NDOT working on roads in Carson Valley
Nevada Department of Transportation on March 18 will begin overnight single lane closures as part of an ongoing project to install a traffic signal on Highway 395 at Airport Road and improve other highway intersections in the Carson Valley.
Onene lane of northbound 395 will be closed near Johnson Lane Sunday through Thursday between 6pm-6am. Speeds will be reduced to 55 mph through the work zone. The road construction schedule is subject to change, based on weather and rate of snow melt over the weekend.
The overnight single lane closures will continue through the coming months on 395 between Airport Road and Stephanie Way. Periodic roadway shoulder closures will also continue to be in place on southbound U.S. 395 between Stephanie Way and Airport Road over coming weeks for project-related utility work.
Drivers should anticipate a short-term closure of left-hand turns between southbound U.S. 395 and Airport Road later this spring as a signal is installed at Airport Road. Nearby detours will be available via Johnson Lane.