Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· New this year is evening on the lawn at Valhalla. The first one is July 5, 5:30-7:30pm. Bob Woods’ Swampbilly is the artist. There is a suggested donation of $10-$20. Bring lawn chairs and a picnic; a bar will be set up.
· Joey Logano presented the High Fives Foundation with a check for $5,000, bringing the Joey Logano Foundation’s total to $53,000 in three years. The Joey Logano Foundation inspires and assembles the NASCAR community to assist children and young adults in need during times of crisis.
· South Lake Tahoe Library will host Puppet Art Theater Co. on June 30. The free outdoor show starts at 2pm at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd. in South Lake Tahoe. Puppet Art Theater Co. will be performing “Tale of the Dragon’s Tail!” which tells the story of Princess Penny and a dragon in her kingdom.
· Creating Equilibrium, a first-of-its-kind event focused on generating innovations that impact the environment, will be Aug. 25-27 at Squaw Valley.
· Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Citizen Corps is offering a free emergency preparedness and response training academy beginning July 13. For more info, go online.