Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Classes begin Oct. 17 for Sierra Nevada College’s bachelor’s degree in global business management being offered at Lake Tahoe Community College. This is the first time the South Lake Tahoe institution has offered a four-year degree. There is still time to enroll. For more info, go online.
· The Corral Night Ride is Oct. 15; meet at the parking area at 5:30pm. The ride is a “poker ride”, with one card given at each stop along the ride. Cost is $25 ($20 for TAMBA members), with money going to Tahoe’s trails. The fee includes a barbecue, rest stop snacks and after-party.
· Here are the current El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra roadwork schedules from Caltrans.
· There will be a blood drive Oct. 28 from noon-5pm at the South Lake Tahoe Recreation Center. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be 16 or older, and in generally good health. Donors must bring a photo ID and should drink plenty of fluids before donating.
· Douglas County Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Douglas County Public Library’s used book sale is Nov. 12 from 9am-5pm and Nov. 13 from 9am-2pm at the Minden branch.