Ideals of South Tahoe’s next city manager
To the community,
Tuesday night at the Rec Center, a group of local citizens met to discuss the qualities they want to see in our next city manager. Here are some of the comments.
1. Most important, we need a city manager who can build positive working relationships with groups like TRPA, the county, the state, our neighboring counties, Nevada, Lahontan, the Forest Service, CTC, the public utilities, local businesses, non-local businesses and the local citizens. Once these constructive bonds are formed, it will be easier for Tahoe to grow and prosper. And we will have a more powerful voice. For example, we will be able to go to Washington, D.C., as a group and ask for the $100 million needed to fix our streets.
2. We need a city manager with vision. Someone who can see that Tahoe is not like any other city in the world. Hopefully, this new manager will come from a community with similar governmental and environmental demands, like a community on the California coast.
3. There was some discussion about the differences between people with corporate backgrounds verses civil service backgrounds. Corporate people thrive on reaching solutions that benefit all parties at the table. They know how to strike deals that satisfy people on both sides of an issue. And someone who knows how to promote the beauty of the lake and the High Sierra.
4. Someone who is enthusiastic about making Tahoe 100 percent sustainable.
5. Someone who think “out of the box”.
6. Someone who is not afraid to be criticized.
Ernie Claudio, South Lake Tahoe
Looks good to me. Does such an individual exist?
I would also suggest someone that could quell any shenanigans that arise within the council, though I’m not sure if that’s within their job description, or within their power.
So how long will the next guy stay honest?
We don’t need a city manager ,we need a dictator like the ones that represent us now, they never do anything the common people ask for.
This is a hill of beans and the later part always starts to smell after awhile.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. Is this new dude supposed to brown nose every group and org within 50 miles of SLT. The pressure will overwhelm and nothing will get done.