Prescribed burn this week in Stateline
U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews expect to conduct prescribed fire operations in the Andria Drive area off Kingsbury Grade beginning Oct. 7.
The project could continue through Oct. 9if favorable weather conditions persist, with the goal of completing ten acres.
State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period
Residents and travelers can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas.
Leave it to the forest service to foul up the best air in months….
Where have you been h? The air has been very clear all summer compared to recent past summers. People complain when the forest service does nothing to reduce fuels and complain when they try to reduce fuels. It is a no win situation.
Do it after Christmas…
Wish the would chip more, and burn less
I agree – we need to CHIP not burn – it’s time we got past polluting our air. Yes, it will cost money initially – but the end result (clean Tahoe air, which is why people come here and live here) is worth the effort. Let’s move forward!
Careaboutthecommunity: Find some way to increase their budget by 200-300% and they might be able to.
In same areas chipping is not even possible (steep slope)
h: there is a good chance you live upwind from this.
Go out to Silverwood Street and walk into the woods there. Everything was chipped and now they are hand clearing and chipping again instead of creating slash piles to be burned later. The trees are even being limbed and the palce looks great. This should be a model for what we need to do. This is a City project also.