Editorial: Killing is not the answer to world peace


Can the death (killing) of one man change a world?

Time will answer that question.

Clearly, the confirmation of Osama bin Laden having taken his last breath May 1 in Pakistan will reverberate throughout the world.

Bin Laden, 54, was the mastermind behind 9-11 nearly 10 years ago.

“Justice has been done” is what President Obama told the world when he took to the airwaves about 8:40pm Sunday night.

Crowds gathered outside the White House – cheering, singing the national anthem.

Bin Laden, as some have said, was the face of terrorism. His image will not be erased for years to come. One has to wonder whose face might become the poster child for terrorism as the world moves forward.

Terrorism should never be tolerated. Differences among people will always exist. Hijacking planes, flying them into buildings and killing more than 3,000 innocent people is such an incredibly heinous crime that no explanation for why it happened will ever be acceptable.

The United States government is not perfect. No religion is perfect. No person is perfect.

But does violence and killing really solve anything?

Does this one death justify the killing of thousands on Sept. 11, 2001? Obama, and apparently the United States government as a whole, say “yes”.

But this murder with the blood on the hands of the United States does not change the philosophy of bin Laden’s followers.

It is simplistic to believe negotiating and compromise will foster amicable relationships. But it has also been proved that invading countries that never had weapons of mass destruction is a senseless waste of American lives. The money and other resources spent in Iraq and Afghanistan are secondary to the thousands of soldiers and civilians who have lost their lives.

An eye for eye – is that what the United State has come to?

Lake Tahoe News is not a supporter of terrorism at any level. It is also not a supporter of violence.

Killing people one does not agree with (even if for incredibly good reason) is not the way people in a country that believes in human rights should ever behave.

The United States has a penchant for switching teams. There was a time when bin Laden was the good guy according the federal government; same with Augusto Pinochet in Chile.

Lake Tahoe News is no friend of these terrorists. But what Lake Tahoe News wants is for the citizens of the United States to become actively engaged in what the federal, state and local governments are doing. The government is the people. Does what the government at all these levels is doing represent you? If not, what are you going to do about it?


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (15)
  1. TexasD says - Posted: May 1, 2011

    Killing is bad, but what other means are there to end terrorism? Terrorists don’t negotiate and come to peaceful agreements. This is why we go to extreme measures to stop them from killing innocent people. Even if it means to put a bullet in their head. How do you stop a virus? you destroy it. This is why we fight the war on terrorism.

  2. Arlan Berglas says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    May 1, 2011 marks the beginning of World Peace 1.

  3. Christina says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    I won’t mourn his death, that’s for sure. And I won’t second guess the decision to take him out, either. But, the standard US reaction–taking to the streets and celebrating–reeks of hypocrisy (and it’s embarrassing). Remember the general reaction of middle eastern countries to the television coverage of the September 11th attacks? They were publicly celebrating and whooping it up over the slaughter of thousands of innocent Americans. And we were outraged (rightfully so) and we condemned them for that. And now we are behaving no better than those that we condemned.

  4. ljs says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    I am surprised by this editorial. To quote, “Does this one death justify the killing of thousands on Sept. 11, 2001? Obama, and apparently the United States government as a whole, say “yes”.” I think you meant to say it the other way around… does the killing of thousands justify this one death. I am against the death penalty in ALL cases. That being said,I have no problem with self-defense, which this killing (an no it is not a murder), certainly is. Celebrating in the streets, I agree that it does not become us as a people,but killing in self defense to save untold deaths in the future by a sociopath that would clearly love to kill innocents again… you bet I am not sorry.

  5. TahoeKaren says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    I agree that the wording of the question was a bit awkward. This is a totally justified death. I am not so sure about calling this self defense but so long as he is dead it matters not.
    I wonder what this will do for Obama’s approval ratings??

  6. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    Killing innocent people creates terrorists. We could start there.

  7. Aviation Supporter says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    I wish we had real proof of death. Makes for good stories though, and better approval ratings as Karen mentioned. The ocean was a convenient way to get out of having to proove to us that Osama, or Usama, is really dead.

  8. Jennifer says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    I certainly don’t condone anything Osama did, but I don’t think killing any living being is right. Killing the “terrorists” and engaging in war will NEVER bring peace. Only peace can bring peace. And killing others is only going to bring more death to us. What goes around comes around. Like begets like.
    We’re all the same at heart. We’re all one.

