Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Oktoberfest at Camp Rich is Oct. 1-2, 10am-5pm.
· The Vital Statistics Office of the El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency has been recognized by the state for its efficiency in service.
· Here is the Sierra roadwork schedule for the week from Caltrans.
· Team Tahoe, a nonprofit encouraging eco-tourism, has produced two videos promoting bicycling in the South Lake Tahoe area. Here is the 30-second video and this is the 3-minute video.
· The Alzheimer’s Association is putting on a family caregiver support program on Oct. 10. This training will address the 10 signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Participants will learn what is involved in getting a diagnosis, risk associated with Alzheimer’s and the benefits of early detection. The free event is from 1-3pm at Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel in South Lake Tahoe.