Opinion: S. Tahoe officials stonewalling the truth


By Steve Kubby

Despite the official denials by the city manager and city attorney, criminal wrongdoing by the South Lake Tahoe City Council has already been documented by the grand jury. In its previous investigation into the conduct of the South Lake Tahoe City Council, the El Dorado Grand Jury concluded its report with a stern warning: “This Grand Jury is of the opinion that an accusation for malfeasance or nonfeasance by this City Council may be appropriate … The Grand Jury only touched the ‘tip of the iceberg’ in its investigation and recommends that the citizens of South Lake Tahoe get involved with their City government. It is up to the citizens to establish the kind of governance they desire, to exercise their democratic right to vote, and get a City government that works for the common good and in an efficient manner for its citizens.”

Steve Kubby

Steve Kubby

The grand jury was also quite clear about Councilman Bruce Grego. Here is what the grand jury had to say about Mr. Grego and the $935.50 that was paid to him: “A member of the City Council requested reimbursement for legal fees paid to an outside law firm. The legal advice consisted of a legal opinion and preparation of a letter to the Fair Political Practices Commission. No contract had been signed and the City Council had not approved the expenditure in advance.”

The grand jury then concluded that the payment to Mr. Grego was a violation of California state law, yet Mr. Grego continues to insist he did nothing wrong and refuses to return the money.

Unfortunately those warnings have gone ignored. In an editorial dated July 28, 2010, the Tahoe Daily Tribune said, “The City Council’s response to the critical and scathing El Dorado Grand Jury report is embarrassing and disheartening.”

The editorial then went on to point out that instead of accepting responsibility, the City Council adopted a response that was peppered with the phrases: “the city does not agree in part with the finding,” “the city agrees and does not agree in part,” and “the city does not completely agree with the statement,” among others. That didn’t fly with the Tribune, which reminded the City Council and the citizens of South Lake Tahoe, “The first step to solving a problem is admitting to having one.”

More recently, Tony O’Rourke, the city manager, seems determined to continue this policy of stonewalling the past crimes and culpability of the South Lake Tahoe City Council. For example, Mr. O’Rourke assured the community in a recent column published in the Lake Tahoe News that, “In 2003, the city conducted an audit of the Redevelopment Agency’s financial performance to complete the redevelopment projects in the Stateline area. Following this comprehensive audit, the City Council authorized a loan in the amount of $7 million to the Redevelopment Agency for costs and revenue shortages related to the redevelopment project.”

If this audit was so “comprehensive,” then why is there still no explanation of who raided the general fund for $7 million or who authorized the raid? Furthermore, no one can explain how the city can create a loan to be repaid by funds already allocated to the general fund. This hardly seems like the “comprehensive audit” claimed by city officials.

Mr. O’Rourke, who until now has impressed me with his dedicated and professional performance, claims in the aforementioned column, “Neither Mayor Hal Cole, nor any city councilmembers, are responsible for the collapse of the (convention) project or the economy.” However, neither Mr. O’Rourke, or any other city official, can ignore the failure of Mayor Hal Cole to require a performance bond, which makes the entire City Council totally responsible for the nearly 12-acre crater of rotting concrete, rusting iron and graffiti they created.

It’s time for Mr. O’Rourke and other city officials to stop the stonewalling, end the coverups and heed the advice: “The first step to solving a problem is admitting to having one.”

Steve Kubby is a resident of South Lake Tahoe.


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Comments (14)
  1. dryclean says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    I think its time Mr. Cole spoke for himself on this matter. If he has nothing to hide, an explanation should be simple and he could end the Kubby accusations before the general public lets the matter fester and Mr. Cole further loses the publics’ trust.

  2. Steve says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    One can only wonder why City Mangager Tony O’Rourke, who clearly had nothing to do with the poor decisions, bad judgement, and mismanagement of previous city councils, would now offer such a shaky explanation of the $7 million bogus “loan” to cover the shortfalls and shortages of the redevelopment project, to which city council members at the time claimed ignorance and surprise.

  3. Parker says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    You know, the more I digest it, Mr. O’Rourke’s defense of Councilman Cole is troubling! Can’t Councilman Cole speak for and defend himself? You weren’t even around Mr. O’Rourke when the $7mil. loan/transfer/whatever you name you want to describe the scam, took place. Nor were you around when the failure to get a performance bond took place. So why do you feel the need to act as Cole’s defender?

