EDC sex offender guilty on 16 felony counts
A jury on Nov. 8 found an El Dorado County man guilty of 16 felony sex crimes.
Robert Lee Edmonds, 24, of Cameron Park committed sex crimes against five children under the age of 14, provided controlled substances to a minor, possessed child pornography, and made criminal threats.

Robert Edmonds
The crimes were committed over a two-year period, beginning in 2014 and ending when Edmonds was arrested in 2016.
“Sexual assault against children has become an all too common crime,” District Attorney Vern Pierson said in a press release. “In El Dorado County, we continue to aggressively pursue these cases and seek the maximum punishment under the law against these predators, seeking justice on behalf of these most vulnerable victims.”
According to the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office, Edmonds befriended his intended victims and then used that relationship to take advantage of them sexually.
Edmonds is scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 22. He faces a maximum sentence of 106 years to life in state prison.
Edmonds is in custody in the Placerville jail.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report