Opinion: Thankful for friends, bitter toward media


To the community,

The recent post on this site and the article in the Tribune that reported my brush with law enforcement was so highly inaccurate as to be silly. But that is not my point in responding. Bias, inaccuracy and sloppy reporting in the media are so widely accepted and broadly understood that, to most people, it no longer merits a comment.

I am writing to thank the large number of people who understood the actual facts of the situation and provided unwavering support to me and my family during the less than 48 hours that it took before it was resolved. I cannot thank enough the people who came to Barton Hospital ICU to show their support – members of our church family, relatives, church pastors, and those how have been our friends for years. To my business partner who was standing ready to put up whatever amount of money necessary to see that I was home with my family. And thanks to the deputies of the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department who provided security for me at Barton and showed the highest level of professionalism and dedication to service.

Joseph Scanio

Joseph Scanio

Also, thanks to my attorney who was tireless in his defense and to our community leaders, elected officials whose support I so much appreciated. Friday evening was our 11th wedding anniversary and the dinner and show at a local casino was fantastic and our thanks for that great experience. And, finally, to all the people of our church who joined with us this past Sunday to offer their support and encouragement and to so warmly welcome us to our shared fellowship with Christ.

The anniversary card my wife gave me this past weekend I think sums up how we should look at the situations that cause us pain or bring turmoil to our lives. I want to share her words with you. I think they can give us and our partner the love and strength to endure when there is darkness and despair –as there always will be:

Sometimes life can get a little messy, a little crazy around the edges. But that’s okay. It’s still wonderful … and there is no one I’d rather be sharing it with than you, amazing you. I’m so glad our life isn’t about seeking perfection. Instead. We find happiness in everyday moments and real satisfaction in our home, our love, and our family.

Jennifer, I love you – and to all our friends and family, we love you more than you can ever know.

Joseph Scanio, South Lake Tahoe


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (63)
  1. Emily Brown says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Why was this published? It doesn’t address anything the “media” said that was wrong. It doesn’t explain why he was loitering outside the ice rink or why he hadn’t registered his home address. But thanks for letting us all read the anniversary card between a convicted sex offender that preys on children and his wife & church who turned a blind eye.

  2. Bob says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    George Soros is reported to have ties to over 30 major media organizations around the world. Just imagine how much news is distorted for his benefit. He has taken down countries with his propaganda.

  3. thimesnv says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Emily, I agree this post only creates more questions.

    Parolees are instructed about drinking alcohol excessively & avoiding locations where illegal drugs are often found. Frequenting establishments like casinos that provide complimentary alcohol are not allowed. I sincerely hope that Mr. Scanio is not violating his parole conditions. Admitting his presence in a local casino could be another violation, in addition to the others we have discussed in these forums.

  4. Meeting attendee says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Well, now we know what he looks like.

  5. MPA says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Not following is Parole conditions. He needs to stay in jail. The coverage was correct. A sex offender with child porn hanging around a skating rink.

    Are any alarm bells going off? If you think it is an innocent mistake-you’re living in fairyland.

  6. Dave Conner says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Why are there so many self-righteous, petty, and vindictive people in the world and in South Lake Tahoe? It is not unusual at all for us to consider ourselves not so bad and others “evil”. We need to come to an understanding that all are sinners, fall short of being like God. I have known this man for years and worked with him and he is not a monster but a great husband and a wonderful father to his 9 year old daughter, and a truly sincere Christian man. Yes he made a mistake years ago but should we burn his house down and him with it? I’d rather live next door to him (yes I have kids) than all the pot smoking drug addicts that infest my neighborhood. I know all about psychopaths, sociopaths, angry people, vindictive people, egotistic people who think they are better than everyone else. He is not the one with the problem but it is the people who think they are better than everyone else. Let’s just leave him alone and deal with our own problems.

