Lake Tahoe News: Thank you for a wonderful first year


Thank you.

Without all of you, Lake Tahoe News would not be celebrating its one-year anniversary today.

LTNThe proverbial they say it takes a village to do just about anything. That sentiment is certainly true when it comes to operating a successful 24/7 news site.

It’s readers, sources, writers, comment contributors, advertisers, financial donors, news tipsters, friends and family who make LTN what it is. It’s a collaborative effort – even if your contribution is only to read stories. I use the word “only” lightly because if no one is reading the stories, then there is no point in what we do.

Lake Tahoe News has more than 25,000 readers a month in more than 50 countries and more than 1,000 cities. It’s not just people living in Lake Tahoe who care about Lake Tahoe. This point is evident by the millions who visit each year, the thousands who have second homes, and the billions of dollars that are spent in keeping the water pristine and the mountains healthy.

Lake Tahoe isn’t perfect. No place is. Lake Tahoe News isn’t perfect. No media outlet is. But what the basin and LTN have in common are the desire and struggle to be better than we were the day before.

Our first major story was the parade through South Lake Tahoe celebrating the release of Jaycee Lee Dugard after 18 years of captivity. It’s a story that is likely to be on the website for years to come. It’s a story that touches the core of humanity.

We will continue to bring you a mix of stories that capture what is going on in the basin, along with articles involving issues that affect people connected to the basin.

We are always looking for contributors via guest columns, freelance writers or story ideas. Email if you want to contribute.

We are also always looking for advertisers. With Lake Tahoe News being the only place to get news about Lake Tahoe seven days a week, and the readers near and far, it’s the logical medium to reach your clients/customers. Rates are on the website – just hit the Advertise button.

We are always grateful for checks that arrive in the mail or cash via PayPal as a donation.

We will continue to offer free subscriptions. Just go to the Home page, near the bottom right add your email address. This will give you an email every morning listing what has been posted in the last 24 hours. Scan the headlines or click on one to get the full story.

Personally, the biggest story of the year was losing my Dad unexpectedly in April. He was a faithful reader of LTN – a subscriber. He and Mom made the first monetary donation to LTN. But it wasn’t ever about the money. It was great to discuss stories with him. He was a retired construction consultant, an engineer – oh, the dialog we had about the stalled convention center. He read the whole operating agreement. I wonder how many council members or city employees have. He would call to say a link was broken. He would want to know stats about readers. He asked about ad sales. Sometimes I felt like he should have been the publisher. Mom brought a bottle of Champagne with her this past weekend to toast Lake Tahoe News’ first year. Both of my parents have a lot to do with the success of Lake Tahoe News. I can’t thank them enough.

I can’t thank all of you enough. Here’s to all of you!

Kathryn Reed, Lake Tahoe News publisher


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (27)
  1. Kevin Chandler says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    You have created a great site, and it is the best place to keep up on local news. Congratulations.

  2. David Kurtzman says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Thanks for helping us become a better community one day at a time. Here’s to many more years of success and bottles of champagne!

  3. Toogee says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    You’ve come a long way from your days at the Trib! Good job! is a regular stop on my internet news parade. Keep up the good work.

  4. tahoepaula says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Happy Anniversary! Your site has been a welcome addition to South Lake Tahoe! I appreciate all of your hard work….keep up the excellent job!

  5. Robert Stiles says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Great news site Kae. I check LTN every morning for the latest in Tahoe news. Do you ever take any time off?

  6. Zgirl says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Thank you very much for this website and all of your hard work!!

  7. B says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Congratulations Kae! Thanks for making a difference!

  8. Julie Threewit says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Well done Kae. You are my first source for news and I appreciate your thorough reporting. I know it’s a lot of work so many thanks!

  9. Parker says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Congrats on your first year of success! And way to be a thoroughly reported, regularly up to date news site!

  10. grannylou says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    I LOVE reading this every single morning! Thanks for following through on a wonderful idea. I admire you and enjoy your reporting. You are an inspiration!

  11. Peggy says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Can’t believe it’s been a year already! Thanks for keeping us all up to date and for helping get the word out about events in town.

  12. Dee Robertson says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    I’m proud of you Kae!

  13. Lisa Huard says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Kae, you took your desire for reporting and writing and turned it into a reality. I’ve been hooked on LTN since you started it because I finally felt like I knew what was going on beyond my front door. I continue to be in awe that you’ve created. I’m proud of you, what you represent, and my community. Thanks for letting me be a part of LTN.

  14. snoheather says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Thank you for creating a news site that keeps everyone so informed and on top of the issues that face our town. Here to many, many more years.

  15. doubleblack says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    May there be many, many more.
    Congratulations and good show.

  16. cjreed says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    My congrats to you. You are correct Don was excited and very interested in LTN and wished it success. Good job.


  17. lz nks says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    thank you so much Kae. you have contributed so much to community building with your website, something so needed in this town. I am very appreciative of all you have done and love checking your website as many days as I can.
    I especially like the articles about local sustainability efforts and green living.

  18. Tami says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Congratulations Kae!!! Isn’t it great when a dream comes to fruition?

  19. lou pierini says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Some facts about the dam in tahoe city: natural rim 6223 ft. above sea level, per federal court decree max. 6229.1 ft. above sea level, Reno gets 90% of its drinking water from truckee river, dam could hold water up to 6234 ft. above sea level, and then would be required to pay for property damage that could result if its storage was above 6229.1 above sea level. A drought that lasted 10 years or more would result in lake clarity improving 10 to 40 ft., or remove the dam, that was built to grow strawberrys in the desert, i.e. fallon, to increase pop. in the west, and the lake clarity increses.

  20. Virginia Matus-Glenn says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Congratulations on the huge success of Lake Tahoe News. Happy Anniversary Kae and may you have many more! Virginia

  21. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Amazing addition to the community.

  22. Alex Campbell says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Hey Gal!!! When you were editor of the Tahoe Trib you really took on the city Council. This Grand Jury report is mild compared to your reporting.
    Politics always wins when the Publisher fears what the outcome could be.
    One day i will dig-out the file.
    No wonder Kerry was given a great farewell party.

  23. lou pierini says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    my previous post should be listed under tahoe facts

  24. Rosemary Manning says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Thanks for living your dream and helping us all stay more connected to the community we love.

  25. Lauren says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    whenever I see, hear or smell smoke I go straight to LTN to find out what’s cookin’ Thanks for the most up to the minute reporting on local news.

  26. k9woods says - Posted: September 8, 2010

    Thanks for the great reporting and filling a long-standing need in this community.

  27. Sharon Kerrigan says - Posted: September 8, 2010

    Kae, I can’t believe it’s been a year already! We are so thankful that you stepped in to fill the void on daily reporting on South Lake Tahoe. You’ve posted great stories with rich and engaging content, and it is so appreciated by all who live here, as well as by those that just love Tahoe and want to know what’s going on. (Not to mention how much we appreciate your coverage and promotion of the performing arts! ;-)

    Keep up the great work!