Momentum to eliminate social promotion in LTUSD


By Kathryn Reed

It’s going to get tougher to be passed from one grade to the next in Lake Tahoe Unified School District without knowing the material.

ltusdThe board on Tuesday night agreed to direct staff to begin the legwork to revise the promotion-acceleration-retention policy.

Today’s policy allows parents to have the final say if their child is held back. What is proposed is the district – through teachers and other staff – would have the ultimate say.

Early intervention is the key so students will progress with their classmates. The idea is by October educators have a good idea who is falling so far behind that it may be impossible to make up the work. South Tahoe Middle School Principal Beth Delacour at the Oct. 25 meeting relayed the story of a boy who had more than a dozen math assignments outstanding. He found out if he doesn’t pass, he probably would be a year behind his buddies. He’s turning in the work.

Superintendent Jim Tarwater said the threat of being retained is often enough to get some kids to apply themselves.

Two age groups often are most likely to be held back – at kindergarten because of emotional issues more than learning issues. This is one reason Preppy K has been successful; it eases youngsters into the rigors of school. The other level is middle school where youths start to make choices for themselves, pull away from parents and sometimes end up making the wrong decisions.

Board members agreed consequences need to be in place if kids decide to slack off. A consequence could be repeating the grade. But they also want to make sure a safety net is there to catch them and spur them along, including providing academic help.

“You don’t want them to go through middle school and be three grades behind,” Tarwater said. “There has got to be some work ethics in this world.”

Delacour echoed that sentiment – saying school is a student’s job.

Four students at STMS were held back this year; all are doing well now.

Then there are the kids who for reasons that go beyond their control need support that doesn’t involve academic tutoring. Tarwater spoke about being at the middle school earlier in the day when a sixth-grader told him her friend was suicidal and needed help. The student told him the only place she feels safe is at school.

Those are the students who need to be reached so not only do they understand the importance of an education, but also that they are important.

Another issue that keeps coming up when standardized test results come out is those students classified as English learners at the elementary level are the same EL students at high school.

“Long-term English learners is a national problem,” Ivone Larson, South Tahoe High School principal, said. “Part of it is cultural. It’s such a complex issue.”

She equated it to anyone in that room moving to China and eight years later only being at a conversational level with Mandarin instead of at an academic level. It depends on what language is spoken at home, the education level in the home and the individual’s desire to learn.

The next step is for Tarwater to meet with the leadership team and staff to come up with a plan that essentially wipes out social promotion in LTUSD. Then the board will vote on the policy.


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Comments (5)
  1. Teacher says - Posted: October 26, 2011

    Kae, thanks again for you pertinent information. Dr. Tarwater is correct, the Preppy K classes that he encouraged LTUSD to implement avoid numerous retention’s at the elementary level. Also, changing the admission birth-date month will help. As Dr. Tarwater shared, retention is one of the hardest decisions that parents and educators have to make. In 28 years I have only recommended that two children be retained. One family took my advice and another promoted their son. Although seldom used, retention is necessary in some instances.
    Often times as educators we worry that a child may be too large physically for retention, and then there is the embarrassing factor of not being promoted with peers. But when you look at the big picture, isn’t it more awkward to be a non-reader in 3rd grade?
    I also appreciate Mrs. Larson’s comments regarding why several of our STHS students are still English learners even though they were born and raised in the states. She knows first hand how long it takes to become fluent in languages as she also speaks Spanish and Portuguese.
    Thanks again, Kae, for your timely and accurate account of last nights meeting.

  2. Where is the turnip truck says - Posted: October 26, 2011

    How stupid of me. I thought students were mmoved forward to the next grade level when they demonstrated through testing a reasonable mastery of the material presented during the school year.

  3. satori says - Posted: October 27, 2011


    Correct. When ‘per annum’ cost per student/year became the criteria (school districts reimbursed for students who “progress” vs. being not paid for students held back, education became jeopardized in our ‘dumbed down’ society. . . lending itself to the other moronic sensibility of students later on “cheating” to get into college, then into Masters’ programs, to “qualify” for that 5-6 figure job right out of college.

    As those days are fast reaching an end, we might as well go back and start doing it correctly, which will help not only the student, but society as well – not to overgeneralize, but those at the top who now hold the reins and the money have been victimized by this as well, to our overall detriment.

    We’re all now living with decades of misguided decisions. . .

    I say it’s about time for a change in a right direction, for once. . .

  4. farkworth says - Posted: October 27, 2011

    Answer to SAATORI. Where did you come from? I thought I was the last person on earth with “common sense”?

  5. farkworth says - Posted: October 27, 2011

    Satori, sorry about spelling