  7. Emily Brown says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    @ Bob… Some may think your comment is kind of random, but there could be a connection here that would answer why this pointless letter from a sex offender was published… that sex offender is married to a memeber of our local media. That same media outlet is tied in heavily with “Lake Tahoe News”. Maybe that’s why he was given this chance. I would encourage the publishers of this website to disclose that relationship and explain why this letter was published.

    @ Dave… I find it odd that you think we’re all “petty” for wanting this criminal to follow the rules of his parole. Let’s not forget that he has not completed his sentence. He’s out on parole and needs to follow all the rules all the time. He’s clearily not doing that and missed this chance to explain how he is. Sex offenders that target kids are the lowest form of scum on this planet and deserve no “wiggle room” when it comes to their parole. So you go ahead and leave your kids with him, the rest of us will expect him to follow the rules… all of them.

  8. Tom says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    YUP ABSOULTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go Dave!! I’ve known Joe too for almost 10 years, He is a member of my church and proud to have him as my friend. His family is fantastic and would do anything for you if you needed help. I don’t know how many times he has taken food to people who were shut-in or couldn’t take care of themselves. There are just people in this world, that are so board in life and annyoed, that they think nothing is ok without starting to run there mouth, start rumors, gossip, fight, or start drama. And it is usually the one who point the finger of sin at other people who are hiding the most sin in their own life.

  9. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Where is this talk about drug and alcohol abuse coming from?

  10. admin says - Posted: May 24, 2011


    You are sorely mistaken. Lake Tahoe News has nothing to do with any other media — anywhere. It is independently owned and operated.

    KTHO and KRLT radio stations pick up news from Lake Tahoe News like they do from other publications. This is a common practice for radio stations outside of Lake Tahoe as well — to use multiple news sources.

    The letter from Mr. Scanio was printed because he has the right as anyone else does to voice their opinion. In this case, even more so because LTN did not contact him in regards to the stories that were printed. His voice is important regardless if you agree with what he says.

    It’s up to the public to decide if he as a registered sex offender shows remorse for not registering his proper address with law enforcement. Rules are rules and he should be obeying them.

    But at the same time, when does a felon get to move on? He served his time.

    He does have a child who skates at the ice arena. Should he not be allowed to go there or to the school she attends?

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  11. Dave Conner says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    Emily or whatever your real name is—maybe you should get your facts straight before you post. I know this guy’s entire background and this guy is not a sex offender that target kids and has never been accused of targeting kids or being any kid of preditor. If you look him up on any state or federal registry of registered sex offenders, you won’t find him. Why, simple, his offence was considered so minor that, by law, he does not show up on those registries and he is not required to be on these registries. Don’t believe me? Look it up. I would still be willing to live next door to him any day!

  12. Lawrence says - Posted: May 24, 2011

    First of all sex offenders are scum. Joeseph Scanio is a sex offender who is a child predator as well. I looked up his business partner he works with at Total Business Images. His name is Kevin Hurtado. Put his name on Megans list and it comes up. I guess he is also a good christian child molester as well. Why are these two even alloed to hang out???I am fearful for all of these blind church members in his fellowship. Wake up this guy is dangerous. I looked up his wife she is our morning radio host on the Weekday Wakeup Crew on KTHO. She is also a Parks & Recreation Commissioner. Does this mean this Scanio guy can go the parks because his wife works there? I didn’t know that she was married to this guy until I looked this stuff up. I won’t be listening to KTHO any more. If this creep is innocent then why was he arrested? Why did he use a fake address? My daugters school is near Wyoming Street. I guess lying to his parole officer is ok because he loves God. He needs to be locked away and throw away the key!

  13. Julie says - Posted: May 25, 2011

    I looked up total business imaging and his boss Kevin hurtado on google and Megan’s list. Ewwwwww. If he is so innocent why is he working for that child molester? I guess it’s true what they say. Birds of the same feather stick together.

