Opinion: Stop drinking the renewable energy Kool-Aid


By Tyrus W. Cobb

Proponents of “green energy” continue to hype the potential of solar, wind, biomass and other renewable resources as cheap, abundant engines that can efficiently propel economic growth in the state.

But these cheerleaders ignore the soaring costs associated with producing electricity from these sources, a differential that will only be magnified as vast new reserves of traditional fossil fuels become available.

These adherents seem unaware of the shale gas revolution that has occurred in the past few years and the coming explosion of oil production in North America. Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) has unearthed vast natural gas reserves previously buried in inaccessible shale rock.

There is a historic shift occurring in global oil and gas production. American expert Dan Yergen predicts an amazing “new rebalancing,” with the Western Hemisphere moving back to self-sufficiency and an end to our reliance on long-distance energy shipments from areas of conflict. Venezuela is now considered to have bigger oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, new finds in the Arctic area are very promising and recent oil exploits in Canada and the U.S. suggest that technology might be trumping geology.

Offshore oil will be tapped, but the most significant development is the exploitation of extensive rock formations ranging from Texas to North Dakota, believed previously to be too costly and technologically impossible to extract the fuels.

Tyrus W. Cobb of Reno served as special assistant to President Ronald Reagan for national security affairs 1983-89.

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Comments (10)
  1. k9woods says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    A solar array and windtower for every home! What you preach is more and more dependence. And fracking………really!? Encourage readers here to do your own research about what this really is… about a magnificent waste!!

  2. SmedleyButler says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Ty Cobb has been wrong on Every issue for 30+ yrs. and he keeps his perfect record intact with this regurgitated oil company propaganda.

  3. Where is the turnip truck says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    I am with K9 and Smedley. Lets return to the dark ages. We don’t need no stinking oil or gas or coal. I am a good and virteous person so windmills and solar panels will be my energy sources like the above commenters. I feel so good, but a little cold as my windmill has no wind and the photovoltaic panels are covered by snow and I have disconnected my natural gas and electric lines. Oh yah, I really feel good freezing in my 600 square foot house along with my children and wife, who also understand the very minor sacrifices we have to make to save our planet. And the kids don’t mind walking through the snow to get to school ’cause they know cars and buses are evil.
    But I am saving the earth. Sure.

  4. Dan Wilvers says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Whether one agrees with turnip or not, that’s humorous!


  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Get away from shipping long distance shipping and conflict areas in the same paragraph as Venezuela and the Artic? Seriously? This article is nothing but a hit piece by the oil companies. Indeed, there are still issues with alternative energy, but they WILL be part of the overall energy supply, regardless of what any industry thinks. These alternatives are not new, mankind has used wind, solar and biomass to produce energy for centuries. Fossil fuels are the new guy on the block. Think windmills, drying meat and vegetables and firepits in caves…

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Id say Ty has been the one drinking the Kool Aid!!!!

  7. dogwoman says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Meanwhile, I’m still thinkin’. . .
    Let the free market work it out.

  8. SmedleyButler says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Hey Dan, Watch the documentary “Gasland” on PBS and then tell me what a humorous laugh riot it is to be duped into believing that the fracking is not dangerous.

  9. the conservation robot says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    We subsidized oil and coal.
    Free market indeed.