Harn to lead state accounting committee
El Dorado County Auditor-Controller Joe Harn is now chairman of the state Controller’s Advisory Committee of County Accounting Procedures.

Joe Harn
Committee members are selected by state Controller Betty Yee. Harn has been on the committee since the mid-1990s. He also serves on the state Association of County Auditors Accounting Standards Committee.
The committee is made up of county administrative officers, county supervisors, and county auditor-controllers from across the state.
Under state law the state controller must prescribe accounting procedures to counties, but must do so after consulting with and receiving the approval of the advisory committee. The committee’s work generally consists of approving changes to various accounting guidelines and changes to the California Code of Regulations.
Harn said his time commitment as chair would consist of a couple of conference calls per year and a lot of reading.
The people of EDC are extremely fortunate to have Joe as their auditor-controller. He watches like a hawk thatyour money is only spent legally as he sometimes battles the supes who all too often spend like drunken sailors on their first leave after 6 months as sea.