Book proves why eating locally makes a difference


By Kathryn Reed

“Voting with your fork” is a phrase author Jasia Steinmetz uses that resonated with me over and over again as I read “Eat Local: Simple Steps to Enjoy Real, Healthy & Affordable Food”.

How we spend money on food does make a difference in what stores carry and restaurants serve. We have a right to ask store managers and restaurant owners to stock and use local products. Not only do we have that right, some would argue it’s an obligation.

In many ways this paperback is a resource guide to eating locally and healthfully. It’s not necessarily something to read night after night – but instead in bits and pieces. The chapters are short. After all, there are 45 of them in 186 pages.

Those chapters are then divided into six sections: Introduction, Eat Local: Finding Local Food, Saving Money with Local Food, Eat Well, Join the Local Food Movement, and Appendices.

It’s a great starting point for anyone looking to make a change in how they buy food or who wants to know reasons why they should. It also has good reminders for those already on the path to healthy eating.

It’s about knowing where food comes from before it reaches the grocery store.

This book is all about why eating locally is important. And local comes with different definitions. It could be within 100 miles of where you live or your own state or country.

One of the main points is just getting people to be aware of where food is from. Then it explains how eating what is in season is how our ancestors did it for centuries, and how farmers’ markets are an ideal place to learn about the seasons of food.

“Rather than consume food, we eat food products that may have come from a plant or animal at one time, but are barely recognizable as anything from nature,” Steinmetz writes.

Even though Steinmetz is a professor of food and nutrition at the University of Wisconsin, I did not feel lectured to. I liked the common sense approach to the book.

But some alarming facts were brought forward:

• “U.S. agriculture production is dominated by large farms, i.e., farms with gross sales of $250,000 or more. These farms contribute 80% of the value of production although smaller farms own 63% of the farmland.”

• “One-third of the children born in 2000 are expected to develop diabetes in their lifetime.”

• “Current food production accounts for 35% of the greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change.”

• “We have lost 6,000 varieties of apples in the last century, largely because of narrow commercial production and retailing.”




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Comments (4)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    We have a right to ask store managers and restaurant owners to stock and use local products. Not only do we have that right, some would argue it’s an obligation.

    Who would argue such nonsense? You can’t force private businesses to acceed to your personal will, though the government certainly is trying more and more. Grocery stores and restaurants are in business to make money, not just to satisfy the whims of the politically correct. How “local” can our food be in TAHOE in WINTER? Sure, most of our better restaurants do try to support “local” farmers. But if you really want to be a locavore, best move to the central valley.

  2. snoheather says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Dogwoman- Your comment really doesn’t make sense. You most certainly can “force private businesses to acceed to your personal will”. Private businesses are in it to make money so if people don’t spend money at their business then you are in a sense asking that they sell what you desire. The article clearly states that asking for local items could mean that they are coming from the same state or even country. So often produce at the stores comes from Mexico or South America. Seriously, what is wrong with wanting produce to come from our own country?

  3. Jenny says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    Thank you for this article.

    “Rather than consume food, we eat food products that may have come from a plant or animal at one time, but are barely recognizable as anything from nature”…

    Our buying habits do determine what our grocery store will stock. Packaged sweet, salty, and fatty foods hook people in an addictive way. I think some education & awareness is needed in order to help people break away from unhealthy eating choices. It won’t come instinctively.

    We’re so fortunate to live in California where all seasons bring fresh, tasty veggies & fruits. I look forward to the foods that each new season brings and encourage local growers by buying their produce. And, nothing tastes better!

  4. local girl says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    Thanks Kae! We do have a lot of very good local seasonal food here in Tahoe. And when we don’t, food from less than 200 miles away in the central valley is much less petroleum intensive than food flown from another continent, for those who care about how much petroleum their food uses. Greater availability of local and nearby food in our markets helps our neighboring farmers and local distribution systems.
    And here in Tahoe, good food does grow. I picked my last fresh spinach for salad on Nov. 19th and my last fresh greens for soup on Nove. 30th.
    Thank you for continuing to promote the nutritional, economic and environmental value of local food.