Aug. 31 deadline to win a Lake Tahoe News T-shirt


Lake Tahoe News turns 2-years-old next month. We think everyone should wear a Lake Tahoe News T-shirt that day to celebrate. It would be your gift to us.

We have T-shirts to give away. Just post a comment stating what you like about Lake Tahoe News or what story you’ve liked that LTN has covered in the past two years. You must be willing to have your full name posted as one of the winners. Winners will be picked randomly.

If you aren’t picked to win a free T-shirt, there are other ways to get one.

The older shirts are for sale at the Tuesday farmers’ market in South Lake Tahoe for $15.

The other way to get one of the new T-shirts like what will be given away as part of LTN’s birthday celebration is for subscribers to send in a check of $40 or more. For each check received, in addition to the T-shirt, you will be added to our special NEWS list. People on this list will qualify for special benefits like the recent ticket give-away to the American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament.

(Subscribe by putting your email address in at the bottom right of the home page. Then you will receive the morning digest.)

Send checks to Lake Tahoe News, P.O. Box 13406, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 or pay via credit card through PayPal on the website at the bottom right of the home page.

Please include your email address so we can ensure you are subscribed to receive the daily digest. To receive the daily email, which lists what has been posted in the last 24 hours, enter your email address at the bottom right of the home page.

Please don’t forget to include your mailing address and shirt size – S, M, L, XL or 2X.

And thank you for making Lake Tahoe News the success that it is with nearly 60,000 readers a month in more than 100 countries, and more than 3,500 cities.

Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (32)
  1. Darla says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    Happy early Birthday !!! Congrats….you have done a great job with you site over these 2 (almost) years !

  2. Lizzo says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    I always look forward to reading this newspaper and especially enjoy the “Snippets” section, which is my “favorite (ongoing) story”.

    I don’t deserve a tee shirt. I don’t like the term “deserve”, actually. However, if you send me one, I will wear it on September 7th.

  3. Sandy says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    I like that LTN isn’t afraid to write about the tough stories and that you publish comments that diss LTN.

    Keep a medium for me, please!

  4. Joan Fitz says - Posted: August 8, 2011

    Love the outdoors stories. I want to have a shirt for your birthday! Keep up the good work.

  5. Virginia Matus-Glenn says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Congratulations Kae – great job and keep it up. I love that I can keep current on LT news even when I’m out of town. You provide a wonderful service to the community. I’ll send in a donation when I get back – and I’d wear your t-shirt with pride. Virginia

  6. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: August 11, 2011

    Happy Birthday Lake Tahoe News!!!

    I started getting my news over here when I became frustrated with the Tribunes omitting, of what I felt were very pertinent news items.

    I like being kept up to date on what matters to locals in this community, the good and the bad.

    I also like our little community of posters on here, whom are for the most part very respectable of each others differing opinions :)

    May you have many more years, and continue to grow!

  7. Ruth Robertson says - Posted: August 12, 2011

    How can I possibly pick any one story that is my favorite when they are all so great? I suppose if I have to choose it would be the Jaycee Dugard parade story that ran at least a year ago. To that end I really like the story about Geridos going to prison!

    Lately I’ve enjoyed the question of the week. I think they are insightful and fun.

    And of course any political story that stirs the pot is fun to read… especially the comments.

    Thank you Lake Tahoe News!

  8. Ms G says - Posted: August 15, 2011

    A friend (Renee) turned me on to Lake Tahoe News when you FIRST started 2 years ago and I passed on the word to as many as I came in contact with!

    I appreciate LTN for being honest, genuine and down to earth! I will continue to log-on daily to read the latest about Tahoe when I’m away next year.

    Thanks for the great work!!! :)

  9. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    How wonderful! Two years. I don’t need a shirt, but want to tell you that I tell everyone about your paper, I love it. I like the stories where you take the time to go back and research what went wrong and where, along with who… we can try to fix things or at least not make that mistake again. I love the travel articles and recipes. I love the local news bits and important information. Every morning at 7AM, I read your paper and thoroughly enjoy starting my day, having the straight scoop, with all your news. Thank you for a job well done! Your paper is just the best :)

  10. Ernie Claudio says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    Happy Birthday Lake Tahoe News Dot Net.
    Put me down as your number one fan.
    Internet news linked to email is the way of the future.
    It’s fast, it’s convenient, and it’s fun.
    Thank you Kae.

  11. Bonanza Resident says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    My friend sent me the information for this paper. I enjoy reading it everyday to see what’s happening around the area. Has a good mixture of articles. I also access it on Facebook. Congratulations on 2 yeard.
    Thanks for a good paper.

  12. Lisa says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    Can’t say there is any one article. I look forward to getting it in my email every morning. I especially like the layout with the headlines on top, a few sentences when you click and the whole story if you want. I have a foot in both the Bay Area and in Tahoe and it keeps me updated in both local and state news. Keep up the good work!


