Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Truckee planning commissioners on April 17 will consider adopting a mitigated negative declaration, development permit and sign plan for a two-story climbing gym on Donner Pass Road. The meeting starts at 6pm in council chambers.
· Rich Looney joined the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as the travel management coordinator. He will be leading the Safe Routes to School Program, Lake Tahoe Bike Challenge, and spearheading the Travel Management Program.
· South Lake Tahoe Mayor Wendy David will be having a conversation about retails sales of cannabis on April 25, 9am at the senior center. Who will be joining her has not been determined.
· Keep Truckee Green and Truckee Roundhouse are hosting another Fixit Clinic on April 20 from 4-7pm at the Truckee Roundhouse. It’s a free, all-ages, do-it-together event where you can bring your broken household things and learn how to take them apart, and repair items with the help of expert coaches. Interested in volunteering? Contact
· Placer County is looking for poll workers. More info is online.