  9. Bonnie says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    I don’t believe that killing or any violence will bring about peace but I am cheered by most of the above comments that imply that only justice, tolerance and generosity rather than injustice, arrogance, greed and violence will bring about peace

  10. Del Laine says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    Perhaps a quote from a World Trade Center survivor (Harry Walzer in today’s SacBee)says it well. “If this means there is one less death in the future, then I’m glad for that… . But I just can’t find it in me to be glad one more person is dead, even if it is Osama bin Laden.”

  11. Tounges says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    He won the war” A LONG TIME AGO…along with help from Wall Street and the Evil corporation that padded their self worth,in worthless bonds,stocks SOLD THEM TO YOU DUMMIES, while a few were caught many got away with your future 401’s, home equity,trust in the American way,he saw the evil ,didn’t nothing to hide the facts.
    TILL THIS DAY, WE ARE STILL TRYING TO PICK UP THE PEACES OF A TORN WORLD POWER THAT THAWS IN THE HOT BURNING SUN OF THE EVILS OUR COUNTRY DOES ABROAD AND IN TIME WE SHALL never succeed in our endless quest to control other countries,faiths,economies,natural god given resources,customs tey call their way of life.We don’t have this right under any real or abstarct God or goverment or rule.
    They don’t waste time on bogus people representing power in one district or state,they are together in their quest for their god they live under not some split senate or house that can’t even get baby diapers grants,old peoples med paid for after 70 years of hard work passed without some killer-buster of man’s stupidity moral purpose of fellow countrymen.

    I was paid 500.00 American dollars to not post a comment for a month ,I’m back to wise up your closed minds ,BS censorship to the creation of thought and debate on a playing field of the American constitution and the bill of rights as my trigger to the pursuit to happiness.

  12. thimesnv says - Posted: May 2, 2011

    Mr. Tongues,

    Please put down the crack pipe, and step away slowly. Take a deep breath. Ahhhhh, wooosssawww. Feeling better? Ok, now head directly to LTCC and enroll in a remedial English class. Rants are a lot more effective if people can actually understand what you are saying. Tip #1: Less commas, more periods.

  13. Kitten says - Posted: May 3, 2011

    I agree with Christina. Cheering murder whoever is the murderer, makes me sad, but I know that most people are relieved that Bin Laden is gone. I am too. Most of the people at the White House that were expressing their joy, were mostly college students. They were about 11 when this tragedy happened September 11, 2001. I hope that they really know what they were cheering about. We all feel that we now have our freedom back, and Bin Laden was the reason we lost it for 10 years. Should we be fearful? Sure. But inside we probably feel a little more peace. God Bless America

  14. Aviation Supporter says - Posted: May 3, 2011

    To Thimesnv. Lol. That was right out of my head. I had to read it a couple of times and still can’t really figure out WTF? It was absolutely necessary to seek out this individual and destroy any future possiblity of him being able to orchestrate another killing or forbid reproduce again. He was a pig, a coward, and made me think of Reverend Jim Jones in so many ways. And, to the Seals that went in and conducted this operation, KUDO’s, KUDO’s, KUDO’s. (Remember to shake the hand of any serviceman you see) Oh, and to those parents of children, husbands, wives, and significant others that were brought back to the U.S. in a casket because they were killed in action trying to find OBL, I hope the actions of my President will allow you to sleep at least a little bit longer each night.

  15. Aviation Supporter says - Posted: May 4, 2011

    And one more comment. If anyone has ever witnessed the delivery of a son brought back in that casket and heard the moans and cries of the mother, and father, and sister and high school buddies, as the door opens on the airplane that is transporting the body you will NEVER, EVER, EVER want to hear it again. It’s something that I will never forget. That’s a real eye-opener folks. I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to witness that up close and let me tell you something, I didn’t even know this kid that came home in a box but it didn’t seem to matter. I cried like none other when that door opened and a quite hush came over the entire crowd of about 200 people, most of which didn’t know him either. The door opened on the airplane and nobody said a word until the flag draped casket came in to view. Then once the flag was clearly visible the entire crowd was awash in agonizing cries. It was as if everyone was skeptical that there would be anything emerging except a vibrant individual. But no, it was really what everyone dreads, a son and a brother and a local boy brought home to his family and community in a box.

    Frankly, I can’t get the image out of my head and that’s what motivates my opinion. I know, horribly isn’t it.

    Have a nice day.