Crawford: Time to sort out ethical issues on council


To Lake Tahoe News,

Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary cites the first definition of the word ethic as the “discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.”

As a member of the City Council, I believe we have ethical issues that the council should deal with. At the center of my concern is the presence of Bruce Grego on the council. It appears that he has conflicts of interest.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

When the council approved the creation of RD Area Two, I raised the issue that Mr. Grego, who voted yes on RD Area Two, may be in conflict because his office is in Area Two. The city attorney said there was no conflict because Mr. Grego has a month-to-moth lease with his landlord.

After the meeting, I asked the city attorney to show me the lease. The city attorney said the lease was verbal. Thus, the city attorney had taken Mr. Grego’s word on the subject.

Several times I have requested to know the exact terms of the lease. And I have been told several times by the city attorney that he is working on my request. As of June 23, 2010, nothing has been disclosed.

The important point is this: If Mr. Grego is in conflict, the vote on RD Area Two most likely is not valid and would be nullified. So it is a serious matter and full disclosure of the terms of the lease is needed.

And Mr. Grego’s landlord is a client of Mr. Grego and has been for several years.

Another possible conflict for the council with Mr. Grego is that his landlord has property on Ski Run Boulevard. The so what is this: Councilman Grego voted on the Ski Run Boulevard BID. Thus, the situation is complex and tricky. His landlord is his client and is involved on Ski Run Boulevard. A tangled web, perhaps.

Thus, it is not beyond reason to suggest, or believe, that if Councilman Grego’s landlord benefits, then the councilman might benefit monetarily. And the appearance is there.

I am saying all of the above because I am tired of waiting for the city attorney to demand disclosure. The pubic interest is at state.

And it is Time for Mr. Grego and the city attorney to read Webster’s definition of ethic[s] and do their duty and obligation.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe city councilman


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This article was written by admin


Comments (7)
  1. Jacqueline Mittelstadt says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    Where legal counsel does not prioritze professional integrity (the law) above pressure from top management or political pressure, the entity is exposed to a great deal of liability.

  2. Bob says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    Mr. Grego. Why don’t you stop with the games and produce the lease? If you truly were on a month to month lease, would you spend the money I’ve noticed on your new outdoor sign. I agree with Mr. Crawford, the games have got to end. Council establishing their interest with no regard to the public’s has got to stop – now.

  3. doubleblack says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    Mr. Grego you are skiing on thin snow.
    Please do your duty and disclose lease info. You took an oathg of office. Need I present more.

  4. Alex Campbell says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    So what else is new ????

  5. voicemail says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    Greggo’s major contributor to his city council campaign was Ed McCarthy (Americana, Stardust, etc) who also is the owner of a building on Ski Run Blvd. Might call that a conflict of interest too.

  6. H says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    Like all have stated in so many words,”you’re all a bunch of bottom feeders and your breath stinks when you smile”!

  7. H says - Posted: June 24, 2010

    After sitting here thinking about Mr. McCarthy, I recall after the Heavenly Valley eye sore was built the residents that lives in the pine-nuts development which had beach rights to the Stateline line beach for years was terminated .
    I can only guess it was the money rat attorney that did his dirty work for him.
    A lot people have often wonder how Jan can even smile at people,what’s behind those eyes is as corrupt as the rest the council go to buddies are all pretty much on the same level.Greed!