  14. Jesus says - Posted: May 25, 2011

    “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…”

  15. snoheather says - Posted: May 25, 2011

    I looked up Joe Scanio on Megan’s Law and he is not listed at all. I even tried Joseph. How did the person who turned him in for being at the ice arena know who he was? And how does anyone posting about him know his offense was against a child if it’s not listed on the official sex offender site?

  16. Tahoan25 says - Posted: May 25, 2011

    The man ruined his own life by engaging in activities that perpetuate and harm the young. Convicting him and the others is just. Scanino didn’t abide by the rules of his crimes and conditions of his parole.

  17. snoheather says - Posted: May 25, 2011

    Thanks Info. That clears up why everyone is so up in arms about this.

  18. Frank W says - Posted: May 25, 2011

    Child pornography is not to be excused or forgiven lightly. Viewing it and sending it to others, as Mr. Scanio and those arrested with him did, is no different and condones those who took the pictures. Mr. Scanio having ‘served his time’ as some have posted here is referring to a criminal proceeding that has nothing to do with the vulgarity of the crime and the immoralness of these acts.

    Please quit using Jesus, He did not come to forgive such crimes, instead the Bible says, “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, …and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21

    Mr. Scanio, before you can hope others will treat you with the respect you seem to be demanding, you must humble yourself before not only God and your family, but before all those whose lives your actions ruined, you must realize the damage done and accept your responsibility, which goes much farther than accepting a sentence. You seem to distance yourself from the actions and failed here when the moment was right, to acknowledge the public’s fear, the concern of parents, the ugliness of your actions and the public’s perception of those.

    We do not owe you respect, you owe many lives a humble heart, prone before the Lord, respect for the system that ‘caught’ you and requires you to follow its rules, or you should be returned to prison to learn further lessons.

    May the good Lord bless and comfort all the little children you enjoyed watching be abused and may their hearts be mended while I pray you one day see your reflection more clearly.

  19. Frank W says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    And Mr. Scanio, while your crimes are yours to bear, its quite self-serving to write a letter to your wife, dragging her into all this, using her , your family and friends you are grateful too, without so much as even mentioning what you should be humbled by. Your sentence originally was how many years, which you should have served the whole of? The media is to blame.

    You alone are to blame and your family do not deserve the public’s attention, more like the public’s sympathy. You should have been humble if you were write at all, apologize for the fear your presence alone creates accept. We can not accept you in this community, even as you hide in your church, until you recognize the impact off all those lives … I believe the prosecuter said it was 500 individual little children, then its 500 souls you helped to scar. That, is a whole lotta humbleness, you are a long way from having the right to self righteousness.

  20. Jesus says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

  21. grannylou says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    What about just addressing the absurdity of Mr. Scanio not filing his place of residence as required by the law? In all, that is such a lack of good judgment on his part. Mr. Scanio, if you really believe in doing the right thing, why didn’t you do this very simple act of registering your place of residence? AND I also wonder why didn’t someone at the government level notice it until now? You’ve been out several months. Regardless of what you did or didn’t do, this is definitely stupidity on your part. See what you have stirred up? Get with it!

  22. Aviation Supporter says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    I like Frank.

  23. Emily Brown says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    First of all, I had no idea that his business partner was also a convicted sex offender. Not only is that “gross”, but it would also be yet another violation of his parole. When on parole, you are not allowed to associate with ex-cons, let alone go into business with them! I can only hope that law enforcement is investigating all of these violations.

