Opinion: A plan to get locals back to work


By Steve Kubby

South Lake Tahoe is in the middle of an economic catastrophe. Unemployment is above 20 percent. Our construction industry is in collapse.

We need immediate action to create jobs in our struggling community.

kubbyWe have thousands of homeowners and businesses who desperately want to make property repairs and improvements. People want to renovate or expand their homes and businesses yesterday, if not sooner. There is such pent up demand for construction, it’s ready to burst like a dam and flood South Lake Tahoe with jobs and money.

But this can’t happen with today’s system.

Our city needs a simple and timely process to get building permits. Once we find a way all the pent up construction work can be authorized, we can unleash a flood of new construction jobs.

There is a catch. There’s no way to get from here to there without taking on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and their mountain of red tape, bureaucratic delays, excessive fees and job-killing inefficiency.

I propose an emergency three-part plan to get our contractors, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians back to work. This is not rocket science. Our City Council must simplify and speed up the process of obtaining a building permit.

Here’s how it would work:

1. The city of South Lake Tahoe must exercise its constitutional authority, as an incorporated city with elected officials, to issue its own building permits. The permit process should have a two-week approval deadline — if you haven’t received your permit or an explanation for rejection (with the steps needed to get approval) in ten business days, approval should be automatic.

2. In lieu of the current TRPA fees, our city could collect permit fees no greater than half the TRPA charges. All revenues exceeding permit expenses will be held in reserve. The city will create a multi-million dollar legal defense fund in case we have to take TRPA on in court.

3. Any litigation against points one and two above would have to be initiated by TRPA, not the council. We would simply be exercising our constitutional authority as a City government. Since the burden of proof would be on the TRPA, this should be very expensive for them.

All of this can and should be avoided with a simple memorandum of understanding between South Lake Tahoe and TRPA. On the other hand, we need to be prepared to win in court, if TRPA refuses to be reasonable.

Of course the TRPA could always red tag construction. If that happens, you could just let our city attorney know about it and he would be authorized to handle the matter at the city’s expense. Our police and city staff will be instructed to ignore any TRPA citations. We have the constitutional authority to do these things and if the TRPA thinks otherwise, they’ll find themselves in an expensive and difficult tenth amendment battle they can’t win.

As George Washington famously reminds us, “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

Tahoe residents know all too well the dangers of a fire raging out of control. Our city is in political flames that have cost us dearly. We let government get out of hand, burning a hole in the heart of downtown.

The time has come for the City Council to stop serving as a TRPA lapdog. Instead, our City Council must become a vigilant guard dog, ready to defend us from any further interference or harassment by the TRPA.

Let’s bypass TRPA and give homeowners and businesses the opportunity to make reasonable repairs and improvements to their property. Once we open up the process of obtaining building permits, we’ll automatically put our contractors, carpenters, plumbers and electricians back to work.

In less than a month we could be back on our feet with a booming construction industry with a fresh influx of money for our now struggling community.

Right here in South Lake Tahoe, let us redefine politics in a revolutionary return to common sense and smaller government. Let’s return power to our local community and restore our constitutional rights. Government should be our servant, not our master.

Steve Kubby is running for South Lake Tahoe City Council.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (37)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    My sincere thanks to Kae Reed and the Lake Tahoe News for publishing this plan to create new construction work for our local contractors, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other skilled tradespeople. People who think I am just about marijuana, miss the point. I helped lead and organize a voter initiative that overturned federal supremacy regarding our medical use of marijuana. I am ready to fight the feds again, if necessary, to restore basic property rights and create new construction work. For more information, please see my recent interview on Tahoe TV:

  2. Bob says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    I am curious, Steve. Who are, let’s say 10 of the businesses who want to make repairs or improve their business on Lake Tahoe Blvd? I’m not asking to save the TRPA. I’m curious of which ones in our town really care to improve themselves. As an example, I hear most businesses are against the proposed sign ordinance to lower signs to eight feet to give our community a fresh look. The complaint is lack of funds. Where would this money come from to pay these contractors? Grants? If you look at the hotels lining HWY 50, most can’t even afford to landscape their own properties.

  3. dryclean says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    Kubby, please go away. Your candidacy is an insult to this town and you are embarassing yourself. Everyone thinks you are nothing but an opportunist out for your own self-interests. You really think we want someone who has only lived here for less than a year and has a reputation of being arrested for possession of mushrooms and peyote? Even your election signs are placed illegally along Pioneer trail. And, the one you put on Hal Cole’s property seems to be missing. Suprise, suprise. Guess none of the businesses on Hwy 50 want your sign up on their property.

