STHS fight song lyrics may be set to original tune


By Kathryn Reed

Casson Scowcroft is on a quest to have South Tahoe High School have a unique melody for its school song by June’s graduation.

The music teacher brought the idea to the school board Feb. 8 in hopes of having the blessing of the five members at a future meeting.

Besides doing away with the fight song and alma mater being played to the tune of Notre Dame’s song, Scowcroft would like it to be called a Victory March.

A composer he knows at Azusa Pacific, Kory McMaster, has said he would write the melody for free.

Before coming to the board, Scowcroft said he broached the idea with the principal, athletic director and choral director. They support his efforts.

At the meeting, Scowcroft also acknowledged he should probably contact the alumni association.

“I think the students above all would be excited,” Scowcroft said of having an original composition for the school song.


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Comments (18)
  1. Red says - Posted: February 11, 2011

    Great idea, Casson. Fight songs are indeed worth preserving. I still sing my high school song with pride! “Pomona Panthers, we’re all 4u!”…

  2. Raylene Catera Jennings says - Posted: February 11, 2011

    One of the things that we alumni find special about our Alma Mater at South Tahoe HS is the tradition that has identified the true spirit of who we are. Why would a change to our Alma Mater be beneficial?

  3. JoAnn (DeLancey)Keville says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    This needs to be left alone, it is tradition and belongs to many generations. If it is changed then the school belongs to only the current students and is taken away from all the alumni and tradition then ends. Changing our Alma Mater or our fight song is not bennificial to anyone and disconnects the old from the new, generations will be lost.

  4. Dennis Edwards says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    Whatever happened to tradition? I graduated in 1966 and many of us come home to Tahoe for homecoming every year. We established an annual scholarship and support our Alma Mater in many other ways. But why after this? Our STHS will no longer exist!

  5. Thomas Yant says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    I think it really isn’t an individual’s right to change a tradition that dates back for generations. We grew up here and cherish the old song and many of us return to STHS to sing it in loyalty and respect for our high school. If anything, the final say should be up to STHS alumni and not the Board.

  6. Linda Lukins Finigan says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    . I was born in Tahoe & this song is etched in my soul. It would be a very sad day for this alumna if it were ever to be changed. This just doesn’t make any since at all. This would be heart braking for the entire alumni.Who has the right to change tradition,I ask you ?

  7. Ginger Hall says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    The Alma Mater should stay as it is. It has been the STHS Alma Mater since day one, the one we know & love to sing, the song that is dear to all our hearts!! It benefits no one, except possibly Scowcroft & McMaster. Maybe we should change ‘My Country tis of Thee’ because is sounds like ‘God Save the Queen’!!!

  8. Tom Yant says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    Don’t change the song, leave it be.

  9. Tim Kennedy says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    In 1965 we could have found a composer to change the melody. Perhaps Mr. Hildinger,intead we kept tradition. This decision effects every class that attended….

  10. Cherie Woods says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    This idea breaks my heart. How dare anyone even try to change something that means so much to all of us.Next, will they try to change the name of our City too ? Tell me why Our American Flag no longer is in each classroom? Or is it? What is happening to our memories, not a note will be changed!!!! All classmates, stand up and rebel on this one. Don’t let this happen, PERIOD!!!! LOVE TO ALL MY CLASSMATES OVER THE YEARS.

  11. Irene Kaelin says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    I am happy to read all of these comments in support of keeping our Alma Mater as it is. I was at the meeting when the idea to change it was brought up. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought maybe it was just me, because I don’t like change. But apparently not. It is a STHS pride thing! Leave our Alma Mater the way it has been forever! By the way, Cherie, the American flag is supposed to be in every classroom. It is in mine and we recite the Pledge everyday! I am a proud STHS grad and American!

  12. Ray Hoff says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    I know we all are nostalgic for tradition and the alumni cherish those days, but I think encouraging the students now to start their own traditions is healthy. I’m sure that the band can learn a new song while playing the old ones. Adding a Victory March to the tradition of the school is something I’d want to hear at a game. But having it written by someone off the hill? Come on, where are the budding composers at STHS? We have an alumnus who is an opera singer. Where’s that next Steven Sondheim?

  13. Sharon Decocq Swaffar says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    I work with teens, so I understand the move to make the Alma Mater something they might “relate to”. I do, however, feel as one of those working to influence youth, it is our responsibility to teach our teens the importance of tradition and to help them embrace the history of our school. This is MUCH MORE important than making a change that will affect thousands of loyal STHS Alumni and the students of today that will one day join the Alumni. The feeling of permanence, security, belonging and yes, love that we all feel as we sing the Alma Mater should be the only focus of ANY meeting regarding this important STHS tradition. HAIL SOUTH TAHOE HIGH!!

  14. Brooke Laine says - Posted: February 13, 2011

    The South Tahoe High School Alumni have been very generous and supportive of our beloved High School. It is hard to imagine what Casson was thinking in even bringing this idea forward without consultation of the Alumni who now represent over 57 years of tradition. The Alma Mater and Fight Song are important common threads that bind us.

  15. Christina Roberge Manglinong says - Posted: February 13, 2011

    I don’t think there is one STHS Alumni that doesn’t know the Alma Mater or Fight Song.Perhaps this person should think about how she would feel if someone wanted to change the song at the high school she attended. Please rethink your reasoning for the change. It’s not what any of us want.

  16. Dennis Cocking says - Posted: February 14, 2011

    Very poor idea to change this song. Tradition binds all STHS grads, whether new or old, and our alma mater/fight song is one of the common threads that weaves the various generations of STHS grads together. Change for change’s sake is mindless and panders to those who view tradition as an annoyance. If there was some truly compelling reason for the change, other than, “the kids will think it’s cool” I could see considering it. That’s not the case here. The responses of many of my fellow STHS grads demonstrates how strongly they feel. It would be wise to heed them.

  17. Cathy Mosbacher Walls says - Posted: February 14, 2011

    What a horrible idea to change the STHS Alma Mater and fight songs. I moved to Tahoe in my Junior year and still remember that song while I’ve completely forgotten the one from my first High school. I would have to guess that Mr. Scowcroft is a newer resident of SLT, an doesn’t understand the tight community sentiment and the bonds that going to STHS created and part of that is singing that wonderful old song! I can’t imagine “rapping” the words of our song just so the kids today will identify with it! Tradition has a place in all our lives and needs to be cherished by each new generation. Without tradition we have no roots and we all know what happens to a pine tree with no roots – it falls over and breaks apart. Keep the traditional songs!

  18. Carol Daum says - Posted: February 25, 2011

    First I would like to thank our new music teacher for his ambition and care for our school and our students. His ideas are enthusiastic and exciting, although I feel we should stick with tradition. Possibly we could add “another new song” to our tradition to go along with our exciting changes to our campus. Improving the theater, and adding lights on the football field. Maybe the graduates could sing it before throwing their hats as a finale at graduation, or before JV games or during a rally. I’m sure we could find some wonderful uses for a new song we could also take pride in.