Report: Dugard expected to finish book this year


By Christina Mendonsa, News 10

SACRAMENTO — Jaycee Dugard spent last summer camping with family, the fall taking daytrips with her daughters, and this winter, writing her unique and painful memoirs.

The woman held captive for 18 years is now living the life she dreamed of in childhood dairies kept during her years in the Garrido’s Antioch backyard. Dugard, her daughters and mother are renting a four-bedroom house on a tree-lined street in a Northern California neighborhood. Others living on the same street know who they are and are very protective of them.

As the case against Dugard’s alleged kidnappers, Phillip and Nancy Garrido, drags on, Jaycee is putting the finishing touches on a book due out later this year. Simon & Schuster has no date for the release but the company’s head of publishing has read excerpts.

“I was moved and inspired by the raw power of Jaycee Dugard’s voice, her strength and her resilience,” said Jonathan Karp.

Jonathan Glatt wrote the first book about the Dugard kidnapping titled, “Lost And Found.” Glatt digs deeply into the events surrounding Dugard’s kidnapping in 1991 and Phillip Garrido’s early life as a bass player in a Lake Tahoe-based band called Rock Creek.

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Comments (18)
  1. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    Just to throw a few things out there. Since it is obvious that a autobiography of her kidnapping and sexual slavery will make a impartial jury all but impossible to find, could it be she is TRYING to get Garrido and his wife acquitted? She certainly doesn’t need the money anymore and I thought “reliving the horrors” was supposed to be tramatic for such victims. So much for that theory. I know I would really get slammed if I mentioned any of the other possibilities that spring to mind.

    And she has $50 million dollars and is RENTING a house on a street where all the neighbors know about her and “protect her secret residence”? Come on! Does anyone really believe that?

  2. 32yearlocal says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    What in Gods name is the problem ? Can’t everyone just be happy for this young woman and her family. 50 million dollars good grief, might as well make it 100 million and if it were it still would not come close to covering the horror she and her little girls indured all those year. No one knows and it really is not anyones business. What ever it takes for her to heal and grow and if it’s writting a book that can potentially help others down the road then good for her for having the courage to do so. Let us all just wish them the best and stop all this hurting.

  3. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    To answer your question, the problem is that I just don’t like being lied to. If you want privacy, you don’t keep selling pictures, videos and interviews to the media. If you are “trying to heal”, you don’t start out by writing a tell-all book about your experience. And please save all that BS about “writing the book is her way of dealing with the trauma”. There are only two possible reasons for her writing this book at this point…money and/or she is trying to effect the outcome of the Garrido’s conviction and sentencing. Although I personally think that deal was cut along with the $20 million dollar “award”. I have said from the beginning that neither she nor Garrido would EVER appear in open court. Lo an behold…now she is going to be “spared” from testifying and Garrido is getting a plea deal. What a shock.

  4. 32yearlocal says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    I think you are a little more vested in this sitution that just a John Q. Fishing maybe.

  5. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 12, 2011

    OMG. I am sorry I even woke you up. You can close your eyes and stick your head back in the sand now.

  6. 32yearlocal says - Posted: February 12, 2011


  7. SurferGirl says - Posted: February 12, 2011


    Thank you for actually making sense in the comment roll and having the decency and respect not to insult other people who are entitled to their own opinions. Thumbs up to you!

  8. molly says - Posted: February 13, 2011

    geeze! she has asked for privacy for her daughters who are minors and the victims of violent crime.
    don’t they have the right to try to assimilate into life without people pointing at them?

  9. 30 year local says - Posted: February 13, 2011

    Wonder if spacecowboy lived in the Meyers community when all of this happened. I did and my kids were very effected by what happened to someone who they went to school with. It is Jaycee’s right to do whatever she wants with her life as you have the right to your opinion, whether myself or 32yearlocal agree. More power to victims to get whatever they can to rectify a terrible wrong that was done to them. I definitly don’t have my head in the sand. I worked with victims for 20 years in this town and know alot about tragedy and healing.