  4. B4Liberty says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    Less Government = More Freedom!

    Sounds like a very workable solution to bring jobs to South Lake Tahoe.

    You’ve got my Vote!

  5. Thomas says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    To say such rude and unproved statements it only states that you are afraid of change!!!! TRPA has put this town in an economical downward spiral. Steve cubby has lived in this area for over 20 years not one. Facts should be sought before you speak. I hope all the best for steves campaign and hope he wins!!! Its time for the long over due process of putting Trpa back in there place,PROTECTING WILDLIFE etc. Not regulating this town so far as to ban certain signs, the way things are to be built, saying glass on a railing will reflect to boaters distracting them.It is absolutely crazy what they get to regulate. On top of that they are the reason for the Angora Fire they say you cant remove pine needles and such for erosion problems but the fire department demands defensible space, explain that KUBBY FOR CITY COUNCIL

  6. michael steindel says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    Finally a candidate that understands that the purpose of government is to serve the needs of the people. Those businesses that have the financial ability to expand now will greatly benefit from the idled workforce. There is a lot of talented labor available right now. Of course all businesses will experience an upswing as people go back to working again. Steve has ideas and a positive reputation amongst all that know him.

  7. Dave Hetherly says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    The country could use more people who “think outside of the box”!!!

  8. Leland Faegre says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    @dryclean: Such a sterling patriot as Steve Kubby is too good for those who think like you. It would not matter how long one resided in this town to notice that it has been mismanaged.

    His record against prohibition is a courageous one and worthy of support rather than disparagement.

    TRPA is a regional, frontal assault on the US Constitution as its preogatives directly violate the enumerated powers clause found in Article One, Section Eight.

    All South Lake Tahoe City Council Candidates should pledge to put that agency back in its Constitutional box where it belongs or they are not worthy of their oaths of office…

  9. Bruce Cohen says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    Hey, I’m friends with Steve.
    So I stipulate to that ‘bias’ up front.

    But you know?
    When I was looking for a new house, I considered SLT as well as where I live now.

    And with a business and citizen friendly Government there, it would make it a lot more worth my while to move there.

    I take offense to ‘dryclean’ and his/her personal comments about Steve.

    In what Universe is it bad for business or homeowners or anyone, to streamline approval and permitting.

    On what Planet is it bad for business or homeowners to keep costs down, especially paper costs that can never be recouped.

    These costs are especially tough on startups. Non-chain operations without their own personal fleet of Attorneys and CPAs and Bankers with credit lines have a tough time paying all the costs in fees, materials, labor and compliance.

    And you blame the lack of commerce and economic activity on the lack of Hotel landscaping, but you still don’t get it?

    Listen, I am sure you are a nice person and probably would be welcome in my home.
    But I am struggling with why you oppose Steve’s plan to make life easier on businesses…

    Maybe if Steve could cut their taxes and make compliance and permitting a bit easier, not only would Hotels and businesses improve and spruce up things a bit more than today.

    Oh, and Homeowners, too.

    But, NEW businesses would be more likely to give it a crack.

    Wake up and smell the imaginary rose garden.

  10. lumberjane says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    First of all, what do these attacks have to do with this article? I think Kubby has many valid points and I know my peers fall into this category of out of work tradesman. Look at hwy 50… it’s a time warp! We need updates and jobs!!

  11. Nic Leobold says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    Great piece! South Lake Tahoe will be so awesome when Steve Kubby is elected! Restoring Liberty, privacy, self-ownership and a free market to the SLT area will make South Lake Tahoe flourish and create a local renaissance of commerce, entertainment, culture, careers, and enriched quality of life for all residents!

  12. sandsconnect says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    Steve is right on. We cannot develop if we do not have the ability to. Our property values are low, especially on a comercial scale. This is due in large part b/c they cannot be further developed or improved due to the regulations of the TRPA. We are 5 minutes to world class skiing, why is property value so low? As local businessman I can honestly say I like this plan. Bob perhaps our hotels wouldn’t be empty if we had a failed convention center project and an airport that does not accept any commercial flights. The TRPA has played in integral role in both of these failures. South Lake Tahoe is a city with it’s own citizen population it is time we started managing as such rather then letting the feds push us around like some small town full of goofs! Get with it people; it’s your money!

  13. h says - Posted: October 9, 2010

    dry .he’s doing better than some old locals if the tribune numbers are for real on the poll?

  14. the Ghost says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    Expediting permits is a practical way to create economic activity.

    Bravo to the Kubby campaign for thinking globally and acting locally!

