Snippets about Lake Tahoe


• The Sierra Nevada Chapter of the Public Relations Society of recently handed out a slew of awards. Weidinger Public Relations in Stateline received the Award of Excellence in special events with a budget of more than $25,000 for Golf the High Sierra Media Tour, Award of Excellence in ongoing programs with budget of more than $25,000 for American Century Championship — Tahoe Celebrity Golf, and Award of Excellence in overall campaigns with a budget of more than $25,000 for Amgen Tour of California.

• Of the 104 RCDs in California, Placer County Resource Conservation District is in the top four, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.

• If you don’t know an F-stop from a stop sign, a six-week class starting Dec. 1 in South Lake Tahoe may be the answer. For more information, call (530) 544.9336.

• The Las Vegas Ski & Snowboard Resort is giving away helmets to kids every Saturday in January.

• Tioga Road in Yosemite National Park has reopened. But another storm could close it again.

• Occupy South Lake Tahoe is meeting at the Raley’s at the Y on Dec. 1 at noon.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (15)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: November 29, 2011

    What is OSLT going to be doing? Trying to interfere with people trying to do their grocery shopping? The only people these “occupy” folks hurt is every day middle class and poor people who are trying to work and take care of their families. Raley’s at the Y is just a store, it isn’t corporate headquarters. The people who work there and shop there are not rich, nor influential.
    PLEASE get a clue.

  2. I' m a prisoner caught in a cross fire says - Posted: November 29, 2011


    Unity with real people better than the blogs.
    You never know who you might meet there.

  3. sunriser2 says - Posted: November 29, 2011

    Great, as if traffic and parking isn’t bad enough already.

    Might have to walk over and buy something just to spite them.

    Would be nice to see some of them bring up spacifics. Almost all of the Wall Street firms gave press releases claiming they were well capitalized days or weeks before they went under.

    Maybe show how much the firms gave to pol’s inculding the pres.

  4. thimesnv says - Posted: November 29, 2011

    I can’t wait to hear what their gripes are with Raley’s. It is not a corporation traded on Wall Street. It is a regional family-owned grocery. They have won national awards for their customer service & green initiatives.

    Have they run out of ideas already?

  5. TON Y COLOMBO says - Posted: November 30, 2011

    while oslt is at raley’s, i noticed the diy store is hiring-………….

  6. I' m a prisoner caught in a cross fire says - Posted: November 30, 2011

    GONG TO BE A COLD BUNS GATHERING,DRESS WARM,Bring some hot butter rum,fur cups for the Big Rocks,lined Boulder Slings FOR ALL YOU MOTHERS..

  7. Robert says - Posted: November 30, 2011

    The OSLT people should go to the HOLE and occupy it! They won’t block traffic there.

  8. the conservation robot says - Posted: December 1, 2011

    It says they are meeting there… not occupying or protesting.
    Me read good.
    Seriously how do you get ‘they are protesting Raleys’s’ from this sentence:
    “Occupy South Lake Tahoe is meeting at the Raley’s at the Y on Dec. 1 at noon.”


  9. the conservation robot says - Posted: December 1, 2011

    Here’s a deal.
    If the Occupy people do not protest Raleys tomorrow you must all admit that you are morons.
    If they do protest Raleys tomorrow, I will attend their next protest, and call them all morons.

  10. dogwoman says - Posted: December 1, 2011

    Well, Raley’s doesn’t HAVE a convention center or a meeting room. So the fact that they are “meeting” at Raley’s implies more. Unless they’re all just going for donuts next door. . .

  11. admin says - Posted: December 1, 2011


    Stop calling people morons. Your name calling is old and we’re all tired of it. Attack ideas, not people.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  12. dogwoman says - Posted: December 1, 2011

    OSLT never showed. Maybe they’re all on Tahoe time and they’re LATE.
    Or else the bitter cold wind is too much for them.
    Either way, I’d have to say they’re pretty woossy.

  13. the conservation robot says - Posted: December 1, 2011

    Then what else are they?
    They read the sentence. “Occupy South Lake Tahoe is meeting at the Raley’s at the Y on Dec. 1 at noon.” and conclude that they are protesting Raleys.
    That is completely illogical and demonstrates a lack of reading comprehension. Middle school students would understand why this logic is poor.
    How about ‘The conclusion that the Occupy people are protesting Raleys based on the information given is moronical’

    Implies something more? No, that is in your head.
    Evidence why Raleys is simply a meeting place:
    Everyone knows where it is
    It is at a central location
    It is located near a major node of public transportation
    There is food
    There is coffee
    There is parking
    It is near a major intersection, incase there plan is to stand near it with signs
    They never said they were protesting Raleys

    Evidence for why they are protesting Raleys:
    Dogwoman said so

    So the time has come, and now they are either protesting Raley’s.
    Or not.

    So whose conclusions were irrational and demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension…
    As if it matters, they will just go along with their lives, forgetting their errors, not learning. And meet up next week to grunt in support of something that is untrue.

  14. the conservation robot says - Posted: December 1, 2011

    What we just witnessed here is part of the Rush Limbaugh syndrome. You quote something, and then just start talking about it, projecting your own political view of what you think these people are. Even when it is not true. And no one takes a step back to say ‘wait a minute, given the information they just told us, can make make this conclusion?’.
    And they all get fired up. And they would be right. If the Occupy people were meeting at Raleys to protest Raleys, everything they said would be completely justified and true.
    BUT THEY ARE NOT PROTESTING RALEYS. And there is no evidence in that one single sentence given that they were ever going to protest Raleys.

    And everyone who didn’t read this and didn’t bother to follow up, will go around for the rest of their lives thinking that the Occupy people protested Raleys….. sinking further in to conservative delusion.
    WAKE UP. People are manipulating you.