Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Kirkwood Mountain Resort will be closing April 8.
· Caltrans advises that until further notice it is unsafe to boat under the Highway 49 bridge in the Coloma-Lotus area due to a damaged and unstable wooden support structure used for construction. This damage was caused by recent high water on the South Fork of the American River. The bridge is safe for motorists to cross.
· Jenifer Davidson is now assistant county manager for Douglas County. Her salary is $114,920 a year. She had been town manager of Minden since 2011.
· A free screening of the award-winning documentary film “He Named Me Malala” will be shown in Lake Tahoe Community College’s Duke Theatre on April 27 at 5:30pm. A discussion panel will follow.
· Tahoe Douglas Fire Association will be sponsoring and co-hosting the annual Tot Egg Hunt at Kahle Community Park on March 30 at 11am for children up to 6 years old. Bring a basket to collect eggs.