  15. Jim Davidson says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    It is time to end the tyranny of TRPA. It is time for South Lake Tahoe to stand up for itself. If the city government won’t intervene to liberate the people of SLT, then the people need a new and better city government.

    I believe Steve has good ideas. I like this idea of bypassing the authority of the TRPA. Oligarchy and bureaucracy are not fit rulers for a free people. A free people rule themselves.

    Cheaper building permits and an automatic approval process will stimulate economic activity. It is time to take away the cushy jobs and the big salaries from these evil bureau-rats at the TRPA.

  16. Kate says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    Thank you Steve Kubby! Once again you have come up with a great idea to help the everyday worker. Plus it will help the town look better! GO STEVE!

  17. dryclean says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    it takes 3 votes on the city council to do anything. Steve shows no capacity to work together. He’ll never get two more votes to support his positions.

  18. Leland Faegre says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    I can’t imagine the intractible incompetence of a South Lake Tahoe City Council without the leadership of Steve Kubby.

    He knows where this body must go but he will need some courage from his peers which will be difficult as pols are famous for taking the path of least resistance.

    Hopefully, as history reveals every now and then, the power of one will carry the day…

  19. JRC says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    Hats off to these libertarian ideals, but Steve is way off the mark on this campaign tactic.

    People are broke. Permitting costs are less than 10 percent of the cost of a project. No permits only hurts the environment and your neighorhood, it won’t stimulate anyone to come up with the other 90 percent.

    Tahoe should not be a place where building is poorly regulated. The ecosystem is our stimulus. All around the lake, local building departments have been trained and signed an agreement that delegated TRPA’s authority to the local jurisdiction. Even the City already does the TRPA review without TRPA because they already have this agreement in place.

    Nearly all of the residential permitting in South Lake Tahoe does not involve TRPA at all anymore, yet the City still charges the same permit fees because they need to recuperate the costs of staff time spent reviewing the building application. All our rhetoric is not going to change this.

    TRPA is not federal, the two states created it. The moment TRPA stops regulating development anywhere, they are open to litigation from the states and advocacy groups. If you want to get rid of the red tape, go to the states that wanted TRPA to keep out-of-control development and the self interests of individuals from kicking the legs from under the ecosystem.

    Look back in time to see Tahoe without regional guidelines. In the 1960s, 2,000 homes per year were being built. New subdivisions were mapped in what today are your favorite places to walk the dog, ride a bike or take out of town friends for a stroll.

  20. Southie says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    Nice endorsement page, Steve. Not a single endorsement from Tahoe. Are we supposed to be impressed that you post a few names and lots of titles of people who we have never met and likely have never set foot in our town?

  21. Leland Faegre says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    I live here and Kubby has lived around the lake for twenty years. And how long does one have to live here to qualify to run for a city council?

    When, as a candidate for California’s 32nd Congressional District, I did not have to live in the district in which I ran as the Founding Fathers understood that the issues were common to a Federal system.

    But Steve’s candidacy comes with a background of knowledge of and residency in the Tahoe Basin dating back a generation which now includes the California side of Stateline.

    Steve’s leadership is indispensable to the political and economic progress of those of us on the south shore…

  22. 30yearlocal says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    We need a council that can work well together for the betterment of our community and those that visit. Yes, this includes working with other agencies such as TRPA. They aren’t going away, they are a Federal agency…so why not do what we can to work together? It IS possible!

    There are many property owners in this town that don’t want to fix up their property, TRPA or not. I challenge this candidate to get documented support for what TRPA is doing to ruin our town….I fear that many just jump on bandwagons and listen to the hoopla and not the facts.

    Of course many are with this candidate, and that’s your choice…what makes America great, but do we really want pot legal and easy to get in our town? Is that the visitor and resident we want to attract? Do we really want buildings to pop up that don’t make our views and environment better?

  23. Leland Faegre says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    You have heard of the Angora Fire? And as a licensed drug [alcohol] dealer, would you want to shut down my establishment?

  24. lou pierini says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    I have never met Mr. Kubby, but from what I know so far he will not be a go along get along type. Like Bill Crawford he won,t be swayed by the B.S. that comes on every council agenda, B.S. from the outside and the inside has fooled many council members.

  25. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    The make up of the council, especially the 3 new members is critical. They need to work well together, or nothing will get done.

  26. 30yearlocal says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    i don’t want to see any business shut down as I have no problem with legal and legitimate businesses that provide marijuana to those with a legal and legitimate prescription. There is too much of a joke in town now, and from those I have heard from under the age of 26, that “I need to go get medicated” ….they have no illness, no pain, just found the right person to give them the means to get it legally.