    That’s what was part of so troubling with your predecessor, Dave Jinkens. He clearly was in cahoots, and was covering for a majority on the Council, that clearly was covering for him! And that’s not yours truly speculating! That’s what the Grand Jury found! So is Mr. O’Rourke going down that same road?

  4. geeper says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    Beware of Mr.O’Rourke the city “sales” manager. He will acomplish his contract goals no matter what and return to Colorado to be with his Wife.

  5. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    Wouldn’t that be a good thing to accomplish his contract goals and move on if he wants?

  6. ROB says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    The City Council has quite a few skeletons they are hiding. I don’t always agree with Kubby,infact very little overall, but its time for some new blood and a new perspective. Unfortunately, Tahoe likes to piss and moan about their problems but they never take the steps to hold their leaders accountable.

  7. Parker says - Posted: July 23, 2011

    You know if the City Mgr. does just want to achieve some positive things for the City, and then leave, that would be a good thing! We don’t need another entrenched member of the bureaucracy in town!! Thus, Mr. O’Rourke does not need to stick up for those who have become entrenched in our City Govt!

  8. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    I thin he is challenging the facts as Kubby has presented them. That’s the way I read it.

  9. dryclean says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    Its time for Hal Cole to speak for himself. Carl, do you not agree? Kae, have you tried to engage Mr. Cole?

  10. X LOCAL says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    Mr O’Rouke will only continue to upset the City employees and will never accomplish all of his goals and will leave this City like his wife and kids did and return to Colorado, She did not like the people or the Town so she left.
    O’Rouke is here as a stepping stone to a better job in the Colorado Ski Industry, and we are paying him $175’000 dollars a year plus full medical for him and his family plus a City car and $500 a month car allowance and several other perks while he continues to cut positions and wages for the Police, Fire and General employees.
    Hal Cole is a joke and to be re-elected over an over again is our fault, I have known him since he was a kid and how he ever was elected is beyond me, I never voted for him, EVER
    Tom Davis at one time I think had the best interest of the City a heart but fell into the Good Old Boy Party and only cares for self now, my jury is still out on the rest of the Council at this time.
    Still have not heard where the 5Million dollars a year for the street improvements is coming from??? And when that will begin ?? There is no money and it will not happen.

  11. Where is the turnip truck says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    What all you good folks should know is Mr. O’Rourke spent the first twenty years of his adult life as a mason so you should expect a lot of stone walls.
    In his new career as a city manager he hopefully will realize the truth means, at least in court, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    Intentionally omitting germane items from the whole truth in court means you are a _______ (fill in the blank.)
    Mr. O’Rourke please rise to the level of a truly honest man when defending or explaining the city’s or city council’s
    positions and history.
    Steve Kubby is doing yeoman’s service for open government and full disclosure by our officials with his usually very accurate and timely opinion pieces.

  12. Concerned says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    x local- our City cannot sustain without reducing services. Look around you at cities such as Sacramento and Reno. These cities have cut wages and benefits and laid police and firefighters off as well as other city employees. If the city mgr does not act now, then we will be in a worse position down the road. Consolidating some of these services should seriously be looked at as well.

  13. X LOCAL says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    And what services do you plan to cut ?
    Without Steert maint, there is no snow removal, no street repair, no drainage control, no street signs, no street striping, etc,etc. no snow removal means no police service, and no Fire service. And Winter hangs around for a long time. Of Coarse we could hire out snow removal, the last time the City tried that it cost the City millions in property damage because private contractors did not know the property lines were and destroyed private property all over the City.
    Yes, services need to be reduced and salaries do need to be reduced but let’s start at the top. Do you think that the City Mgr. should be making $175,000 plus all the other benefits he has that most are not aware of ?. You need to look at the SALARIES of all of the top management, and then tell me where the cuts should start.

  14. Alex Campbell says - Posted: July 24, 2011

    Kubby!!! File a complaint with the California Attorney General.
    Going back Dan Lundgren and Gary Lacy played one heck of a game for Supe. Mark Nielsen.The then Supes.refused to print the GJ report (Upton agreed)
    The response, City and County always comes out the same.
    Check the Tahoe Trib.archives under the then editor KAE concerning Redevelopment