Snippets about Lake Tahoe


parks• Chris Hawken will be the interim director of the South Lake Tahoe Parks & Recreation Department now that Gary Moore has retired. A national search is going on for a permanent replacement.

• Another magazine is out of publication as of this fall – Skiing.

• Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course plans to stay open through Oct. 31.

• Fred Findlen has taken over as general manager of Hyatt Lake Tahoe in Incline.

• A hearing on the Boulder Bay project in Crystal Bay has been rescheduled by Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board to Nov. 17 at The Chateau in Incline. The Advisory Planning Commission will discuss it on Nov. 10.

• The Rev. Ben DeLeon at St. Theresa Catholic Church will bless all pets on Oct. 4 at 5:30pm at the South Tahoe church as part of celebrating the birthday of St. Francis, patron saint of animals.


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Comments (9)
  1. JoAnn says - Posted: October 3, 2010

    “A national search is going on for a replacement.” I urge ALL of you to call the City offices and let them know we have QUALIFIED PEOPLE RIGHT HERE!!!! STOP sending our money outside of Tahoe! We have people HERE who need jobs and are already proving themselves!

  2. Parker says - Posted: October 3, 2010

    Good comment JoAnn! But I’d add one caveat-There are qualified, NON-RELATIVES who can be hired!

  3. Steve says - Posted: October 3, 2010

    The city parks and recreation position absolutely does not warrant a national search, especially in this tight economy, high local unemployment, and city budgetary limitations and shortfalls. Who do the city bureaucrats imagine they are, General Motors?

  4. JoAnn says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    So, we all need to burn up the phone lines and get friends and family to call as well.

    Parker – what did I miss? Non-relatives in reards to Hawken or just in general? I agree with the “in general” – spread it around and stop the monopoly of thought.

  5. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    I don’t think a national search is necessary. We have people in our area and in our state. Gary Moore did a great job and left good people in charge in the interim. How much is this hunt going to cost & how long is it going to take?

  6. Parker says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Oh JoAnn, your comments highlight one flaw when the City does its hiring-For their top executives they always have to have some expensive search, while failing to look locally to fill these highly-paid positions! I was merely pointing out another flaw-The nepotistic hiring practices that go on!

  7. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    I would think we could cover Parks and Recreation, duh, it’s what we do in this town, just find someone with some business background that can balance the budget, maybe even someone who was 2nd or 3rd in command over there, and already knows much of what the job entails.

  8. dreamer says - Posted: October 5, 2010

    i have always wondered..why when there is a good local job that needs to be filled…it can not be filled by a local here…why does someone in power always look outside this community…no wonder people no longer want to live here…and are moving away..that just does not make any sense…..can someone explain that to me.???????????

  9. Satori says - Posted: October 5, 2010

    All the comments about ‘national recruiting’, nepotism, and filling a position like Parks and Rec Director are correct, but perhaps as much for the possibility of a ‘learning moment’ as any other.

    In an economy like this one, to some it might seem reasonable to ‘circle the wagons’ and protect their own, such as the rumored “stampede” of STPUD ‘relatives'(there’s that word again !)down to the private personnel service (vs. their own human resources). . . times like this read ‘desperation’ to some, but all are a good example of why integrity is really important, in not letting either rumors take hold or letting community resentment gain ground, which sometimes take years to overcome. not to mention regaining trust.

    Trust and integrity – both seem to have slipped in a town which thinks ‘poverty with a view’ is somehow “cute” or “clever”, and yet continue to think that someone else will come along and solve things – one of the purported reason for any “national search”: to bring a fresh perspective, an objective viewpoint, and more seasoned experience.

    Not always possible, especially when people look the other way once the position is “officially” filled.

    This attitude would obscure the other known, more bureaucratic reason: if I engage someone from as far away as possible, then if they don’t work out, the blame can be placed either on them (“they didn’t work out”), or on the process itself, but never on those who decided. Oh, how quickly they forget. . .

    Keep this in mind with both our newest travails (i.e., the letting of the Lakeview Commons bid) and the advent of a new City Manager, a ‘new’ City Council, and a new Police Chief – citizens need to become as accountable for what happens here as anyone they put in place.