LTCC’s personnel struggles causing unrest on campus


By Kathryn Reed

Leadership, or the lack of it, is creating a fissure at Lake Tahoe Community College that some say is bringing harm to the two-year institution.

The turnover in presidents, other administrators and personnel leaving by choice by having found a new job or retiring are taking a toll on what had been a stable institution.

Sue Niehoff at the March 15 Lake Tahoe Community College board meeting. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Sue Niehoff at the March 15 Lake Tahoe Community College board meeting. Photo/Kathryn Reed

The 30-plus-year-old college is on its fourth president – this one interim. Two of the five board members have been seated since the beginning.

“I don’t think you realize how important good leadership is until you don’t have it,” board member and college founder Roberta Mason said. When asked to elaborate, she said, “I was thinking of Guy (Lease). I think we relied an awful lot on Guy. Maybe we didn’t do the research on our own that we should be expected to do.”

Lease was president of LTCC from 1990-2008. Prior to that he was dean of Business Services.

After him came Paul Killpatrick, who never was embraced by the college community. Now Steve Maradian is at the helm; hired to be interim president for this academic year.

Special board meeting

On March 15 the boardroom was full for a special 8:15am meeting. This in itself is an indication of the friction because seldom is anyone in attendance at the regular meetings.

The board, with member Molly Blann absent, started in closed session at 7:45am Tuesday. On the consent agenda for regular session was the notification of dismissal/discipline/release of the interim president and vice president of Business Services. This item was approved 4-0; with the only discussion in whispers among board members whether it should be open to public comment. It never formally was.

This was the second week in a row Sue Niehoff, the VP of Business Services, found out she was on the agenda when the paperwork came out instead of being afforded the courtesy from Maradian to be told before the masses found out.

Last week it was her annual review, for which she made about a two-minute appearance in closed session before being sent home by the board because she was ill. According to board member Karen Borges, Niehoff’s evaluation will be discussed further at the March 22 meeting. On March 15 it was notification Niehoff may be out of a job when her contract expires June 30 that came as a surprise to her when she saw it on the agenda.

Maradian told Lake Tahoe News after the meeting it is state law that non-faculty members under contract must be given reduction in force notices by March 15 if there is a chance their contract will not be renewed.

“It is a notice that provides the board maximum flexibility,” Maradian said.

However, the college has not operated this way in the past.

Maradian said without this notification, both of their contracts would be automatically renewed for a year beginning July 1.

Now the board must tell Maradian and Niehoff by May 15 if they will still be getting a paycheck from LTCC after June 30.

As much as the board members who spoke to LTN mentioned the state budget being a factor in all of this, the truth is California’s budget won’t be passed by May 15. Nor would the three who spoke express whether this is solely about Niehoff or more about reorganizing the administrative team. The college has employed Niehoff since January 2010.

Maradian’s contract was always supposed to be for one year. The college is in the process of looking for a president. The selection committee plans to meet March 24 to narrow the applicants to 10 to be interviewed in April, with the board interviewing three to five finalists in May.

One of the issues regarding Niehoff’s evaluation, which has not been provided to Lake Tahoe News because it is a personnel issue, is the scope of it.

Per Board Policy, Chapter IV, Policy 4.25, “All new academic administrators will undergo comprehensive evaluation two consecutive years after appointment.”

Maradian denied that is the policy.

“Board policy on evaluations is that every three years you have a comprehensive review and other reviews are annual reviews,” Maradian said.

The policy clearly states he is wrong.

If Niehoff had been given a comprehensive review, it would have meant being evaluated not just by Maradian, but also several faculty, classified, adjunct and other administrators.

In effect, she has been denied her due process outlined in board policy. On top of that, Maradian did the annual evaluation even though he has only worked with her for six months.

What the board has to say

Board members Fritz Wenck, Mason and Borges spoke with Lake Tahoe News after the meeting. All believe Maradian is doing a good job and support the direction he is taking the South Lake Tahoe institution. Board member Kerry David did not return calls and Blann is out of town.

“I think Dr. Maradian has done an excellent job in the areas we asked him to work on,” Wenck, the board president, said.

Those areas Wenck said are:

• Evaluating and implementing the Datatel system; (There is a relaunch of that program Thursday at 9am in the board room. The person running the program was let go in January per Maradian’s recommendation.)

• Self-study for accreditation; (This must be done by June; with the site visit in October.)

• Possible reorganization of the administrative team.

“I know there is a lot of uncertainty on campus and that always creates not a good morale climate,” Mason said. “We hope to bring in a new person as president … that will be one of their jobs, to help bring the campus together.”

None of the board members could or would pinpoint what has brought the college to the point of having employees send emails to Lake Tahoe News that say, “I believe Sue is clearly a target for retribution after having been a ‘whistle-blower’ against Steve. I wish I wasn’t such a chicken s—, but I can’t risk being similarly targeted in this job market. Sue is the best VP of Business we’ve had in over a decade. She deserves better.”

