Latest Trump accusation has Lake Tahoe connection


By Josh Lederman and Jill Colvin, AP

GETTYSBURG, Pa. – Steering his campaign toward controversy yet again, Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue every woman who has accused him of sexual assault or other inappropriate behavior. He called them “liars” whose allegations he blamed Democrats for orchestrating.

Trump’s blunt threat of legal action eclipsed his planned focus on serious-minded policy during a speech in Gettysburg. Though his campaign had billed the speech as a chance for Trump to lay out a to-do list for his first 100 days as president, he seemed unable to restrain himself from re-litigating grievances with Hillary Clinton, the media and especially the women who have come forward in recent days.

“All of these liars will be sued once the election is over,” Trump said. He added later: “I look so forward to doing that.”

Nearly a dozen women have publicly accused Trump of unwanted advances or sexual assault in the weeks since a 2005 recording emerged in which the former reality TV star boasted of kissing women and groping their genitals without their consent.

The latest came on Saturday, when an adult film actress said the billionaire kissed her and two other women on the lips “without asking for permission” when they met him after the American Century Championship celebrity tournament at Edgewood Tahoe in 2006.

According to the tournament’s archives, Trump played in the 2006 ACC as an amateur. He finished with minus-16 points in the Modified Stableford format, good for 62nd place.

Trump has denied all the allegations, while insisting some of the women weren’t attractive enough for him to want to pursue.

“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign,” he said. Without offering evidence, he surmised that Clinton or the Democratic National Committee had put the women up to it.

Speaking to reporters aboard her campaign plane, Clinton said: “I saw where our opponent Donald Trump went to Gettysburg, one of the most extraordinary places in American history, and basically said if he’s president he’ll spend his time suing women who have made charges against him based on his behavior.” She also said the suggestion that Democrats or her campaign were encouraging women to level accusations against Trump “inaccurate.”

Trump’s broadside against the women came at the start of an otherwise substantive speech that sought to weave the many policy ideas he has put forward into a single, cohesive agenda that he said he would pursue aggressively during his first three months in office.


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Comments (7)
  1. copper says - Posted: October 23, 2016

    Too old to hide behind mama’s skirts and, for most of his “adult” life, being able to pretty much buy anyone and anything, he has a long history of beating his enemies by simply paying to outlawyer them.

    I’ve been predicting for months that he’d eventually end this entire adventure of his by hiding behind his lawyers; contributing to a defense fund for these courageous women would be money honorably spent.

  2. Tom Fay says - Posted: October 24, 2016

    What are My Choices

    > > Interesting approach to decision making.
    > >
    > >
    > > The folks speaking out against Trump are helping me make up my mind a little more every day!
    > >
    > > Is he the Perfect Candidate whose thoughts mirror mine on all fronts? NOPE
    > >
    > > Does he say everything the way I wish he would say it? NOPE
    > >
    > > Am I absolutely sure that his motives are absolutely Pure? NOPE
    > >
    > > Can I point to any other Dem Politician that I like better? NOPE
    > >
    > > Is there any of the other Rep Politicians I like better? NOPE
    > >
    > > Am I going to sit home, refuse to Vote, and let Hillary win; because he is NOT Perfect? NOPE
    > >
    > > Do I like what I have seen for the last 7-1/2 years with the Jerk that sleeps in my White House? NOPE
    > >
    > > Do I like the “fundamental changes” that same Jerk has brought about in MY America ? NOPE
    > >
    > > OK, your turn to decide what you are going to do in November!
    > >
    > >
    > > Trump’s presidential qualifications…
    > >
    > > Obama is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > The Media is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > The Pope is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > The UN is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > The EU is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > China is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > Mexico is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > Soros is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > Black Lives Matter is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > Move On is against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > Koch Brothers are against Trump… Check
    > >
    > > Bushes are against Trump … Check
    > >
    > > Planned Parenthood is against Trump….Check
    > >
    > > Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump … Check
    > >
    > > Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check
    > >
    > > Islam is against Trump … Check
    > >
    > > Kasich is against Trump … Check
    > >
    > > Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.
    > >
    > > If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES— all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Most of all, it will be the People’s Choice…
    > >
    > > PLUS
    > > He’s not a Lifetime Politician…Check
    > >
    > > He’s not a Lawyer…..Check
    > >
    > > He’s not doing it for the money…Check
    > >
    > > He’s a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents. . .
    > >
    > >
    > > Bonus points !
    > >
    > > Whoopi says she will leave the country…
    > >
    > > Rosie says she will leave the country…
    > >
    > > Sharpton says he will leave the country…
    > >
    > > Cher says she will leave the country…
    > >
    > > Cyrus says she will leave the country…
    > >
    > >
    > > The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail….
    > >
    > > Hillary will go to jail…..
    > >
    > > The budget will be balanced in 8 years….
    > >
    > > Americans will have first choice at jobs…..
    > >
    > > You will not be able to marry your pet….
    > >
    > > You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify…
    > > (Not a criminal or crazy, etc.)
    > >
    > > Only living, registered U.S. citizens can vote….
    > >
    > >
    > > You can have and keep your own doctor…..
    > > You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, etc….
    > >
    > > He will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
    > >
    > > Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!
    > >

  3. don't give up says - Posted: October 24, 2016

    Well said Tom.

  4. copper says - Posted: October 24, 2016

    Sorry Kae. Unintended circumstances, and all that.

  5. Ron Zehren says - Posted: October 24, 2016

    Had to re-read Tom’s choices/comments and it all makes a lot of common-sense this election year. We do need a change of command in Washington-DC. Think about it Folks? If the other side can get away with all those accusations/truths; just imagine what she could get away with as President! ….Hmm..??

    Ron B. Zehren

    South Lake Tahoe

  6. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 24, 2016

    All those reasons above are why this country is so ready for a new candidate unfortunately Trump is such a flawed person he probably falls short. Imagine if it was someone like a Rubio who was an outsider with business success etc. It might be a very different situation.

  7. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 24, 2016

    SNAKE PIT…how does one get rid of a huge…