Lakeview Commons looks better without orange fences


South Lake Tahoe City Councilman-elect Tom Davis and Lake Tahoe News Publisher Kathryn Reed were having a casual conversation last week about the orange fencing around trees at Lakeview Commons — and why it’s there when a chain link fence keeps people out of the dormant construction zone.

Shortly thereafter Davis spoke to City Manager Tony O’Rourke and City Attorney Patrick Enright about the unsightly orange fencing.

Orange fencing at Lakeview Commons is gone. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Orange fencing at Lakeview Commons is gone. Photo/Kathryn Reed

The orange is gone.

Though this is just a small gesture, it’s one that was acted upon quickly, decisively and makes one of the central areas of South Lake Tahoe look much better.

Lake Tahoe News says thank you to everyone involved and hopes many more beneficial acts — small and large — are in store for the South Shore in the immediate future.

— Lake Tahoe News


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This article was written by admin


Comments (7)
  1. Bob says - Posted: November 9, 2010

    Any chance of having the grand jury check into why City Attorney Enright ok’d the bid? I always heard, when in doubt consult the experts. Well, what happen in this case? Why isn’t the city looking into this matter and notifying the public. It just isn’t like an attorney to let matters such as verbage in a contract slide by. I thought attorney’s had a job to be detail oriented. I’d like an answer. Wouldn’t the rest of the city? For those who don’t know – It seems from the judge’s report that Mr. Enright advised Council that a column on the bid form shouldn’t of been there advising of what percentage the general contractor had to perform on the job. Thus the dispute and the eye sore for all of us. Please correct me if I read the report wrong. If we are to move forward past holes and lawsuits in our town I think it best we confront what caused these issues and correct them. Any thoughts, folks?

  2. SC Admin says - Posted: November 9, 2010

    If someone wishes to file an action request with the El Dorado County Grand Jury on any issue within that body’s investigative authority, they may do so by going to the Grand Jury website at, and filling out an action request form.

  3. Steve says - Posted: November 9, 2010

    Maybe they had put up the orange fencing as a festive Halloween enhancement, and it was scheduled to be removed afterward anyway. Hope they have the sense to save it, it could probably be used there again next year.

  4. cowboyjt25 says - Posted: November 12, 2010

    The orange fencing wasn’t for halloween, get real. It was to protect the trees.

  5. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 12, 2010

    I thought the orange fencing’s job is to make the guy who holds the patent on it rich, as it doesn’t prevent anything from moving either direction across it, all it does is tell everyone that it’s a construction site.

  6. Steven says - Posted: November 12, 2010

    You fell for the Halloween fence cowboyjt25 ? How Funny!!

  7. Tami Wallace says - Posted: November 15, 2010

    In re. Bob & SC Admin’s comment.

    Not to say that our current City Council (at least portions of it) didn’t deserve the Grand Jury investigation and tongue lashing that it received, but do we really need to have them (the GJ) in our business every minute. We certainly shouldn’t be using them as a Principal’s paddle against our City Council and City’s employees every time we think they have done something wrong or that we don’t like. I’m sure that we can conduct the business of our community without them. That’s certainly what elections are for.

    Community members going to council meeting and voicing their concerns with the goings on with the bid process on the Lakeview Commons project do go on the record via the Council Minutes. A Grand Jury investigation and report is only that, there is no “Bite” to it other than embarrassment, which can be accomplished via community members voices, and with a lot less waste of resources at the Grand Jury.

    Also, Grand Jury members certainly AREN’T experts on construction bids they are only community members just like we are. Anyone from the community can volunteer to be a member of the Grand Jury, they actually need volunteers from South Lake Tahoe, if anyone is interested.

    Just a thought.