Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Leap Frog Group, a nonprofit organization committed to driving quality, safety, and transparency in the U.S. health care system, gave Barton Memorial Hospital an A for its commitment to reducing errors, infections, and accidents. This is the third consecutive A Barton Hospital has received.
· Douglas is seeking public feedback through a quick survey of residents in Douglas, Lyon, Alpine, and Storey counties about how information was disseminated this winter about the flooding issues.
· Lake Valley Fire’s inaugural commendation ceremony will be April 15, 6pm at Lake Tahoe Golf Course in Meyers.
· The Who will play at Harveys in Stateline on Aug. 16 at 8pm.
· On April 16 Sugar Bowl Resort is having an Easter Keg Hunt for guests ages 21 and older starting at 10am. For kids 6-12 they may hunt for candy-filled eggs hidden around Nob Hill at 9am.