Borges and Mason did not hesitate to acknowledge morale is less than spectacular.

“I would say there is a lack of harmony. And we are trying to understand people’s points-of-view. We are trying to look into it and see what we can do,” Borges said.

She would not share what people on campus are saying to her.

“There is a climate on campus and people are afraid to speak in front of each other,” Mason said.

At the board meeting Tuesday only one person spoke – Denise Russell. But she has nothing to fear because her last day of managing the LTCC bookstore was March 10. She told the board there is a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness on campus.

“I don’t know if this is what you want – employees living in fear,” Russell told the board. “There are concerns about leadership.”

What Niehoff has to say

Though holiday lights may seem like an innocuous subject, it escalated into a heated exchange between the two college administrators that resulted in Niehoff writing a detailed memo to the board Nov. 29, 2010.

Mason and Borges remember the package of paperwork Niehoff provided them, while Wenck has no recollection. In the stack of papers are emails between the interim president and vice president of Business Services, a summary of lawsuits filed against Maradian while employed elsewhere, and the three Los Angeles Superior Court decisions that mostly involve sexual harassment judgments against Maradian.

When asked why they hired someone with such a checkered past, Wenck said, “I don’t know anything about it.” Then he added, “There were some allegations, but the board did not feel they rose to such a point that it would deter him from doing the job.”

Niehoff in her letter to the board four months ago, which they have never talked to her about according to her, says, “Dr. Maradian’s pattern of abusive and hostile behavior shows up in several publically available court documents which date back to at least 1996. He is now continuing this pattern of behavior at LTCC. Several other employees can corroborate the hostile work environment he is creating for this college.”

In a conversation with Lake Tahoe News after the March 15 meeting, Niehoff said, “When you look at him and listen he sounds articulate and engaged, but he clearly doesn’t like to be challenged, to be questioned. The board doesn’t see it because he has one personality for them and another on campus.”

When asked to describe his relationship with Niehoff, Maradian said, “I don’t describe personnel matters.”

Niehoff said their relationship soured after she questioned the expense of holiday lights and the religious nature of them.

Apparently an exchange of emails went back and forth between the two last fall. Authority over the whole college versus responsibility for all fiscal matters is a large part of the dialogue. The escalation and tone of the emails is what led Niehoff to write her letter to the board.

The board on Tuesday granted Niehoff permission to speak to them at the March 22 meeting in closed session. She wants it to be just her and the board, though Borges will be out of town.

Niehoff is considering her options. To begin with she still has a job and may be offered a contract to carry on her services. For now, she said she will do the job she was hired to do, but on July 1 she doesn’t know where she will be.


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (28)
  1. Work There says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    This angry little man is an embarrassment to the college. He really DOES have two personalities he show the world and the evil and vindictive side needs to be fired. It is well known that he is acting inappropriately with young male students — sound familiar, Board? Does this remind you of his LA lawsuit?

    For someone who spouts knowledge of Board policy, he really SHOULD read IV.4.25. New administrators have TWO consecutive COMPREHENSIVE evaluations! It’s in black and white! I encourage all readers to find the Board policy manual on LTCC’s website and see for yourself. I’ve worked at LTCC a long, long time as a classified staff member and have actually grow weary of the comprehensive reviews for new admins. This is one I would have been happy to participate in.

    Sue really is the best business VP we’ve had. She’s being shafted and the little angry man should not get away with it.


  2. Julie Threewit says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy about signing up for classes this week. It’s been sad to watch our once great J.C. fall apart at the seams.

  3. dumbfounded says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    As is so often the case in today’s business and public sector, members of the controlling boards do not take a serious interest in the details. Clearly, the board did not in the case of the hiring of recent leaders and the result has damaged the entire organization. I am actively aware of the destruction of the art department, a small victim of the poor management. It is sad to see this institution fail simply becuase of lack of attention. Unfortunately, this has become common. I sincerely hope that the board will take a more involved approach and repair the damage that has been done.

  4. Community member says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    I have been a student on and off for several years at the college and even worked there for a short period of time. I have many friends at LTCC and have witnessed a dramatic change in the past six months. It seems like no one is happy there anymore and that people are fearful for their jobs. I use to want to work there full time but I hear that many employees are looking for other jobs, which makes me question wanting to be there at all right now. I find it a little disheartening that the only person who felt they could speak up was one who had already found another job.
    It seems since this new interim President came into power, that he has done nothing but stir up trouble. I have heard things from many people that are unimaginable at this level. I am concerned that the Board did depend on Guy Lease to much and are having trouble admitting that they might have made a mistake with this current person. We all make mistakes, the important thing is to correct the mistake before it is too late. I googled Mr. Maradians’ name and found disturbing court documents about the man. I seriously hope that the Board has done the same and that they correct the problem before they loose more excellent, intelligent employees.