    @ LTN Admin… the simple and accurate answer would have been “yes, we have a working relationship with KTHO but it does not affect our journalistic integrity or how we report on stories”. To deny it, makes you look like you’re hiding something. The proof of your relationship is all over your website and theirs. If you type in “KTHO” into the search option on your own website you will see several examples of you promoting their station, events, and on air segments. Including segments hosted by LTN staff members! You even include their logo for extra promotion. If you type in “KRLT” to your search option, you will see no promotion of that station, only articles where the station was mentioned in passing. If you go to the KTHO website you will see a web banner for “LTN” right on the home page. The Tahoe Tribune doesn’t have a banner there, nor does any other media outlet in town. So either you’re a paid sponsor of that station (which would be a conflict of interest for this story) or they gave it to you at no charge because of your working relationship with them. So although you claim not to have a formal “deal”, it would appear to the average person that you do. So to protect your journalistic integrity, you should always disclose things like this when dealing with a story that crosses over to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

  24. admin says - Posted: May 26, 2011


    The simple answer is we don’t have a working relationship.

    Yes, KTHO and LTN have traded links. At no cost to the other business. Lake Tahoe News has that relationship with other businesses in town and out of town. LTN would do it with KRLT too if they were to ask. Some links are associated with paid advertising — one of the perks to being an advertiser.

    LTN does not have any paid staff so I don’t know what you are referring to in regards to segments on KTHO. I had a brief news/interview show that ended more than a year ago on KTHO, and I hosted the Talk with TRPA show until mid-last summer. I was not paid for either show.

    LTN promotes a lot of events so I don’t understand your point.

    Joseph Scanio sent LTN the column. It had nothing to with KTHO. It’s a guess on my part, but I would assume he sent one to the Tribune as well and they have chosen not to print it.

    And to question my journalistic integrity shows you know so very little about me or Lake Tahoe News.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  25. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Maybe his daughter is home schooled because she would be relentlessly harassed by children similar to some of the people posting here. That is too bad.

  26. Emily Brown says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    I see, so you did have a working relationship (being paid or not is irrelevant) with KTHO which included you personally going on air and providing content to thier station. But now that’s over. It’s still questionable that you didn’t admit that on your first post, but I’ll let it go.

    I look forward to seeing a follow-up article from you after you investigate his business dealings with another convicted felon. There’s no way that’s not a parole violation.

  27. Jessica says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    I can’t believe there are still people out there defending this guy… People who would actually do business with him and his convicted felon business partner… And people who are actually stating that they would let this guy watch their kids!!! ANYONE who would let this horrible man watch their kids should also be put in jail! It scares me to think that there is a 9 year old living in a house with him, possibly being home schooled by him… There is nothing in this world that can convenience me he should be “set free” and able to live a normal life… He should have thought about missing his daughter’s events and bringing her to school when HE CHOSE to do something illegal! My children should not be put at risk in the community because he wants to participate in regular life events- he lost those privileges when he chose to look and horrible pictures of children!!!! I don’t understand how saying I’m sorry to God will make him better… Actions speak far louder than words!

  28. Jesus says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?”

    Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

  29. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Good luck JC. Some of these Christians only use the bible when it is convenient.

  30. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    At least there isn’t a global organization that protects pedophiles.
    Oh wait a minute… there is

    If this kind of activity happened in any regular group or corporation, it would be raided by the FBI.

  31. Jessica says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    I just love that “Jesus” continues to chime in… Really?!? I mean seriously… Let me get this straight, it doesn’t matter that Mr Scanio knew his choices were ‘unholy’ and plain wrong when he made them but as long as he says “please forgive me” all is right??? Yes, people use religion when convent- Mr Scanio is case and point! Isn’t there some phrase in the bible about treating others how you want to be treated…. I wonder how Mr Scanio would feel if he knew other dirty men were looking at horrible pictures of his children… Just say’n.

  32. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Yeah that pesky Jesus and his teachings of universal empathy, love and forgiveness. It’s just too difficult Jesus, my ego makes it impossible to follow you.
    The ‘do unto others’ concept predates the teachings of Jesus. Jesus asks much more of you, and challenges to think and act bigger.
    I accept that challenged.
    And I am an atheist.

  33. thimesnv says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Hey Lawrence, I looked at Total Business Image’s client list on their website. You’ll never guess who was listed on there…Yes, KTHO.

    Amazing. Even a creative conspiracy theorist couldn’t come up with a story this good.

