Power restored to South Tahoe, Truckee


Updated June 30 6am: Power was restored to South Tahoe customers before 10pm Wednesday, Liberty Energy said. An outage in Glenshire affecting 200 customers on Sommerset Drive and Donnington Lane near Truckee was fixed about 2am Thursday.

Nearly 3,300 Liberty Energy customers in South Lake Tahoe had been without power since a little after 5pm Wednesday.

A private tree trimmer dropped a limb on a power line, causing the outage, according to Randy Kelly with Liberty Energy.

The customers are in the Y area of town.

Kelly said crews are at the property trying to fix the problem. Some customers should have power by 7:30pm, with others coming back online gradually.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (21)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: June 29, 2011

    Funny. We just got power back a few minutes ago and it’s nice to find out why it was out! When even your phone depends on electricity, when the power goes out, it’s seriously incognito!

  2. Tahoe Freedom Fighter says - Posted: June 29, 2011

    Was it Skibum who done it?

  3. Honkylonk says - Posted: June 29, 2011

    It wasn’t a “Private” tree trimmer and it wasn’t a limb. It was The Tahoe Conservancy (or one of their contractors) and they felled a tree right over power lines. It was gross imcompetence, pure and simple. It’s okay to thin the forest, but if you’re going to be doing it twenty feet from a major power line, you’d better know what the hell you’re doing. There was no security line attached to the tree to insure it could not fall in the wrong direction. These idiots have no business handling a chain saw… or even a screwdriver. Location: Roger Ave. behind 7-11 on Hwy 89. These people cost my business money tonight, where do I collect?

  4. Skibum says - Posted: June 29, 2011

    Hey!!!!! I am a professional and I resent that lol. Honkey is right, those guys are a joke.

  5. John says - Posted: June 29, 2011

    Skibum, if you are a pro faller it just means you already made all of the dumb mistakes. Those kids may have screwed up, but every faller has.

  6. TON Y COLOMBO says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    we have a serious “failure to communicate” the angora fire should have set the standard for getting info out-this is the second outage involving Liberty energy-I could not find out the why and how long the problem would exist. city council and local law enforcement should tackle this issue. kudos to kate and the lake tahoe news!

  7. dogwoman says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    True again. Liberty Energy doesn’t seem to be NEAR as good as NV Energy was. We’ve had more power outages since they’ve been running things than we did in years with the other company. I know they weren’t responsible for this one, but there is a definite lack of communication.
    Hey Honkylonk, maybe you can get Rob over at Innovative to put in one of those cool natural gas generators for power outages. There was one running in my neighborhood during the outage and it looks pretty cool. Hooked right into the gas line. Steve says they don’t cost a whole lot either.

  8. Skibum says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    John, the correct term is “feller” and you are correct. Those kids have trainers that work with them everyday to teach them and prevent mistakes. You are only as good as the person who teaches you.

  9. John says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Skibum, once a crew boss starts knowing something the darned tree services hire them away. So really, this whole thing is your fault.

  10. Skibum says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    John, you are an idiot. How in the world is this my fault?? Who are you and what makes YOU such an expert. I don’t know you and probably won’t know who you are. Pretty easy to claim false accusations hiding behind a single name. Kae, that’s why this site will always be a blog and not a news site if you keep letting gooofs like this make false accusations. I have a repuatable and honest business and I highly resent the accusation. When someone gets good enough after working with the govt agency they start their own business, we or at least I, don’t hire them usually. What has John done for this town? I donate to everything as well as damn near work for free with our residents in need.

  11. John says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Settle down skibum, I was joking, I will give you a call a little later. You know me.

  12. clear water says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Bum ..this paper a real paper not some generic spin out like the entertainer or the below water line tribune.
    Tell that fool Ross to get a real camera and to stop hanging out at the men’s restrooms in the club.

  13. Meeting attendee says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Wow. I for one think that this is a great news site.
    Better than anything else in the area…
    And, as you can see, I like the comment section and I like it fairly anonymous.

    So. There.

    Happy Independence everyone.

  14. Skibum says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Ok Ok just got my buttons punched lol. Tell Ross yourself, if you read the title of the paper you will see they have never said they were a newspaper. Yes this a great site and fills a much needed void in this town.

  15. Skibum says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Responsible party: A tree cut by a Tahoe Resource Conservation District crew for the California Tahoe Conservancy caused a power outage that affected about 3,200 homes in South Lake Tahoe Wednesday night.

    District crews were working on a fuel reductions project on Roger Avenue when they cut a tree that hit a main power line about 5 p.m. Wednesday.

    Power was returned to most customers by 9:35 p.m. Wednesday.

    “You’d like people to be a little more careful when they’re cutting trees down,” said Randy Kelly, business manager for Liberty Energy’s South Lake Tahoe division. “That probably happens every year, a fallen tree causes some problems this.”

    Kelly also encourages people to call 1-800-782-2506 to talk to Liberty Energy before taking on a project that could affect power lines.

    The conservancy is looking into the situation around the outage, said Shawn Butler, land management program supervisor for the California Tahoe Conservancy.

    “There are always inherent risks in any operation and trees don’t always fall where you want them to go,” Butler said. “We are continuing to investigate the situation.”

  16. fireman says - Posted: June 30, 2011

    Last time i checked we live in the mountains not the Bay Area. Power outages are a little more common here. I have a nice generator at my home because I know the power will go out sometimes. Maybe Liberty should hire like 5 people to stand at intersections with info signs when there is a pwer outage. They could answer questions why the power is out and explain all the details and answer all questions. Oh bu then the rates would go up to pay those peoples salary and people would complain about the rates. I say Kudos to all our local utilities from the gas service, water services, sewer, phone, cable, and finally liberty energy. With the conditions they are faced with naturally and the sometimes lapse of better judgement by people they are faced with a big job. The hard working folks of these business that stay out all hours of the day and night to keep our lifes running normal I personally thank you. If you have a business that relies on power I would suggest a back up power supply. I have one and I never am without power.

  17. TON Y COLOMBO says - Posted: July 1, 2011

    yes, some of us have generators too, but it is not expensive to have us register our cell phone #’ers so that liberty could get the word out on situations-this holds for other future disasters etc.anyone ever heard of reverse 911??

  18. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: July 1, 2011

    A reverse 911 type system would save Liberty Energy a lot of heartache. I’m sure they get bombarded with calls during an outage.

  19. fireman says - Posted: July 1, 2011

    I would like to think that the reverse 911 should be used for emergencies only. A simple power outage is not an emergency. Amazing how big of an issue this is to some people. Thought we were tough mountain people, guess that is wearing off.

  20. smiley says - Posted: July 5, 2011

    liberty energy got the wool pulled over their eyes and kept on ALL the lazy idiots nv energy was going to let go!!! that’s why the service is so terrible.