Dirty air may affect water quality, drought conditions
By Susanne Rust, California Watch
Dirty air may not just affect your lungs.
It could affect your tap, too.
Scientists at the Desert Research Institute, a division of the Nevada System of Higher Education, say polluted air can cut a storm’s snowfall in half.
Randy Borys, co-author of the study and director of the institute’s Storm Peak Laboratory in Steamboat Springs, Colo., said pollutants aren’t creating drought – they are just making it worse.
What’s happening is that pollutants, such as sulfate, nitrate or other compounds, attract tiny droplets of moisture in the atmosphere.
Sounds like it affects water quantity too…
Well some one needs to get up off their butt and tell china to stop making all our materials items of luxury…….Why do all these flat landers need 4 wheel drive suv’s, they aren’t coming here anymore ,plus a 4 to 500 horsepower engine.
Come on…….maybe a case of too big a ego.Haven’t you ever noticed that big people want small cars,while wimps want big muscle cars,it’s all in their heads.
We use to be the worlds worst air polluters ,but since we sent all our jobs there,the wind blows this way,there’s not a thing you can do about it.
Plus now we got oil rain storms in the forecast for heart land america.
You are what you eat,so doctors are working on oil changes for the america population.Cost a dollar at your local restrooms after dinner.A truck that runs on crap.we could sure save so serious cash if they could develop that Baby.
Now all the bio fuel from corn will get better mileage.
Gee-wiz ,looks like the world still gone crazy.