  34. dogwoman says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Bongo, don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back for your imaginary virtue. Pride is the worst sin of all.

  35. thimesnv says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Mr. Connor,

    After doing a little research, I regret to inform you that you are the one who is uninformed. The following are the federal guidelines for Tier I sex offenders like Mr. Scanio. This information comes from the Adam Walsh Act or SORNA (2006).

    Tier I Offenses, require registration for 15 years and annual verification. This tier is for sex offenses that do not fall into the higher tiers, and includes both felonies and misdemeanors.

    States can include any conduct that by its nature is a sex offense, although Tier I is generally reserved for nonviolent offenses where the victim has reached the age of consent:

    -sexual contact without permission, 18 U.S.C. 2244(b)[28]
    -offenses involving simple possession of child pornography,
    -offenses involving public indecency (some states limit this to where the victim is a minor),
    -offenses involving voyeurism, 18 U.S.C. 1801[34]

    So Mr. Scanio falls into this Tier I category, and it means he must remain in the system until 2025. Assuming his annual verfication is due in June ’11, he was only about 30 days from being discovered that he was out of compliance with the registry portion of his parole.

    If he is truly your friend, you will talk to him about fixing this problem with his parole officer, otherwise he will be taken from his family once again.

  36. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    Pride as a sin is the opinion of your religion. Not mine. Why do you think yours is so good that you can judge *me* by it? Also all I said was that the new message demands more of a person and is challenging, and that I accept the challenge. Not that I have actually done anything more.
    By its nature virtue is imaginary.
    And thus, you make no sense.

  37. Frank W says - Posted: May 26, 2011

    I am not Jesus and do not need to forgive Mr. Scanio as he has done nothing to me, nor likely to anyone writing here. The person posting as Jesus (could it be his wife, or friends, who else would use God , push judgement on us no less, to try and force us to look the other way?). Well, you, how dare you use God’s name such ways to suggest you speak for the Lord.

    Jesus didn’t say one can abuse children or anyone and “shall be” forgiven. In fact, you can’t be forgiven without first seeking forgiveness and you can’t do that, without owning and acknowledging your actions. To suggest that we “forgive” him is to misplace God’s authority in our hands which thankfully I will not accept.

    The people whom Mr. Scanio should be seeking forgiveness from is those he harmed, all the little children, and his friends and family for betraying their trust. While the family and friends might forgive the betrayals, lies, secrets, the damage he did to his own children, his family, to business partners, they cannot forgive his vulgarity, his sexual immorality, for it is not against them he committed it – he did so against God and God’s children.

    To seek real forgiveness, you must seek it from those whom you harmed, from 100s of little children. How will he do that when he doesn’t even acknowledge the crimes, he doesn’t even admit the severity of what he’s done? Forgiveness cannot be given without it being sought from a true heart.

    He should be writing letters not to the media for how they have mistreated him, goodness, still blaming others. He should be writing letters of apology to children of abuse, to children who were sexually abused, photographed and for the pictures of that abuse he pleasured himself from. He should be helping others understand how one sinks so low in life as to find the suffering of little children…. dear Lord…. sexually pleasing. He should be trying to understand how his mind became so warped as to risk the damage he eventually caused. He should be looking in the mirror, seeking a soul reborn enough to be humbled by losses he caused his family, his friends, and the 100s of children. I think God will have something to say also about the damage done to God’s church for using “church” as a hiding post.

    I hold not a stone, but a mirror. I ask you Mr. Scanio to look in the mirror, do you see the faces of those little children, their lives scarred long after you stopped looking and them being abused? Do you see in the mirror the damage you and all the others did to them, stealing from them the life God intended them to have. They were not created for your vulgar pleasure, they were created for the love of God. The bible asks that we come to God as children, in innocence, to be free of the trappings of adult minds, that which you and your partners denied each and every one of the children you pleasured yourself by. Each time you looked at the terror in their face, that brought you pleasure, you stole their innocence. Each time you shared one of those pictures with other sick souls, you multiplied their abuse, over again.

