
Comments (15)
  1. Nancy Hussmann says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    My husband, Peter, and I, have opened a new store, Lake of the Sky Outfitters. It is a hiking, backpacking, snowshoe, and xc skiing store, located next to Subway at the “Y’. We’d like to help promote locals shopping locally, as well as promoting geotourism. We believe in our community, and have space set aside, called Basecamp, to browse thru maps and books, and plan trips, or show dvds of one’s adventures. We also will be donating s percentage of our profits back to the community.

  2. Bob says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    I would build a bike path all the way around the lake. I’d put the TRPA on a tighter leash. I’d get rid of groups like the League to Kill Lake Tahoe. And I’d write tickets to business owners who disobey the sign ordinance. By the way – Reno has the loosest slots but Lake Tahoe has no advertisement on HWY 80 out of the Bay Area headed this way. Where is the LTVA?

  3. X LOCAL says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    I would like to see more access to the beaches, more things for the kids to do. Rid the Lake of it’s current City Council and City Mgr. and start thinking about the welfare of the people. Deport all who don’t belong and clean up the residential areas from Stateline to the “y”. Then you will have a place that tourist enjoy coming to.
    We have the most Beautiful Lake in the World and most of it’s beaches are non-accessible to the people or you must pay to enjoy the beach, there should be no private beaches. Citizens have the right to use any part of the Lakes Beaches 20 feet above the Lakes High water mark which is 6,229 ft so don’t let them fool you with the Private Property signs, It’s your beach and Lake, Use it.

  4. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    1. Fix or install curbs along the length of lake Tahoe Blvd.

    2. Keep working at completing sidewalks Stateline to the Y.

    3. Continue down lake Tahoe with the beautiful flowers planted in the islands at the Y.

    The state of disrepair sends a message to businesses that the town is dying. If you make improvements, it sends the message that we will be here tomorrow, so it’s worth investing some money in your property.

  5. Healtahoe says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    If I had the money and know-how I would create a Wellness Institute.
    It would contain a Chiropractic school and other fields of alternative medicine such as reiki, Chinese medicine, and naturopathy.
    This would bring a lot of professionals into the area, who need housing. It would also bring families, which means more school enrollment.
    The institute would have a dormitory for students with rooms that could be rented out to tourists during breaks.
    There would be a large lecture hall that could be used to bring in world-renowned speakers such as Dr. Deepak Chopra on health issues.
    This would bring in tourists who want to attend the lectures.
    The failed convention center might possibly be a good location.
    I think other institutes could also be created such as culinary and photography.
    Educational institutes would be a creative way to change the image of Lake Tahoe and would bring in professional families and tourists without harming the environment.
    Just a thought.

  6. K9woods says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    Who are “all who don’t belong….?”

  7. X LOCAL says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    I think you know who ” all who don’t belong” are. You can’t DEPORT those who do belong.

  8. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    XLocal is right – we have walled off our most precious and beautiful treasure, the lake. Most don’t realize the beach behind Timber Cove Lodge is a public beach and there are a few public parking areas for use of that beach behind the motel. Locals and visitors need to use that beach – reinforce that it is public land available for the public’s enjoyment.

  9. Tom Wendell says - Posted: July 20, 2011

    Most of these comments are on the right track. They incorporate geotourism principles and the three legs of the Basin Prosperity Plan: Visitor services / green building and infrastructure /health & wellness. Some of us have been advocating this outdoor, healthy, welness-orineted, green, visitor welcoming approach for decades!! The powers that be FINALLY got it after the “do as we’ve always done” approach failed in a changing economy and then paid to have consultants tell them what should be obvious. Now we are 20 years behind in evolving into a bike and pedestrian friendly, environmentally sound built environment that welcomes visitors and locals alike to regain or enhance their mental/physical/spiritual health. These are the values that are in such high demand and Tahoe is naturally endowed with the perfect combination of elements to provide this…IF it is properly managed.

    Other than the afore mentioned bike / pedestrian infrastructure that is an evironmentally friendly gateway to the outdoors, we neeedd to have a 21st century multimodal public transit system that incorporates both land and water based vehicles. This would include a link from the bike path network at Camp Richardson to the west shore via Meeks Bay. 8 years ago I proposed a unique, award-winning idea for a wind/solar/biofuel powered ferry boat with added pedaling stations for additional clean power to connect the south and west shore bike path networks. The topography around Emerald Bay presents a barrier to all but the hardiest and most experienced cyclists and a ferry would open it up to literally all and make around the lake bike trips a reality for a majority of riders. Combining biking with kayaking/canoeing would provide more unique opportunities to enjoy all that our mountains and lakes have to offer. We need to upgrade our buildings and road system (duh!) and provide better facilities to host baseball/softball/soccer/tournaments. We should build a series of high tech greenhouse based community gardens that provide fresh, organic produce year round to entice visitors and locals to enjoy healthy fare to fuel the outdoor sports and recreation based activities.
    I think the Tahole would be a prefect place to put an environmental science/ transit center that offers opportunities to study and demonstrate all the above.

  10. PubWorksTV says - Posted: July 21, 2011

    Business would benefit by collaborating on marketing programs.

    Their is a “limited Pie” perspective that damages the business community.

    Our idea is we cross promote on 16 channels including …


    Restaurants can link up – tweet your “exceptional” deals, we’ll help you spread the promotion around – get some buzz going.

    A rising tide raises all boats.

    When businesses collaborate and reciprocate with each other their efforts result in returns that exceed the sum of the parts.

    The power of reciprocity and collaboration can help South Lake Tahoe change its image.

  11. grannylou says - Posted: July 21, 2011

    Make customer service training mandatory for all businesses here. Honestly, many business workers do not even look up to say “hello” when you enter their stores. Some act like it’s an interruption/bother to have a customer. Basic customer service is lacking in so many places, particularly the small stores.

  12. David says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    To boost the economy in Lake Tahoe you need to attract more business to come, invest and build. The building is at a snails pace because of all the regulations and red tape. Tahoe needs to offer special incentives to businesses so they would want to come and build. Even building homes is a ridiculous ten year waiting period.

  13. Clear Water says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Simple…lower you frigging prices and be competitive to the surrounding area.

    Walmarts take this town over…reason,cheap stuff, we all can afford,screw the guy down the street who wants 4.19 a gallon gas,40 bucks for a sweat shirt.12.00 bucks for a burger when I get steak for cheaper.

  14. Local Yokle says - Posted: July 31, 2011

    Lots to do on this one…
    -Our Roads are a mess and being repaired at the height of our tourist season
    -Our Sidewalks are non-existent (in process we are told)
    -Our Signs are a jumble (rumor is there are rules on this somewhere)
    -The ‘Hole’ is going nowhere (painting a fence doesn’t help)
    -Somebody keeps bringing up the air port
    -The TRPA is imploding
    -The League is suing

    Oh Joy!

    I guess I will find a local pub and buy a round of drinks for the locals present and commiserate.

    My two cents
    -Local Yokle

  15. Slot machine suzy says - Posted: December 24, 2011

    Lower your prices and make the slots pay like
    They use to. Now it’s not worth driving over the mountain when I can get better payouts and deals closer to home. I can’t remember the last time i saw the light on top of the machine go off for a big winner. In the old days you saw a few per night… Thanks