  13. Jann says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    Happy 2 year Birthdqy! LTN is the future of news reporting. Real time honest reporting on a variety of issues that impact your readers. Good work! Save me a t-shirt. Medium. Check is in the mail….

  14. Christina says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    Happy Birthday! I am new to the area and I do enjoy my daily LTN e-mail. It has helped me become acquainted with the area and I love the notifications of upcoming events in the area. Thanks!

  15. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: August 16, 2011

    K will make your day


  16. Cat Kope says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    I look forward to reading the Lake Tahoe News every morning. Your publication is the most informative covering news of the entire Lake Tahoe Basin. Keep up the good work, Kae!

  17. Andy says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    Love the whole mix of stories and the events page.

  18. Tom Dutart says - Posted: August 18, 2011

    My wife and I vacation at South Lake Tahoe for two weeks every summer. This year I signed on for the internet version of the News, just to see what is happening. The most interesting story to me so far was the article about the closing of Carson Pass for repairs. We left on July 28 to come home to Santa Maria via Hwy 88., and we saw the signs about the closure. Fortunately, they hadn’t as yet started the road work, and we had no delays. We always stop at the Lockeford Sausage Co.. to load up on bratwursts. I would love to have a 2X tee shirt, if available.

  19. Jennifer Poore says - Posted: August 21, 2011

    I *LOVE* Lake Tahoe news!! It keeps me updated on my ‘home away from home”— we cant wait to come back for another visit! I would proudly wear a shirt for you guys!!

  20. Kerry Boykin says - Posted: August 21, 2011

    Happy 2nd Birthday Lake Tahoe News!!!!
    I enjoy reading the variety of current information that is happening around Lake Tahoe – the area holds a special place in my heart – was married at the top of Heavenly – and make several visits throughout the year from the bay area! Thanks for the info : )

  21. dogwoman says - Posted: August 21, 2011

    Hey, Kae,
    You know I love the LTN. The other “daily” paper is irrelevant except for the Wednesday grocery store sale pages. The news about what’s actually going on in town is here. And I love that you actually let your readers disagree with you just as much as you print kudos. It’s an awesome paper and I hope you keep it up for many more years. Happy birthday.
    (No t-shirt needed. I don’t wear them often. Not too flattering on a girl my size! But thank you anyhow.)

  22. Cathy Vogelgesang says - Posted: August 22, 2011

    Congrats to you Kae for a job well done. We all enjoy your up to date news, interesting stories and tidbits. The comments keep me entertained and informed.
    I appreciate your hard work for your/our daily “paper”.
    Best wishes for the coming year.

  23. Linda says - Posted: August 22, 2011

    Not only is LTN the only daily news source for locals, but we get to know immediately what others are thinking about on each subject – or are able to provide additional information. It’s also very convenient to be able to email selected stories to my kids who now live out of state.
    Best wishes for your upcoming year 3.
    Also, I understand to will be able to print “legals” if you have enough subscribers – please remind your readers what a subscription cost (although I know it is less than any other newspaper).

  24. admin says - Posted: August 22, 2011

    Yes, the quest is on to “collect” paid subscribers. The PAID part is the key for the court to allow Lake Tahoe News to publish legals.
    So, if everyone sent in even $1, with their full name, and mailing address to Lake Tahoe News, PO Box 13406, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151, then we will be that much closer to making it a reality.

    Thank you,
    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  25. Paul says - Posted: August 25, 2011

    I like that you’ve left your comments section up.

  26. 30yrlocal says - Posted: August 26, 2011

    Happy Birthday!

    I log onto for up to the minute local coverage, something we can’t get on the radio or through other means.

    Thanks for always having a finger on the pulse of the community.

  27. Julia says - Posted: August 27, 2011

    Happy Birthday Lake Tahoe News !!!!! I enjoy reading the LTN every day, especially when I was out of state for two weeks…..and was still able to keep up with what was happening “back home”.

  28. susan says - Posted: August 27, 2011

    The best thing about LTN is the Breaking News emails you send out at super speed whenever something important to our community happens. Happy bday, Kathryn!

  29. Sara M. says - Posted: August 31, 2011

    I feel it’s a secret newspaper and I get my news from another planet! That’s why I love it–Always good snippets.

  30. Lyndsay Bryant says - Posted: August 31, 2011

    Great job Lake Tahoe News! I love all the recent articles about the Tahoe Regional Young Professionals events (I might be a tad biased as I am a member).

    Keep up the good work!

  31. Tami Jordan says - Posted: August 31, 2011

    “And thank you for making Lake Tahoe News the success that it is with nearly 60,000 readers a month in more than 100 countries, and more than 3,500 cities.”

    This is totally awesome!! Way to go!! You should feel real proud of LTN and all your hard work to make this a reality.