Opinion: Davis, Curry understand what locals need


To the community,

Of the 10 people running for the South Lake Tahoe City Council, all have expressed concern for the unemployment situation. But governing takes more insight than just copying another candidate’s views. Tom Davis and Joy Curry honestly have an understanding that small business is key to the financial stability of our city, and that eventually we’ll need regional jet service to bring in more visitors to result in creating additional jobs. They also understand that employees need places to live where rent doesn’t take up all their pay.

As a major supporter and project facilitator for three successful housing projects in our city, I have worked closely with and enjoyed being able to trust the commitment of Tom Davis to local workers and businesses, and have developed an appreciation for Joy Curry.

We need more projects that put local architects, engineers, carpenters, painters, paving workers, laborers, roofers and many ancillary workers and service providers to work. I believe both Tom Davis and Joy Curry will work to support and encourage development of more projects using local labor because they have expressed a real understanding of the circular need for reasonable rents so people who work here can also live here and spend their paycheck here which puts even more people to work.

Your vote is your voice. Speak up for support of locals. Vote for Tom Davis and Joy Curry.

David Kelly, chairman Tahoe Area Coordinating Council for the Disabled


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This article was written by admin


Comments (7)
  1. J T Davis says - Posted: October 31, 2010

    Well said David, we thank you for your friendship and support. You my friend are a hero.

  2. doubleblack says - Posted: October 31, 2010

    David could you please say the whole truth not just part of same.
    For instance, the three housing projects you brag about were all taxpayer SUBSIDIZED for their construction and ongoing rents. That is what is called public housing and welfare.
    Don’t be afraid of the whole truth
    (like they demand of you in court when testifing) unless you have something to hide.

  3. Mo says - Posted: October 31, 2010

    I would disagree with you: in my opinion, Claire Fortier has the knowledge,intellect, honesty and integrity to move our town forward. She has no hidden agendas. And she will work well with her fellow council members in a collaborative effort. As a 21 year local who has had a business in town, and raised two children,my vote goes to Claire. I think SHE is the locals vote.

  4. Bob says - Posted: October 31, 2010

    Aren’t Curry and Davis receiving money from Nevada? That should be enough to make you look the other way. Vote for Alice Jones, Claire and Hallen for change.

  5. Adrian Gooch says - Posted: October 31, 2010

    David, I applaud your trmendous efforts towards housing that is affordable and accessible. As you know, as well as I know, it takes more than just support to get these projects done. It takes committment and perserverance to guide a project from conception to completion. Keep up the good work.

  6. Cowboy25 says - Posted: November 2, 2010

    Hey bob,

    Claire took money from Nevada as well check the filing. Liz took big money from the city of angels marijuana collective so what’s your point? The majority of Toms donations have been from small donations. Do your homework before you make statements that make you sound out of touch with the truth

  7. Cowboy25 says - Posted: November 2, 2010

    Hey bob,

    Claire took money from Nevada as well check the filing. Liz took big money from the city of angels marijuana collective so what’s your point? The majority of Toms donations have been from small donations. Do your homework before you make statements that make you sound out of touch with the truth.