Politically correct content not required at the Improv
By Howie Nave
Greetings aficionados of all things comedic. As summer peters out giving way to another season, I’m reminded of things that I’m not sure are politically correct or OK to still say. I’m referring to the term, “Indian summer.”
I grew up with that term and to my limited knowledge was always meant in a meteorological light. According to Wikipedia, the generally accepted use of the term is when the weather is sunny and clear and above 70 degrees F, and all of the leaves of the trees have turned but before the first snow has fallen. The term “Indian summer” is also used metaphorically to refer to a late blooming of something, often unexpectedly, or after it has lost relevance. Since that’s how I’m often referred to as I’ll just continue to use the term until protesting begins for those who are stupid or misinformed (much like those attending town hall meetings on health care).
Or you can just refer to me as “Anointed Bear” which was my Hebrew name growing up. I’m open to discussion. My office number is (775) 586.6266 and I can always be seen on Facebook future friends who are not already there.
Howie Nave is host of the Improv at Harveys at Stateline. Follow his rants at http://howienave.blogspot.com.
Improv Schedule-Harveys
Sept. 23-27 Steve White, Scott Kennedy
Sept. 30-Oct 4 John Caponera, Kat Simmons
Oct. 7-11 Nick Griffin Tom Simmons
Oct. 14-18 Allan Havey, Marc Price
Oct. 21-25 Mark Pitta, Frazer Smith
Oct. 28-Nov 1 Geechy Guy, John DiResta
Nov. 4-8 Stagebenders, Jeff Burghart
Nov. 11-15 Hal Sparks Chris Bonno
Nov. 18-22 Dat Phan, Ron Morey
Nov. 25-29 Rocky LaPorte, TBA
Dec. 2-6 Maryellen Hooper, Darryl Collier
Dec. 9-13 Will Durst, Ronnie Schell
Dec. 16-20 Bob Zany, Mo Mandel
Dec. 23-27 Bruce Fine, TBA
Dec. 30-Jan 3 TBA, Graham Elwood
Showtimes are Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays at 9pm, and Saturdays at 8pm and 10pm. For more information, call (775) 586.6266.