Fire restrictions in the Tahoe National Forest
The Tahoe National Forest enacted fire restrictions on July 16 based on an analysis of current fuel conditions and weather observations. This analysis revealed the potential to support large fire growth across the Tahoe National Forest.
Tahoe National Forest Fire Restrictions are as follows:
· No open fires, campfires, or charcoal fires are allowed on Tahoe National Forest lands outside of designated areas, even with a valid California Campfire Permit.
· Lanterns and portable stoves using gas, jellied petroleum, or pressurized liquid fuel are allowed, unless otherwise restricted, with a valid California Campfire Permit.
· No smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, designated recreation site or while stopped in an area at least 3 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material.
· Internal combustion engines are restricted to National Forest System roads, trails, and areas, as identified on the Tahoe National Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map (including the Prosser Pits Developed Off-Highway Vehicle Area). Motorized cross-country travel between roads, trails, and areas is prohibited.