Pile burns throughout basin to begin
Updated Oct. 13: The USFS will not be burning this week.
The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team, which includes federal, state and local fire and land management agencies in the Lake Tahoe Basin, will begin their fall prescribed fire operations this week.
If conditions are favorable, the Forest Service may conduct prescribed fire operations beginning Oct. 11 around Big Meadow near Luther Pass.
Each prescribed fire operation follows a prescribed fire burn plan, which considers temperature, humidity, wind, moisture of the vegetation, and conditions for the dispersal of smoke. This information is used to decide when and where to burn. The TFFT will give as much advance notice as possible before burning, but some operations may be conducted on short notice.
Smoke from prescribed fire operations is normal and may continue for several days after an ignition depending on the project size and environmental conditions.
Is all the current smoke from pile burns or is there a fire somewhere?
Also, it doesn’t make sense to pile burn when there is forecast 2 storms with very high winds, 60 mph, even though rain is also included.
Smoke is still from the Eldorado National Forest controlled burns.
Here’s a little more info: https://www.laketahoenews.net/2016/10/smoke-filling-basin-arsonist-strikes/
LTN staff