California commission votes to protect 2 frogs


The California Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to designate two species of native frogs inhabiting high-elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada and Southern California mountain ranges as threatened and endangered species under the state’s Endangered Species Act.

Sierra mountain yellow-legged frogs are now protected as threatened species and Southern mountain yellow-legged frogs are designated as endangered.

“With formal state protection, California can start recovering an important part of mountain ecosystems to bring back formerly abundant amphibians,” Jeff Miller at the Center for Biological Diversity, which petitioned for state protection in 2010, said in a statement. “Taking out exotic trout and getting rid of pollutants to restore mountain yellow-legged frogs will have ripple effects beyond these species — it’ll help to heal some of the damaged high-elevation habitats of the Sierra and Southern California mountains.”

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (10)
  1. Bob says - Posted: February 6, 2012

    We’ll be having them for snacks if the US or Israel goes into Iran.

  2. Joe Stirumup says - Posted: February 7, 2012


    What will we have for snacks if Iran caries out it’s threat to eliminate Isreal?

  3. Bob says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    So Joe – you’re willing to have suicide bombers blow up America because of Israel? Don’t come into my foxhole. Matter of fact – move to Israel would ya.

  4. Maria Pielaet says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    Does anybody get that to do this they will eliminate golden trout from the higher elevation lakes where they thrive? So they are protecting one species, while eliminating another. Who made them god of the ecosystem? Ecosystems evolve: one cannot go backward, and we are arrogant to think that seemingly simple changes will lead in the expected directions. We just don’t know enough to know that…

  5. John says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    Maria, man put the fish into the lakes you are talking about. They didn’t just “evolve” as you put it (and I would not). I am struggling with the logic here. I tend to agree that saving the frogs is a waste of time but that has more to do with chytrid fungus. How is one action by man evolution, and another playing god?

  6. dogwoman says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    Man has been screwing around with his environment since God put him on earth. The paradise that was Hawaii has been infected with all sorts of human-introduced species that have wreaked havoc. Even if man doesn’t intentionally introduce new species into new environments, they frequently hitch-hike in secret. So it goes. The world evolves. The strong survive, the weak don’t. Man only has so much power to control that, and it is arrogant of him to think he is in charge.

  7. SmedleyButler says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    Just exactly when did God come down from the clouds and put man on earth? I know some people believe we didn’t evolve.. and in their individual cases I would heartily agree.

  8. X LOCAL says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    To Hell with the frogs, the next thing will be that you will not be able to even hike or camp in the Desolation Valley area or anywhere else in the National Forest and the Sierra’s.

  9. Sunriser2 says - Posted: February 7, 2012

    We close parks and cancel in home care for the elderly, but have the dollars for this?

  10. Alder says - Posted: February 9, 2012

    I am sick of this frog issue! I agree stop killing one species of animals for another! Alot of people go hiking in the mountains to go fishing! Not to go look at stupid frogs!! I am sure that even fraud/lair Gene St Dennis of Blue Ribbon Chaters on Lake Tahoe would agree. Never hire that guy!!!!