Speed, slick road cause vehicle to roll
The ski day ended before it even started for two people headed to Kirkwood on Sunday.
The vehicle they were driving in careened off the side of the road and flipped. The passenger was taken to Barton Memorial Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
“As of right now it appears speed was an issue for roadway conditions,” an officer with the California Highway Patrol told Lake Tahoe News. He said the two were not from the Tahoe area.
This section of Highway 88 just past Caples Lake and before the ski resort is the same spot where there was a 15-car pileup last winter.
Officers and the driver of the vehicle used a rope to get from the vehicle to the road.
CHP warns people that even though roads in the Sierra may appear to be dry, they could be icy, especially in shaded areas and around curves.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Caltrans has the speed limit on that s-curve at 45 ! It is always icy there. And now with the brine solution caltrans sprays everywhere, even if the air temperature is in the low 20’s, the roads appear to be wet, not icy, like a rain storm. People just keep pushing the pedal and going faster and faster.
Caltrans needs to reduce all the speed limits, 50 mph on Pioneer Trail is ridiculous !
And that icy s-curve should be posted 25 !