Expensive winter for Nevada highway department

Traffic on Highway 50 near Logan Creek remains one lane in each direction because of fallen boulders. Photo Copyright 2017 Carolyn E. Wright
It’s been a costly winter for the Nevada Department of Transportation because of all the damage to roads, and the work isn’t even done.
The emergency work for Kingsbury Grade totaled $750,000. That was for the sinkhole that formed in December.
More work is being done on that stretch from the top of Daggett Summit to Foothill Road to prevent more slides.
In all, NDOT has awarded almost $15 million in emergency contracts in 2017 through mid-April for highways in Northern Nevada.
Another $205,000 was spent in Douglas County for highways 50 and 28. Highway 50 in the Logan Shoals area is still a mess, with one eastbound lane still covered with rocks.
NDOT has applied for funds from the Federal Highway Administration, of which to date it has qualified for more than $3 million.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report