RAOK: Friendship is about giving back
Carla Zezula knows how to make a friend’s day — just ask Mike Patterson. He nominated Carla for the good deeds she has done while he’s laid up with a broken ankle.
As Lake Tahoe News’ latest Random Acts of Kindness winner, Carla is receiving an hour of digital ad creation through KizmeTech.
What kindness have you witnessed, received or done? Tell us about it and you will be in the running for a prize from one of the many Lake Tahoe businesses that are part of Random Acts of Kindness.
Although the prizes are great, the whole point of RAOK is to promote kindness, recognize it, spread it, say thank you, slow down, maybe even be a little less caustic and critical.
Write as many times as you like. The promotion is going on throughout January. Previous RAOK stories may be accessed via the Random Acts of Kindness tab at the top of the page.
There are a few rules associated with Random Acts of Kindness. If you want to read them, check out this story.
I dropped my coffee at Starbucks this morning. After cleaning myself and the mess up I was about to get in line to get another one when someone I don’t know (and I was way to flustered to ask him his name) handed me a cup that he said he bought me. I just want to publicly say thank you to him. I don’t want a prize. I wish he oculd get it.
I’m nominating Lisa H. for all she does for a friend of hers who is dealing a serious medical issue. She arranges for rides, makes sure she is up every morning, brings her food, and does all things we would all want a friend to do if the tables were reversed. She does it without asking. She does it while still working and dealing with everything else she has going on her life. It’s true kindness.