Meeting focuses on ADA issues in South Tahoe
ADA 101 for Businesses is a panel board consisting of a lawyer experienced in ADA lawsuits, certified access specialists, insurance broker knowledgeable in what insurance companies will cover and a disabled member of the public.
The June 15 10am-noon event put on by South Lake Tahoe will include:
· Discussing the priorities of accessibility and what the state and feds require.
· Explaining what a unreasonable hardship is and when it can be applied.
· Clearing up myths on who needs to comply with accessibility requirements.
· Having the attorney discuss how to handle a lawsuit, proper procedure on how to respond, costs associated with a suit, lease agreements.
· The insurance agent will discuss on what most companies will cover in a lawsuit and the improvements.
· How to interpret a CASp Report and how to use it.
· Clarifying TRPA coverage issues in dealing with ADA upgrades.
The meeting is at Lake Tahoe Airport.