  10. 32yearlocal says - Posted: February 13, 2011

    Anyone that has worked with victims in any capacity knows that each individual deals with trauma in his or her own way so also they heal in various ways, we also see all sorts of good come from horrible traumatic events there is a reason for the phrase “survival of the fittest.” And who of us has not seen much good come from the depths …

    I have neither my head in the sand or above water when it comes to this horrific circumstance, or many others in the world, just needed to disengage from the negative. And hold only good wishes for the family’s future endeavors.

  11. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 14, 2011

    First, I am sympathetic toward the the terrible ordeal Ms Dugard has suffered. It was a horrible tragedy and she was a victim, pure and simple. What I have an issue with is the BS that the family and especially, the authorities and news media are putting out there. Maybe what I find most discouraging is that the vast majority of the general public buys anything about this case they hear or see. Regardless of how little sense it makes.
    I also know a bit about sexual abuse victims and this is the first one I have ever heard of that was so eager to sell pictures and interviews and write tell all books immediately after they were “rescued”. The women I have known that were sexually abused when young were reluctant in the extreme to talk of the experience. To my knowledge, none of them ever received (blackmailed? extorted?) a $20 million “award” from the state it happened in. It seems Ms Dugard is the first to do that.
    Doesn’t ANYONE find it the least bit odd that not one single state official has received so much as a verbal reprimand for their supposed gross negligence? In fact every one of them have been given promotions, early retirements, new identities, etc and relocated. They weren’t chastised…THEY WERE PROMOTED. And after everything else the State of CA is going to give the Garridos a plea deal. What a surprise.
    Sometimes I feel like I am one of the last people left that has any kind of grip on reality. Everyone else seems to live in a dream world.

  12. sev says - Posted: February 14, 2011

    SpaceCowby sorry to tell you but you really don’t sound sympathetic toward Jaycee Dugard at all.

    “eager to sell pictures and interviews?” Really?? Elizabeth Smart and her family did several interviews, published a book which was used as the basis of the television movie The Elizabeth Smart Story. Shawn Hornbeck missing four years made many appearances with his family on television, following his rescue,Oprah Winfrey did a show with him just six days after police freed him. In contrast Jaycee and her family has been intensely private since she came home,some pics in People magazine and a short video, and NO ONE interview.

    “To my knowledge, none of them ever received (blackmailed? extorted?) a $20 million “award” from the state it happened in. It seems Ms Dugard is the first to do that.”
    So, tell me SpaceCowby what other women has been kidnapped like a child and repeatedly raped over the course of years, forced to give birth to her abductor children, a parolee under California supervision,living sequestered in a backyard without access to medical services, education o social contact,please tell me, I´m very interested to know it, the true is this case is truly unique in USA.

    “Doesn’t ANYONE find it the least bit odd that not one single state official has received so much as a verbal reprimand for their supposed gross negligence? In fact every one of them have been given promotions, early retirements, new identities, etc and relocated. They weren’t chastised…THEY WERE PROMOTED. ”

    And you know this how?? now you’re just making things up.

