Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· South Lake Brewing Company will name a beer in honor of TAMBA and contribute a percentage of the proceeds to mountain bike group.
· Economist Rafael Betancourt will discuss Cuba: The Limits of Reform and give his insights on Cuba and sustainable tourism at a free talk April 7, 10:30am-noon at Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 128 Market St., Stateline.
· The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is launching a statewide radio campaign urging Californians to tell their representatives “heck no” to the proposed $5 billion a year gas and car tax increase.
· The Assistance League of Sierra Foothills’ 8th annual Gardens of the Hills fundraiser Tour and Crafts Fair will be May 6, 10am-5pm and May 7, 11am-5pm. The crafts fair will be at Valley View School gymnasium in El Dorado Hills and is open to the public. Tickets for the garden tour are $27 for adults, $10 for children 12 and younger. They may be purchased online.
· El Dorado County Supervisor Shiva Frentzen has been appointed to the California controller’s committee on county tax collecting procedures.