was not showing on this stream when I posted my last response to Ms. Smith.

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: July 8, 2016

    Ridi…the “NEW” format is exactly why 4-mer got the answer from me he did… and so you posted one of my comments from before LTN went ‘pay for play’ and made new rules.

    Dale…what’s your problem? This article is about FALLEN LEAF LAKE.

    Do you or don’t you have a comment about that?