  13. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 15, 2011

    Elizabeth Smart only gave interviews years after her rescue. The book came even later. I don’t recall hearing about her being paid for any of those interviews either. To my knowledge she never sold any pictures of herself to the media. She also took the stand in court to help convict her kidnapper. She didn’t help him get a plea deal.(Admittedly, I believe Ms Smart to be an exceptionally strong and dynamic young woman. She should be the poster child for sexual abuse/kidnap victims.)
    Ms Dugard and family on the other hand, had their own pictures taken and then approached People Magazine offering them for what People themselves called “a small fortune”.
    Since you bring it up, there was never a paternity test done on Ms Dugards daughters. The media just gradually started claiming they were Garrido’s and the authorities never said otherwise. Eventually they just started claiming it as well as to do anything else would really have opened a can of worms. You will see this if you follow the case from the beginning.
    There have been many cases of state officials negligence causing harm and even death to children and CA has never offered anything remotely close to $20 million. They have also made it clear that they never intend to again. This case is special and unique but not just in the way you see it. Doesn’t common sense scream that there had to have been other prominent people involved? Wouldn’t you think CA would have been happy to announce that they have fired or at least demoted a few of the officials they admit are responsible?
    You are not going to believe any of this of course. You are going to believe only the things that make you feel warm and fuzzy. Like Ms Dugard earned a high school diploma after only a few weeks. That she became a competent licensed driver as soon as she got behind the wheel of a car the first time. I would not be surprised to hear any day she has been awarded her Harvard Degree. The real world just doesn’t work like that.
    Don’t think on it too hard. I am sure you will believe whatever you read or hear last from the media.

  14. sev says - Posted: February 16, 2011

    Sorry but you are wrong,Elizabeth Smart gave her first interview in October 2003, SEVEN months after her rescue.The book was published days after and the television movie was aired in November 9 2003.I don`t know if she was paid for her interviews but her family was paid for the book and movie deal,reportedly the Smarts could got $400,000 to $500,000 for the story:

    “People themselves called “a small fortune”.Do you have any link?. I just found this little tidbit about the money Jaycee got:

    $200,000 dollars, yeah right “a small fortune”…

    “there was never a paternity test done on Ms Dugards daughters. and the authorities never said otherwise”.Again you´re wrong, the media no just gradually started claiming they were Garrido’s, Undersheriff Fred Kollar said in the FIRST press conference that Jaycee was the mother of the two young children who had been fathered by Garrido

    Placer County Undersheriff Fred Kollar Confirms Kidnapper Fathered Two Young Girls With Victim:

    Garrido said the fathered the two girls:
    Transcript: Phillip Garrido Speaks From Jail:
    “When I went to the San Francisco bureau,I was accompanied by two children that are jaycee dugard´s two children that we´ve had. It´s a constructive story of turning a person´s life around, and having those two children, those two girls, they have slept in my arms every single night from birth.”

    Even Ally Jacobs and Lisa Campbell said the 2 girls looked like Garrido.
    UCPD Discusses Its Actions Leading to Garrido Arrest:

    “You will see this if you follow the case from the beginning”.I have been following the case from the beginning but you obviously not.

    “Wouldn’t you think CA would have been happy to announce that they have fired or at least demoted a few of the officials they admit are responsible?”.
    No, in my experience government officials have a difficult time willing admitting making any mistake.

    “Like Ms Dugard earned a high school diploma after only a few weeks. That she became a competent licensed driver as soon as she got behind the wheel of a car the first time.”

    They never claimed that,again and again your´re making things up,they said she got her driver license after several months and she was working in her high school GED.

    “Don’t think on it too hard. I am sure you will believe whatever you read or hear last from the media.”
    Sorry if I don’t pander to your conspiracy theories.

  15. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 16, 2011

    sev, You wouldn’t be Ms Dugards 7-figure-a-year Press Agent would you? You certainly sound like it.

  16. sev says - Posted: February 16, 2011

    Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment:) but no, I´m only someone very interested in child abuse cases, for my own reasons that I will not get into, and I felt compelled to respond to your, in my opinion, very cold and callous comments toward Jaycee and her family.

  17. SpaceCowby43 says - Posted: February 16, 2011

    I still hold with my position that there have been, and still are, many lies told about this case. Conspiracy theories…yeah, you can call them that. It doesn’t mean it’s not true.

  18. crazycanuck says - Posted: April 21, 2011


    i just want to say we have been following up here in canada and that money that she got is like if you went to jail wrongfully to pay for life stolen
    and jaycees life was stolen and no one comes back when they go missing and she did i am glad shes alive and healing and also if she wants to release updates kool and there is paparazzi out there eh
    so jaycee probley gets mad when they take pics who knows but i would like to read her book