2 pounds meth seized in Stateline, man in jail


On Nov. 18, a multi-agency drug trafficking investigation culminated in the arrest of one suspect and the seizure of approximately 2 pounds of meth in Stateline.

The suspect, 45-year-old Francisco Sandoval-Estrada of Modesto, was arrested after delivering approximately 1 pound of suspected methamphetamine to investigators during an undercover narcotic sales transaction.

An additional pound of suspected methamphetamine was recovered by investigators in the vehicle that Sandoval-Estrada arrived in. Estimated street value of the seized methamphetamine is approximately $145,000.

Investigators from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Street Enforcement Team, Western El Dorado Narcotic Enforcement Team and the All Threats/All Crimes Unit from Reno conducted the investigation.

Sandoval-Estrada was booked into the Douglas County Jail on charges of trafficking in a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance for sale. His bail was set at $105,000.

Sandoval-Estrada is also being held on an immigration hold through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


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Comments (10)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: November 19, 2010

    Bad stuff. Glad they caught him. Our law enforcement is doing a LOT of good stuff right now.
    So when are they going to do something about all these “Mexican Nationals” that keep committing crimes here? If an American commits a similar crime in Mexico, they do hard time. Illegals here just get sent home. Political correctness is killing this country.

  2. HARDTOMAKEALIVINGINTAHOE says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    People SHOULD come into any foreign country legally just the same as anyone else: according to the law. One more thing. You can be poor and come into the country legally. You can be rich of Spanish decent (Spain) and Indian (if by that you mean purely Mexican/native) and be RICH OR POOR and go on shopping anywhere else in the USA for that matter as long as you have the proper documentation regardless of status: tourist, permanent resident of USA or MEXICO, Mexican national or Mexican citizen, or US Citizen or US national.
    There is actually more to it. “Mexican Nationals” can come and go at will into or out of the US as tourists and come every spring to South Tahoe big shopping trips, gamble,grow pot in the mountains. They have passports, driver’s license, birth certificates, etc from Mexico..
    The “illegal immigrants” are usually poor, of Indian decent and may not be documented in their own country. If they were they could get a passport and would not have to sneak across the border.
    No matter where you commit a crime ,a crime is a crime,regardless of what country.All countries have different laws and prison time.
    When you talk about China it’s a whole different ball game there,they write the laws as they go along in the trial make your shoes fit.THEY JUST STRAVE YOU TO DEATH THERE.
    Most likely the drugs were made right here in town in some big mac-mansion ,washed in the casinos.Don’t ever count out the good ole boys network either.

  3. dogwoman says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    Nice rant, Hardto. . . .
    All conjecture, though. All I said was that we have an illegal here with an incredibly huge amount of a very bad drug. Obviously not for his own consumption. His penalty will likely be very minor. Which it shouldn’t be.
    I don’t think think this is really a good article in which to be defending amnesty, do you?

  4. localgirl says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    dogwoman – you are completely misinformed and apparently prefer to make up your information rather than educating yourself.

    Anyone who commits a crime in the US gets prosecuted and sentenced.
    Deportation occurs only after release from prison.
    The prior U.S. Amnesty program never applied to criminals (felons).
    The article says nothing about the arrested man being Mexican. Latinos may be from over 20 counties. The article also does not say that he is in the country illegally. If he is a legal permanent resident with a green card, he could be held by ICE if he is suspected of committing a felony.
    And the enormous demand for street drugs by legal U.S. citizens in the U.S. continues to cause a massive crime problem in many countries of the Americas.

    Our country is damaged by the many people such as yourself who mouth off about their ignorance and prejudice without bothering to think and learn.

  5. dogwoman says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    You’re right. He could be from Sweden.
    We STILL need to secure our borders.

  6. Louis says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    Not to provoke anyone, just to give a different perspective / food for thought.

    A lot of Mexicans are historically used to crossing the boarder for a few hundred years, this was after all a part of their country for a while as well. There are many who’s culture for a few hundred years has been to migrate and work the fields, and those traditions have yet to be broken. Yes many still think of California as a part of Mexico, as well as Texas. A lot of their culture is ingrained here, one example is all the cities are of Spanish names.

    From all those I have spoken to of Hispanic descent, the boarder is a ridiculous thing. You see many that end up here are lucky to have had a 5th grade education. They weren’t raised in a tradition that recognized complex laws and boarders, so why care about an invisible line in the sand that says you can’t cross it when there is work over there.

    Those that are educated tend to have a good job in their home land and come here to visit legally and return. Some might come for a business trip for example say to make sales contacts.

    Thus I might suggest rather than complaining here might be a possible solution, rather than spending a lot to deal with problems those here illegally make, how about we as a people spend a little and educate the people in their countries so they don’t end up here.

  7. snoheather says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    Thank you Louis. I couldn’t agree more.

  8. dogwoman says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    I thought this article was about two pounds of dangerous, illegal methamphetamine trafficking, not illegal immigration.
    Or is the carnage wrought by this drug less important to you folks than political correctness?

  9. hardtomakealivingintahoe says - Posted: November 20, 2010

    Dog, the war on drugs and immigration are both in the same ship,they will never conquer neither.
    It’s a fact of life we all live with, just like political=correctness?
    It constanly changes it’s face to keep the game going,keep the people spending money for a reason they feel like it’s important.
    I’m sitting here with a blackberry waiting on more addresses out here on Angor drive,don’t you live close to here? Sure lot’s fluffy white here.
    I hope businees picks up after this dump.
    Tahoe Paradise i’m headed your way,next.