
Comments (18)
  1. PubWorksTV says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    Remember the old adage –

    Those that can do, those that can’t teach.

    Question everything.

  2. PubWorksTV says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    If teachers try to convince you that Al Gore and man-made Global warming are based in science try to get them fired for incompetence and advancing “Mob” Mentality and “group” think. CA is plagued with poorly educated liberals that thrive on “group” think.

  3. PubWorksTV says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    Students, remember CA and NV education systems are ranked among the worst in the nation. CA schools are more akin to socialist indoctrination centers than to education.

  4. X LOCAL says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    Learn all you can.

    Respect your fellow Class Mates.

    Respect your Teachers.

    Don’t do DRUGS.

    Get into sports programs.

    Respect your School.

    Respect your PARENTS.


    You get nowhere in life without an Education.

    Good Luck

  5. 30yrlocal says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    Everything X says, plus:

    Enjoy the time, it goes quickly.

    Reach out and help others.

    If you see someone bullied, stop it.

    Believe in yourself and you’ll go far.

    Study and learn, don’t waste the opportunity given you.

    Not only respect others, but respect yourself.

    Get involved, it enhances your education.

  6. SmedleyButler says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    My advice to the children as they return to school is to always pay attention to your school work first and leave the socializing and TV/video games etc. for after your assignments are completed. If you follow this advice and that of 30yrlocal and X LOCAL you have a good chance of avoiding becoming a pathetic right wing self-loathing fox/limbaugh brain-scrubbed loser.

  7. TahoeKaren says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    Wow, Smedley. Take a chill pill.
    And kids, take your education seriously. You don’t get a do-over.

  8. dogwoman says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    “pathetic right-wing self-loathing fox/limbaugh brain scrubbed loser”? Really?
    I went to a private college prep school with a very diverse student population. Very diverse. White kids were the minority. Recently thanks to Facebook I’ve gotten back in touch with many other alumni I’d lost track of. All (like me) did homework before tv. There were no video games back then. Most went on to college, grad degrees, some not. But what’s funny is that almost all of them turned out to be “right-wingers”. Not a loser in the bunch.
    Do your homework, Kids. It’ll make you a really interesting person some day.

  9. the conservation robot says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    It was a private prep school…. most of the people that send their kids their are right leaning. I went to one too. At a friends wedding recently I met some a lot of former classmates. Almost all of them were right leaning.
    That isn’t the exception.

  10. dogwoman says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    My POINT, if you read the first line, was a rebuttal to Smedley’s comment that people who do NOT do their homework and instead socialize and game, are the ones who become “right wing…self-loathing…losers”.
    It was not about what kind of politics private school students embrace.

  11. PubWorksTV says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    … A new soap opera. “as the twits twittle”

    Don’t be a sheep, don’t be a twit.

    When done with school

    Get out of CA ASAP!

    It’s a failed liberal state set to crash.

  12. PubWorksTV says - Posted: August 18, 2011

    One last thing…

    Watch out for the spelling police, these women tend to be the worst teachers and often attack and criticize the creative minds. These women tend to be the little minds among us.

    Visionaries and outside the box thinkers are generally poor spellers.

    If that is u, be proud.

    Think outside the closed minded box.

    Become a leader.

    …we need new ones the old ones messed up BAD!

  13. dumbfounded says - Posted: August 18, 2011

    Avoid labels for people. Individuals do not necessarily fit into anyone else’s definitions.

  14. Tahoan25 says - Posted: August 18, 2011

    Slow down.

    Get off the computer. Learn to read, write and do math without one because it will be always be there.

    Get outside

    Respect: for yourself, commuminty and nature

    Learn the definition of empathy; live it

    Take the time to listen to others, you may be surprised by the common ground and laughs you’ll have.

  15. Dink says - Posted: August 18, 2011

    I encourage the young people of today to look to the internet to look for the real history of this Country and not to the history Professors feel its their right to change. This is a great country and honesty is what we should all stand for.

  16. Been There Seen That says - Posted: August 21, 2011

    Having put 3 children from K-12 here at South Tahoe, and having been a parent volunteer for all 12 of those years with all 3,… Kids, going from elementary to Middle…. OMG so scary, but it’s not as bad as your imagination makes it. From Middle to High School,, OMG u Middle schoolers think u r sooooo bad. Look out. The worst thing u will face however, isn’t physical, it’s even worse. You are invisible as a Freshman. You are ignored. So, as far as being scared? Relax. It is statistically reported that your Freshman year is indeed a social year, and the school, the staff, the councelors all know this, and cut you alot of slack. As for the other 3 upper classes…. u r ignored. Good news there. Gives you a chance to blend in. lol

  17. What?? says - Posted: August 23, 2011

    Don’t become the thing you hate!

  18. Local Yokle says - Posted: August 25, 2011

    Have fun!