Website devoted to EDC road work projects
El Dorado County has launched a website dedicated to road work projects that have been completed, are currently being done, or are slated to begin this calendar year.
Of the 100 projects listed, 58 are maintenance projects, 28 are storm damage projects, and 14 are capital improvement projects. These projects collectively account for nearly $100 million.
The site contains an interactive overview map of the county with each project marked with different icons indicating whether the project is related to storm damage repair, maintenance or capital improvement and where it is along the continuum of construction.
When a user clicks on an icon, the page moves to screen that provides the project description, estimated cost, estimated construction date (or completion) and the funding source. Many of the projects also include images of construction. Additionally, when a user selects a project, a second map appears on the right side of the screen that displays a zoomed-in location of the larger map highlighting the precise location of the project. Finally, users can also search for projects by name.
Because of the complexity of the mapping features, the functionality of the site works best on Chrome rather than Internet Explorer.