1 fatality in 16-vehicle accident; snow an issue

First snow of the season on Sept. 21 at Sugar Bowl. Photo/Sugar Bowl
Westbound Interstate 80 is closed Thursday afternoon because of a 16-vehicle fatal accident.
Other injuries have been reported.
The freeway is closed at Eagle Lakes. Traffic is being turned around at Kingvale.
Snow has closed Ebbetts (Highway 4), Tioga (Highway 120) and Sonora (Higjway 108) passes.
Residents on Upper Kingsbury Grade woke up to a couple inches of snow on Sept. 21.
Tahoe City has received measurable snow.
It has been snowing on and off on the South Shore; as of 2pm it was starting to stick in Meyers.
Scattered rain and snow showers are also in the forecast for Friday, with sun returning for the weekend. The temperature will be increasing as well.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report