  5. Ken Whitcomb says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    This is a terrible job of paraphrasing but it goes something like “all it takes for bad people to win is for good people to do nothing”. It is now time for the Board to assert their authority and for the whisperers to begin shouting. If the campus will not stand up for itself who will? I have been involved with many campus activities and I have been impressed with the caliber of faculty, staff, and students. Please get involved!

  6. I work there, too says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    First of all, the college is not falling apart at the seams. While it’s true that things are in flux, we are still offering our students a quality education, and soon, we’ll have a permanent president, and things will be back on track. I can tell you, from an insider’s perspective, this article makes things seem much worse than they really are at the college. Most of us at LTCC are still happily doing our jobs, serving our students, and providing excellence in education.

  7. dryclean says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    One would hope that the college would be above everything else that is “troublesome” in our community…. city council, chamber president Gorman sidestepping our business laws, the contractural errors by city attornies and council members. What a shame. The board should set an example and consider stepping down.
    We all want to work towards a positive future but our community leaders keep dealing us negativity. Is there a conspiracy to drive sensible people out of town?

  8. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    It doesn’t take a genius to figure this community has some issues (especially the last few years). Some people feel education is the foundation to a better society. Hopefully this area can find some way to get more cohesive and go on the the best future possible within reason.

  9. What is the Financial Cost? says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    Since I run a business for a living, I would like to share a couple thoughts about this article. Disagreements such as described here have a tremendous impact on the emotional health of not only those that are directly involved, but on those forced to watch. Others are commenting on these aspects so I will focus on the financial costs and lost opportunities.

    A previous article stated that the interim president makes $160,000 per year, which is $615 day assuming it is based on a 2,080 hour work year. This is money he earns whether he is spending the time working out in the college gym, commuting back and forth to his real home in Oakland or writing memos on the absolute necessity of having additional Christmas lights installed at the college, regardless of the costs. Assuming the interim president spent a week on the subject of Christmas lights, that is $3,075 without the cost of materials, or the labor cost of other college employees forced to deal with this request. If $5,000 was the total cost of this one issue at an institution were a course costs students $17/unit; 294 course units could have been provided to those not fortunate to have the same means as those who sit on this Board, or directly report to it. How many similar hours were spent by the president on circumventing Board policies to eliminate the position of Craig Brinkman and now we read here that Sue Niehoff’s evaluation did not follow policy? Assuming each of these efforts was about the same as the Christmas lights, that means just these three issues could have provided 882 course units. What an amazing waste of resources at an institution whose focus used to be on education. Anybody for deducting these costs out of the president’s paychecks? Or were they authorized by the Board?

    I applaud anyone with the guts to stand up for what is right. Even in Lake Tahoe, …all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good (wo)men do nothing…

  10. thoughts says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    On the LTCC website it seems that two board members’ terms are up this year, including one whose memory seems to be a bit spotty at times. Hopefully the community will keep these issues in mind when the elections come around. Maybe its time the community turn the table and cause board members to worry about their own positions.

  11. Work There says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    There was a great point made above. The college is NOT falling apart at the seams. Our faculty and staff are top-notch. Our administrators are hard working and dedicated to the institution. Students at LTCC have access to the best education found anywhere.

    There’s a TEMPORARY rotten apple at the top and we will continue to do great things in this community and state.

    Be sure to exercise your right to vote. Our college needs your support to vote in Board members who stand up to unprincipled dictators and remember important issues such as receiving a packet of information related to their CEO’s conduct. Time for Fritz to retire.

  12. Bob says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    Good to know, I Work There Too!

  13. Work There II says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    The college IS falling apart at the seams – from the top!

    Unfortunately, some of the college managers are too incompetent to run the college in an efficient and effective manner. They hire other incompetents, and thus the college is locked into a downward spiral of mediocrity.

  14. Sad Local says - Posted: March 16, 2011


  15. SarahLake says - Posted: March 16, 2011

    It seems like the Board dropped the ball on this. If one person is bringing the whole place down, why not get rid of that person? Or, might be the president could resign and make it easiest on everyone. The community is getting a different opinion of the college and the Board should look at this. Newbies should run for the Board. After all, you get free health insurance while you are on the board!

  16. Love my job says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    I love working at LTCC, but hate what is happening.
    I have personally witnessed inappropriate comments made by the interim president to co-workers. And we are all witnesses to the ignorance of LTCC Board Policy and the injustice of his actions.
    The Board seems only to rubber stamp whatever the interim president recommends, without being the least bit interested in seeking out any other opinion, nor doing any research for themselves, to assure that their rulings are in the best interest of LTCC. More so than ever before, it seems like the Board members are only interested in putting in the minimal effort necessary in order to maintain their health insurance benefit.

