STPUD passes sewer-water rate increases on split vote


By Kathryn Reed

It took five motions Thursday afternoon before the board voted 3-2 to increase sewer rates 2 percent and water rates 2.5 percent.

South Tahoe Public Utility District customers can expect to see higher bills beginning July 1. Based on the quarterly billing system the South Shore district uses, the average residence will see an increase of $2.94 on each water bill and $1.71 for the sewer bill. This amounts to an $18.60 increase per year for sewer and water combined.

STPUD board member Mary Lou Mosbacher didn't want to raise rates. Photo/Kathryn Reed

STPUD board member Mary Lou Mosbacher is against raising fees. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Board member Mary Lou Mosbacher had her finger on the “no” button most of the day. She was against all of the ideas except the one brought forward which was to have no increase at all.

Also in the no category on the final vote was Jim Jones. He favored a 4 percent increase on sewer and water.

Although the proposed rate increase has generated a lot of chatter, in the end only 87 of the 17,000 ratepayers protested the increase in writing. About 10 people were in the audience on May 20 – with half being staff. No one from the public spoke.

Much of Thursday’s dialog among the board centered on whether the public in this economy could handle another increase of any sort and the infrastructure needs of the district.

At the May 6 budget review-rate hike meeting, it was agreed the 4 percent across the board rate hike proposed by staff would be brought back at 2 percent.

The vote of a 2 percent hike on sewer and water failed 3-2, with members Dale Rise and Chris Cefalu the two in favor of it.

Board member Eric Schafer said he would revise his vote and resubmit the motion. However, for legal reasons that is not allowed. That’s how the half percent came about. It appeared to be the only way a majority would agree.

“I respect the process used today,” Schafer said after all of the votes. “When you are elected, you are elected to vote and not abstain for some ridiculous reason.”


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Comments (11)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: May 20, 2010

    Gosh, what a surprise!!

  2. Skibum says - Posted: May 20, 2010

    LOL, maybe to you but I called this one in public at the meeting that no matter what we did the rate would go through but I said 2%. Dale owes me a dinner because I said the rate would go through with MLM being the swing vote. As usual it was a 2-3 vote with the same 3 voting in favor of the rate increase just like they have for the last 20+ years.

  3. Parker says - Posted: May 20, 2010

    The lesson here is first go for a large rate increase. Then reduce the increase. And even though you’re still sticking it to the many who are struggling, some will be convinced they’re getting a deal and you’ll look like you’ve ‘sacrificed’ by not getting all you initially asked for!

  4. H says - Posted: May 21, 2010

    lol at Dogwoman…..

  5. Bob says - Posted: May 21, 2010

    The question is whether the increased funds will go in to the kitty to pay for upgrades to the 900+ water users of Lukins Water System in the near future? If Lukins is paid a cent their system should be condemned first and taken over by STPUD since they have not placed any of their profits over the years back in to their own system.

  6. Skibum says - Posted: May 21, 2010

    Some of the increase is going directly to mandated prior employee and management benefits. If you think I am not telling the truth please do yourself a favor and call the board members and ask them if they will tell you. They have had closed door meetings with concerns to this prior to the rate increase and have been in negotiations with them all along and completly out of the public eye. The public is moronic, blind and deaf to anything that concerns STPUD. Yes they are the best run company up here and are well in line with their budgets and we all have friends working there and as long as that’s taking place everything is okey dokey with us. I insist you call the board as they have known about this all along and have been playing the public by acting as if they don’t have a clue. I went to the meeting and aggreed with the reasons and justification of a rate increase but felt now was not the right time. It was evident at that time that the public was spinning it’s wheels and they were playing us. They used prop 218 as the sole basis for the justification for a rate increase as we needed 50% plus 1 to defeat it and that was never going to happen. We can’t even get a 30% turnout to vote. Anyway, expect a larger increase next year and every year for the next 10 and know in your heart and mind there is nothing you can do about it.

  7. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: May 21, 2010

    Got to hand it to them, they have weathered our: country, state, and city’s economical downturn unscathed. Don’t we all wish we had the ability to never have to make any sacrifices.

  8. Skibum says - Posted: May 22, 2010

    Ok, I got some calls with concerns about what I opininated here and would now like to clarify what I said about the decision the board made to increase. Mary Lou was the only one who was looking out for the public when she wanted a zero percent increase, Thank You Mary Lou. The rest of the board is going to hide behind prop 218 to justify their decision to ANY rate increase. Just because only 77 protested doesn’t mean squat in reality. Prop 218 is designed against the consumer and is designed as a tool for boards to hide behind. This rate increase should never have happened. Yes it was brought up that I aggreed with the justification of a rate increase but I also said there is no way we should have one based on todays economy. The board, with the exception of Mary Lou, has let this community down by making a motion to any increase at this time. They should have insisted on zero, they did it last year so they could get elected and bring us to the current situation. Once again, the board has let this community down and shown who they really work for. Call them and ask them their side.

  9. Steven says - Posted: May 22, 2010

    How many employees are getting or have gotten raises this year?

  10. Cool Breeze says - Posted: May 22, 2010


    I have to agree with you. When the economy is as bad as it is today STPUD should not be raising rates. The County, City, State and many businesses have laid off employess or asked their employees to take furlough days or a cut in pay. If STPUD were to ask their employess to take two furlough days a month, how much money would that save? Would it be enough to offset the rate increase? When so many businesses and locals are tighting their belts, what is STPUD doing to save money and help their customers? Our community is in crisis and STPUD needs to do their fair share to help this community.

  11. Skibum says - Posted: May 22, 2010

    When I attended the rate hike meeting on the 6th I asked that very same question of the board which not one news agency picked up on. I asked that if there was going to be a rate increase would the employees and management of STPUD be willing to match the rate of increase with the public through cuts, furloughs or benefit reductions for now and show the community that they are just as much a part of this community as we are and not a seperate kingdom as so many of us believe. You got your answer. When I was approached by some board members they said they have a commitment to do what is best for the district first and that they needed to raise the rates to keep up with the status quo. That works in a large city or state where you don’t have to see the people you are supposed to be serving everyday, out of sight out of mind. Those board members have to look us in the face everyday and I hope some of you will express your opinions to them, positive or negative, as I have. They tend to ignore me anyway as I am usually the only vocal one at the meetings but if they hear from others that might work or not as evident to the rate increase vote anyway. I am not very well liked there but I can separate business and pleasure as I remain, I think, frinds with them still.