    There are no stones here, I see no accusing, I see a community angry that a man who preyed upon, promoted, lusted after, encouraged, used and discared abused children lashing out rather than lashing inward. How much shall one suffer some ask? When do they get to be free of their sin? He who has no sin among us? … They shall suffer until they understand their damage, I doubt someone truly aware would ever feel “free” of this sin.

    No stones, but strong prayers for his true repentance that comes only when one is fully aware of the knowledge of the depths of our damage to another. Only God has the power to forgive, we must protect our children, as God requires me to, I shall.

  38. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    In order to write that comment you made so many assumptions about this man. ]
    “Only God has the power to forgive”
    So what gives you the right to chastise a man in public?
    You don’t know him. You don’t know what he has or has not done. You do not know if or how he has been remorseful. You know nothing.
    Yet you judge and tell use about what a person should do, and judge them for not doing that, without even knowing what they have or have not done.
    You are a joke.
    Jesus tells you to forgive. And you do not. You are the one who is not strong enough to forgive or even allow a person to be forgiven in *your* mind (which is insignificant).
    As a whole your comment is gibberish, a rationalization about why you do not have to follow the teachings of Jesus, yet can judge him by other teachings.
    That is absolutely ridiculous. You cherry pick what suits your current emotional state.
    Good luck with that.
    You want me to deconstruct your post line by line I will. But I will not do it in public.

  39. Dude says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    Hey everyone Jesus is here………….…………look busy

  40. Jesus says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.

  41. Frank W says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    Mr. Scanio wrote an article in response to his arrest for not following his probation, and we are commenting on his own words. His letter here shows complete blindness to his actions.

    He chose to write an open letter to the community and give it to the media –this wasn’t a letter to his wife or friends, for that would have been private. He used the media as a forum to speak to us at large, to the community. But rather than speak to all, he hid behind the mask of a letter to his friends and family as a way to hold himself up as if the media or community did HIM wrong. THAT is the blind to one’s actions and it is justly wise and prudent to continue to keep him away from children, from schools, from where children roam, they deserve and depend on us to protect them by using our wise and prudent judgment. What he chooses to do with his adult friends and family is their right to determine, but even some parents who do not use good judgment lose their own children to be protected by others.

    There is a good difference between ‘do not be judgemental’ which is to judge without reason and judge a man by his character, his action. We are to not judge those for whom you simply disagree, don’t like their choices in life, who they love or don’t, what they do with their own lives. Do not judge differences of life and opinion. We are to not judge when someone makes mistakes that destroy their own lives. But, using good judgment is wise. We use good judgment when we teach our children not to talk to strangers, not to trust those they do not know. We teach our children that because we know, more than they, we know for sure there are people who can’t be trusted, like Mr. Scanio.

    I will let Jesus determine who Jesus should love, Jesus did not save everyone, those who were not repentant, those who harmed the children.

    Jesus loved all the little children this guy enjoyed watching be tortured.

  42. Frank W says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    To all the use-the-bible-when-it-suits-me folks, if this guy was gay, would you still “judge not,” love and accept him in your church, not cast a stone… ? Bet not. Be wise and prudent in your judgment of character for those who harm innocent children long before you pick up a stone and judge the love of others.

  43. Bob says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    This is coming from someone who knows the pedophile very well. He pulled the wool over all the family members.The state of Calif.really needs to put this kind of individual behind bars.I know him he is a wise guy thinking he can beat the system and the law.He thinks he is smarter then everyone else. Joe I hope they put you behind bars and throw away the key. God help the young children with this pervert out of jail.

  44. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    Yes only Jesus can forgive but the state can punish. And should.

