Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· South Lake Tahoe city councilmembers on Jan. 23 are expected to vote themselves as well as the elected city treasurer a 5 percent raise. This would bring each of their monthly stipends to $1,042.97.
· State Sen. Ted Gaines, R-El Dorado, introduced Senate Bill 911, legislation that ensures killers of police dogs are prosecuted as felons.
· Friends of the Douglas County Public Library’s annual membership meeting and reception is Jan. 27 from 11am-1pm. The Minden Library is located at 1625 Library Lane.
· The lack of snow is affecting business at Zephyr Cove Lodge. The restaurant is only open for dinner on Fridays and Saturdays.
Why is the city council able to give themselves raises?
The city council won’t designate money for potholes, but they will vote themselves a raise ? This shows exactly how screwed up this city is !