    I don’t think the medicinal marijuana stores in town want to see an increase in competition, or am I wrong? Just like Scotty’s didn’t welcome DIY or Ace Hardware.

    I don’t want to see someone who goes with everyone else, I just want to see those in office that are willing to work together for the best solution. Crawford would never work with others and just used forums such as this to criticize people and agencies…wasn’t the best road towards working together (remember the Grand Jury report).

  27. lou pierini says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    If they followed Crawfords opinions, he was the best prepared council member, they would not be 200 million in debt,or have a hole in the ground, like the hole at ski run and hy 50 from 1989 to 1994, when redevelopment projects started. If it matters; I run a business here and have voted here starting in 1973 and still do.

  28. Jim Cain says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    dryclean, I love it when numbnuts like you bring up Steve Kubby’s arrest, conviction, and incarceration, and then don’t tell the whole story. Not telling the whole truth’s as good as a lie, in my book.

    Why didn’t you mention that Steve’s conviction was overturned and his record expunged? Why didn’t you mention that the sheriff who arrested Steve personally visited him and apologized?

    Keep telling folks how our government screwed up and was forced to eat crow, dryclean. If you don’t tell the whole story, I’ll be glad to provide the truths that you conveniently try to hide.

    You must really be scared of Steve Kubby’s candidacy.

  29. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    After reading all the comments about this article. I am sorry but i see only the same old bs that has been holding up the advancement of this community for years. The same old sorry people same old sorry ideas and it is a real shame.

  30. AFH says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    I like the fact that Steve Kubby is a dedicated resident to SLT. I also like the fact that while he is a political outsider, he has obviously been out making friends around the state. As a city council member, representing the community, being able to draw from the experiences of others for advice and strategy will help. Especially if he plans to take on negotiating TRPA to allow SLT to grow economically.

    This year I buried my brother after 20 years battling the multiple sclerosis. Anyone, and I mean anyone who criticizes Steve for his heroic work in gaining access to cannabis for patients is beyond low. Steve Kubby has saved the lives of tens of thousands of people in California. He sacrificed and endangered his own life and his freedom battling the state for people like my brother. If you want a test of character, if you want to know if he is the sort of man who will put the residents of SLT above the interests of money and power, you should look no further than this issue for a character reference.

    Steve Kubby has that rare mixture of brilliant rationality and courageous understanding that you find in great men. There are hundreds of thousands of people who will never know his name but will live longer better lives for his sacrifices.

    I will not go so far as to call Mr. Kubby a saint. I do not know him that well; I have only seen him in passing and on the TV. I do know that he is a good man, determined, and principled. I know this because I have seen and lived within the effects of his good works in the political arena and I consider myself blessed to have him on my side.

    You should too.

  31. lou pierini says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    D D what are your ideas?

  32. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    LOU my idea is to eliminate the battle we have over every idea, its like a street fight with the greens on one side and the developers on the other side with TARPA in the middle. A good example is the new hardware store all the local business people were against it and this happens every time there is a chance to improve our shopping choices. It looks like every person in the local government has a ax to grind and is in business locally and wants to control the market to there own advantage and to hell with the town and the local population. If i was looking for a place to invest my money this would be my last choice.

  33. Ted Long says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    We need new ideas not just a ralling around the old ones, that politians think peiople want to hear. TRPA has been an issue as long as it has been in existence and it will be here long after we are gone. By the way, once again, Kubby is in error in his facts the city does issue building permits not TRPA the city must compy with there coverage rules and BMP’s its the law.

  34. lou pierini says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    All business people is not an accurate discription. I’ve owned a business here over thirty years and welcome any new business weather it be the same as my business or any other type.

  35. 30yearlocal says - Posted: October 11, 2010

    We just have to be curious as to the real motivation and reasons behind such a new comer to our town wanting to run for City Council. Was Mr. Kubby in any sort of public office in Northstar and Squaw where he lived for years?

    These are just questions we should all ask of all candidates: Is their running solely for a personal agenda or are they so connected with our community that they want to help every resident? Do they really know the city charter, the laws and regulations? Are they willing to put aside friendships to vote for what they feel is the right move for the community?

  36. h says - Posted: October 12, 2010




  37. lou pierini says - Posted: October 22, 2010

    Mr. Long, The city only complies with TRPAs rules, if it wants to. The city make the decision to do this because of money. For example the sign rules from TRPA are only enforced in So. Lake Tahoe. No where else in the basin. We could drop out of this with a 3-2 vote. I don,t recall you doing this when you had one vote.