  45. dogwoman says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    Pedophillia is a sickness and it cannot be cured. They truly do “love” children, just in a completely inappropriate way. It’s a horrifying error in their hardwiring and there is no way to fix it. They need to be kept away from children FOREVER. Most of them don’t even realize that what they feel and do is wrong, and the few who do have to fight it every minute of every day. The only way to protect children is to put pedophiles away forever, but that isn’t possible. So stay vigilant, talk to your children, be involved in their lives. Protect them.

  46. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    Gosh Jesus, go away. You are so annoying. Can’t you tell we are rising up as a community to judge a man and aren’t going to even consider forgiveness? Jesus Christ Jesus, are you dense?

    PS: Frank your posts are very hard to read. I am interested in your point of view. Keep it simple and less verbose.

  47. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: May 27, 2011

    Dogwoman, agree, that’s the facts

  48. sue t says - Posted: May 28, 2011

    Hello people WAKE UP !!! Have we forgot about Jaycee Duggard and how those scumbag Garridos integrated into the community and kept her prisoner right under every ones noses!! BE INVOLVED don’t let THIS husband and wife FOOL US!!

  49. Tahoe Sailor says - Posted: May 29, 2011

    I used to work with his wife. She is about 20 years younger than him and according to her, the FBI, SLTPD and EDSO had nothing better to do than load the images onto his computer and bust him. She also has had him accompany her to KTHO sponsored events like the Halloween event at the Horizon (more kids) and has taken his business partner (also a convicted pedophile) to events such as the Nutcracker performamces at Montbleu.

  50. Sue says - Posted: May 30, 2011

    This CONVICTED sex offender was at the ice arena a number of times before his arrest. A SAFE PLACE. You can thank all the people you want, but the fact remains the same. This man is a convicted sex offener who violated his terms of probation and to try and excuse it is sickeing. Go on with your bad self and your religion. You are part of the problem.

  51. Len says - Posted: May 30, 2011

    Mr.Scanio, before you write a letter bashing the media, please be advised that there are people out there that can provide some credible evidence to the D.A. Guarnteed, the public does not know everything.

  52. suet says - Posted: May 30, 2011

    “1800 images of the sexual exploitation of minors” HELLO 1800, 1800!!! Thats probably only what they found…SICKO!!!!

  53. Brooke B says - Posted: June 28, 2011

    I’m looking at buying property in SLT and came across these articles while researching the crime rate of the area. I was so troubled by everything that I have read about Joseph Scanio and Jennifer Scanio on this and many other articles that I wrote a blog about it.

    You are welcome to comment, especially if I got it wrong in my summation.

  54. Brooke B says - Posted: June 28, 2011

    Joseph, I knew another “man of God” once when I was a teen. His name is Austin Keegan. He was a catholic priest. Last I saw him was on CNN in an orange jumpsuit doing time for child molestation. That “man of god thing”… poor salesmanship on your part if you’re trying to gain respect and credibility.

  55. What?? says - Posted: June 28, 2011

    Brooke. Your article is right on. We also have 21k residents (according to the recent census) down from 26k from the last censue, 4 pot dispensaries and copious amounts of “really sick people” in town. Now tell me, do you really want to buy proprty here?

  56. suet says - Posted: July 11, 2011

    Did anyone watch the Jaycee Dugard interview last night?? Husband AND WIFE kidnapped her! Does any one see any similarities with this husband and wife???

  57. Skibum says - Posted: July 11, 2011


  58. amber says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Mr. Scanio was present for a hearing today because of a felony charge filed directly relating to the arrest. Seems obvious me that this issue has not been resolved.

    His next hearing is scheduled for August 8th. His Federal hearing is scheduled for August 1 in Sacramento.

    In addition, can Mr. Scanio please tell us who these ‘City Leaders and Elected Officials’ are that are supporting him?

    I believe the community has a right to know.

  59. Bob says - Posted: November 17, 2011

    Please follow up this story with todays Federal Hearing. He was taken into custody until December sentencing.