  17. Richard Brown says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    I go to the JC and I attend meetings with the members of faculty on various boards, and I talk to the many people who hold the school up. It is my humble opinion that this the school is not falling apart at the seems and that Dr. Maradian is not half as bad as the comments on these stories tend to make him out to be. Sue Nihoff is most likely not in any sort of trouble, she has been applauded several times for her hard work in the meetings I’ve sat in. The fact is, the school needs to hand pink slips by march 15th. It’s a matter of flexibility in rough economic times, not a reflection of bad work.

  18. Former Employee says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    First, I am happy I am no longer working there. And yes, one of the reasons I left was lack of leadership. And yes, I do hold the Board responsible for the current situation. Maybe it is time for new blood on the Board.

    IV.4.25 IV. Comprehensive Evaluations 2. “All new academic administrators will undergo comprehensive evaluation two consecutive years after appointment.” Board policy clearly states ” I don’t even think she got a first comprehensive evaluation.

    Seems to me that Mr. Maradian is a huge liability for the campus. This is the second person that could be facing termination under questionable practices. No wonder moral is down. Everyone except faculty are fearful they may be next….especially if they get on the wrong side of this man.

  19. Craig Brinkman says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    Steve Maradian is conducting a witch hunt against College employees, many of whom are long-standing, outstanding staff, because they:

    1. Dare to speak the truth, even when it is inconvenient for Maradian and members of the Board.

    2. Put the long-term interests of the students ahead of the petty politics of the Board and present and former leadership that are embarrassed by the poor performance of the institution in delivering on its core mission.

    LTCC can and should be the light that leads the community of South Lake Tahoe forward to a better economy, fueled by more job opportunities and well-educated citizens..but there is a lot of change at the top there that will be needed before that can begin.

    Change begins on election day.


  20. Interested Local says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    What the college president is doing is covering his —. He knows that he fired Creag Brinkman illegeally, and now he’s trying to shift the blame to Sue Niehoff. The college board should know better than to listen to Maridian. He palys fast and loose with the law and gets sued for it everywhere he goes. At his last gig his lawsuit cost the college $1.2 million. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen here.

  21. Current Employee says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    I currently work at LTCC. I have heard Dr.Maradian make sexist comments on more than 3 occasions. He has also made racist comments to people I work with, while I was in the room. He is destroying this college, and the Board is supporting that destruction. It makes me wonder if the Board is trying to close down the college.

  22. college student says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    I would like to address something Mr. Brown mentioned. I do think that the school needs options but then why did they not give everyone March 15th notices? It seems that by doing that, it would present the most options but in this case it seems like it is pretty much directed at one person. Not to mention how much time this is all taking from everyone who works there. If I have to spend my day wondering if I will be next and trying to cover my butt then I can’t imagine that everyone is doing the best job that they could be doing. I have also seen some questionable behaviors from the President that makes me wonder. I don’t think it is appropriate for him to be taking young male students out for drinks and dinner, especially in light of his past. Sometimes he seems a bit too friendly to the male students.

  23. snoheather says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    I am also a student at the college and have a huge interest in this whole ordeal. After Mr. Brinkman was fired inappropriately I started looking into Mr. Meridian’s past and am apalled at what I found. This man only brings negativity to this school and should be let go as soon as possible.

  24. Local says - Posted: March 17, 2011

    As an outsider it seams like the board doesnt care. Why not fire the one person (Maraden) who is bringing the college down? Is he so important to put everyone else at risk and make everyone else upset?

  25. Work There II says - Posted: March 18, 2011

    Consolidate LTCC within another, large district.

    Eliminate the local Board of Trustees.

    Eliminate most of the local administration, including the president’s position.

    Save the college a million bucks each year.

  26. Lawsuit Looming? says - Posted: March 18, 2011

    Hey Fritz,
    Saying you knew nothing about Maradian’s past may get you out of personal responsibility for the negligent hiring lawsuit coming your way, but getting additional information in November and doing nothing about it won’t get you past the negligent retention component. You also need to look up the definition of the word “allegations” – there are “judgments” against this man of questionable character – which are the result of him repeatedly losing in a court of law or settling the day before he was going to lose in a court of law.

    Don’t forget to add attorney and settlement fees to the financial costs of Maradian mentioned in an earlier message.

  27. Current Adjunct says - Posted: March 18, 2011

    As a current adjunct that is involved I can tell you the college is not falling apart at the seams because of the hard work of classified,faculty and certain administrators.The moral is VERY low.Most of us feel the bottom line is quality of education/experience for our students and that is always on our minds,however you can only be pushed so far.The board through the years deserves respect for getting the college to where it is now but the last 3-4 years there seems to have been some terrible mistakes made and they have been HUGE!We are still blessed to have this institution in our backyard.