Choir performances in South Tahoe
The Tahoe Choir presents the music of J.S. Bach with a string quartet Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 at 8pm at the LTCC Duke Theatre in South Lake Tahoe.
Tickets may be purchased at the door for $l0 for adults and $8 for seniors and students.
There will be a performance at St. Theresa’s at a 3pm matinee on Dec. 6th.
Also being performed is Camille St. Saens’ Carnival of the Animals featuring the double piano rendition talents of Salli Parker and Mo Leonard. The work will also be narrated. The full choir will open with audience favorites and a small ensemble will sing music from the Renaissance. The entire concert will be conducted by Linda Mitchell.
Parking is free at both locations. And refreshments may be purchased during intermission at all three concerts.