LTCC vice president submits resignation


By Kathryn Reed

Sue Niehoff, vice president of Business Services at Lake Tahoe Community College, submitted her resignation Thursday.

Niehoff has been the subject of several board meetings this calendar year.

She was not immediately available for comment Friday.

Sue Niehoff

Sue Niehoff

Board President Fritz Wenck told Lake Tahoe News that at the April 26 meeting his group is expected to accept her resignation. He said her resignation is effective June 30.

“We are in the process of hiring a new superintendent/president. We may put in some sort of interim structure and let him come on board to make the final decision (about that position),” Wenck said.

The South Lake Tahoe college is expected to make a decision on the next president in May.

Interim President Steve Maradian did not want to speak to Niehoff’s resignation even though he is her supervisor.

“I’m not sure why this is such big news … why someone can’t come and go,” Maradian said.

His contention is the bigger news is the college is not laying off large numbers of people, unlike what is happening elsewhere in state.

Maradian did say the item in closed session on the April 12 agenda that involved a personnel issue was not related to Niehoff. No action was taken on that item.


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Comments (10)
  1. really??? says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    I feel sorry that the college has lost another good employee. It seems that it is definitely on a downward spiral.

  2. Work There says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    I know SOMEONE who should come and GO, but it’s not Niehoff, who was the best VP of Business at the college in over a decade. It’s the Interim President with a documented history of creating hostile work environments. She blew the whistle on him and now she has been forced to resign.

    The Board continues to listen to a sociopath. It’s pitiful and I can’t wait for Board elections in November. I believe two are up for reelection. Better start looking for another source of free benefits.

    So depressing. No wonder we are considering unionizing.

  3. Oh, Please! says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Outright LIE: The April 12 closed session was not related to Niehoff.

    Think about that statement, Board members. You know this is an outright lie. Does it make you WONDER (I hope) about other things Maradian is fabricating? I suppose we are to believe that it was a complete coincidence that she resigned the very next day?

    Give us a break. We’re not as stupid as you think we are.

    Fritz says, “We may put in some sort of interim structure and let him come on board to make the final decision (about that position).”

    News flash Fritz. Anyone who was born in the last century knows that should read “let him or HER come on board to make the final decision.” Yes, believe it or not, WOMEN can be college presidents these days.

    God help us all.

  4. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    And to think we let Lori Gaskin slip through our hands!

    I had the exact same thought as Oh, Please! when I read the remark that makes the assumption the next President will be male.

    I used to work there and am deeply saddened by what appears to be going on. I hope LTCC can get back on track, but it is clear it won’t as long as someone who has not earned the trust of the staff is in place at the top.

  5. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    I’ve heard ONLY good things about Sue from the staff – LTCC Board of Trustees: Don’t accept her resignation! Sue: tough this out & be the last one standing!!!

  6. Work There says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    Not a chance, Diana. The Board is drinking the Maradian kool aid. It’s a done deal and she’s already gone.

    Vote of no confidence should be coming next. Followed by a lawsuit when we can least afford it.

  7. SLTLocal says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    Not sure how this story qualifies as “news.”

  8. Work There says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    Do you mean it’s not news in the sense that we hear the same type of story over and over, or in the sense that one of the top executives at a major Tahoe employer has been denied her rights to a fair evaluation and forced to resign?

    I am thankful that LTN runs these types of stories. The local voters need to be informed of what the Board is doing so they can make wise choices when election time rolls around.

  9. Denmark? No, perhaps LTCC says - Posted: April 18, 2011

    Something doesn’t smell right here. Fritz says Niehoff’s resignation is effective June 30. “Work There” says Niehoff is already gone. If both are true, she is getting paid by the taxpayers for not working. Sounds like she was forced out to me.

  10. Work There says - Posted: April 18, 2011

    Exactly, “Denmark”! Try stopping by her office and you’ll see it completely vacant. Call the college and ask to speak to her. The coincidence of the closed session and her immediate departure are astronomical.

    She was forced out for blowing the whistle on the Interim President’s legal history and his plan to expend taxpayer funds on Christmas lights.